Category 168
Discussion List
How can I add validation to restrict duplicate conditions being added in a discount ruleHow can I add validation to restrict duplicate conditions being added in a discount rule ?
How to apply attribute based discount using item EFFI want to apply discount based on the item EFF. Below is the setup done. Can you please suggest if I have missed any setups?
Discount is not getting applied when sales Order has sales agreementSummary: Want to apply Custom discount on sales Order on top of the pricing details which are applied on sales order when sales agreement is referred on SO Content (plea…
Clarification on Functionality of "Manage Return Price List" in Oracle SCMHi, Issue: In the Oracle documentation, specifically: FA: SCM: Pricing: How Does The "Manage Return Price List" Work? (Doc ID 2624015.1) How To: Apply Restocking Fees on…
Need Sample Payload for Creating Price Charge with Matrix Header using REST APISummary: Need API URL and Sample payload to create New Price Charge with Matrix header for one Price Charge. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Price list chosen from customer ship to DFF conditionally based on FOBSummary: Requirement is to quote and price differently when customer requests pick up versus shipment. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Pri…
Unable to apply discounts on coverage item and do manual adjustments tooSummary: Unable to apply discounts on coverage item. Added coverage item in manage price list and defined prices under associated items triangle button. Added coverage i…
how to price engineer to order itemsSummary: Business Requirement: 80% of the items are ETOs. Each ETO (ship) is built in multiple phases and each ship is unique. No specific BOM. Once the work starts on o…
How do we create a price adjustment matrix through the Price Lists Import Batch FBDI?Summary: We are trying to find information detailing how to create a price adjustment matrix through the price list FBDI. We currently have thousands of individual items…
Default the Manual Adjustment Flag to YESSummary: Using Page customization to default the check box for 'Manual Adjustment Flag' under create charge of Price List using the Sandbox is not working( confirmed by …
24B feature Adjust Price According to the Item's Category functionality is not working as expectedHi All, While testing the 24B feature Adjust Price According to the Item's Category, at sales order creation we are getting error as Pricing : The attribute-based adjust…
While creating Sales order, Currency and price details are not getting populated for selected itemSummary: I am trying to create SO, but currency is not coming and price strategy is not determined. not even calculating the on hand stock It was working flow. Item pric…
Derive Pricing Segment based on Customer and Customer ship toSummary: Derive Pricing Segment based on Customer and Customer ship to Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our customer has different price fo…
Create pretransformation rule to default Pricing StrategySummary: Why not be able to create a pretransformation rule to default Pricing Strategy? That would be a go around Pricing error: The pricing strategy was not determined…
Derive pricing strategy based on BUSummary: hi Gurus, we have a requirement to derive strategy price list based on Business unit, if user has access to multiple BU how to set precedence for the below matr…
How to apply multiple discounts on items and customer combination in sales ordersSummary: We are trying to set-up two different discounts for one customer. The discount should be for all the ship to locations that are under Customer. When we entered …
Please confirm if we can use pricing algorithm to map value from customer into pricing profileSummary: Please confirm if we can use pricing algorithm to map value from additional customer attribute at the Customer Account Level into customer pricing profile - cus…
The Pricing Strategy was not determined for the current transaction - Steps to solutionI had to deal with this error and opened an SR without success. Here are the steps I followed based on pure logic. Reset Start Date at the same date and time (ie. 04:00)…
How to update multiple pricelist in single stepSummary: Update by Adding newly introduced item in all the pricelist using single file load except FBDI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We…
No matching pricing segment was found for the customer.Summary: No matching pricing segment was found for the customer. Content (required): we have configured a new business unit and we are trying to test all cycles and tran…
Can we use the FBDI template for loading Sales Order with Cost plus integration?Can we use the FBDI template for loading Sales Order with Cost plus integration? When we are trying to create Sales order with cost plus integration, its failing. howeve…
price list based on the formulasSummary: hi In Oracle fusion pricing i am looking for a Price based on the formula Price per variable A = X* 100 ( X is a Variable) Price per variable A + (Price per var…
List Price is coming from different fields of the same table QP_MATRIX_RULESSummary: We need a report displaying Price lists, Base Price, List Price & Customer details. We have observed that List Price is coming from different fields of the same…
How to define price adjustment matrix for coverage itemSummary: We have a requirement where we want to define Price adjustment matrix for the Coverage item like software maintenance.Here Item sales product type in the Produc…
How to define the tiers for coverage item like Software maintenance or Extended WarrantySummary: We have a requirement where we want to define the Tiers for the Item for which sales product type is either Extended warranty or software maintenance Content (p…
Facing Error While Overriding Price ListSummary: Hi We have a requirement where We have Pricelist defined on Customer Ship to Site. Which we are fetching from Customer Ship to Site and Overriding that Pricelis…
How to control Pricing UOM while creating Discount ListSummary: Hi Team, How can we control Pricing UOM field while creating Discount List. Currently it shows all the UOM present in the system. User requirement is that only …
how to assign bulk items to existing pricelistis there a way to bulk assignment of items to the pricelist. Note: items and pricelist both are created in the system but we want to assign the items to pricelist. if it…
add months to date in groovySummary: How to add months to current date in OM-OSMC algorithm groovy script Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, I have a require…Paresh Mundra 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management