Category 170
Discussion List
Clear Receipt Accrual Balances Automatically by Rule is not workingSummary: We have created Accrual clearing account rule with the condition as "AccrualLine.PO Status.toUpperCase() is "Closed" with Action as assert new: ClearAccruals Af…
Unable to Patch for Trade Operation PO Schedule using REST APISummary: Unable to Patch for Trade Operation PO Schedule Content (required): Customer is getting Error: "404 not found" while updating Landed Cost PO Schedule using REST…
standard cost not updatedSummary: Content (required): Hi, I have defined a cost scenario and updated the standard cost of an item. Standard cost is not getting updated either in the "Review Item…
Invalid Journal Entries for all the inventory transactionsSummary: Invalid journal entries of all inventory transactions Content (required): While running the Create costing accounting, I noticed that all inventory transactions…
Transfer priceSummary: Is there a way to define transfer price for IMT between inventory organizations in the same business unit? Content (required): Version (include the version you …
How to reduce figure in accrual account in TB as at a particular period.Summary:$1m is showing in accrual account in TB as at Dec-21. Is it possible to reduce the figure as at Dec-21 now that we are in Apr-22. We have identified some POs tha…
Does the Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing process pick up transactions for all BU's?Summary: Customer user is running Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing which is picking up all transactions including those of Cost Org that they don't have a…
Possibility to avoid inventory revaluation with standard cost methodSummary: Asking if it is possible to avoid the inventory adjustments when publishing a new standard cost. Content (required): Hi all, I'm looking for some assistance to …
Include from Rollup Costing option on an Item greyed out for Inv OrgsSummary: Include from Rollup Costing option on an Item greyed out for Inv Orgs. Content (required): We make decisions about including or excluding an item from rollup at…
Need to clear inventory valuation of valuation type = ExpenseSummary: Need to clear inventory valuation of valuation type = Expense. There are transactions which are falling under past months like January and the periods are close…
TRANSFER_CREDIT - Cost Component - ClarificationSummary: We have errors reported under Create Cost Accounting Distributions ESS Jobs and the Log details reports the following errors: Processor__________Type___________…
Why does the Receiving Inspection Account have a line type of Debit for 'Deliver to Expense' class?Summary: On receiving the expense item, an entry for Receive and another for Deliver is created. For Receive, the receiving inspection account is debited and Accrual acc…
how to adjust bulk item costs in costingSummary: in cost accointing, is there any option to do bulk item cost adjustments. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): cloud …
Drop Shipment process with CostingSummary: What costing method to use with Drop Shipment items? Content (required): The client has a separate set of Drop-Shipments items, that are not transacted in Inven…
Compare Standard Costs screen should show all rows and not be limited at RevaluationSummary: Compare Standard Costs screen should show all rows and not be limited at Revaluation Content (required): We will occasionally do revaluation for groups of items…
Report to show accruals created against each business unitSummary: We have 100+ procurement business units . During the period close (period end accruals) , it is difficult to run the un invoiced receipt accrual report for each…
Account rule is not showing under subledger journal entry segment rule - Cost AccountingSummary: we have created a account rule (segment) in Receipt accounting where we are using a source as DFF from Project Costing with a condition. And tried adding it in …
Review Inventory Valuation (Structure Code)Summary: Content (required): Hi, Earlier to the 22A release, under the Review Inventory Valuation page, we were able to find only one Valuation structure code i.e."Asset…
If we update the Account Segment of the Mapping Sets can we replace it on the Already Accounted TranSummary: Content (required): If we update the Account Segment of the Mapping Sets can we replace it on the Already Accounted Transactions. Eg: We used the some other Acc…
How to change the cost center on a transaction that is fully costed.Summary: Hi, we processed an Account Alias Issue for an item but it turns out the account alias has an inactive cost center assigned to it. This is causing errors in the…
Seller profile in business unit party relationshipsSummary: We wish to do intercompany material transfers without generating any invoices but at some specific price based on item, from and to org combination. I am able t…
Costing Period Close Process StepsSummary: Hello Experts, Can anyone help me by providing Costing period close process steps document ( Screen shot /PPTs) Content (required): Can anyone help me by provid…
Add tax to the Item CostSummary: We have a requirement where we want the tax calculated to be included in costing. Content (required): We have a requirement where we want the tax calculated to …
Tax not defaulted on creation of Transfer Order from requisitionSummary: Transfer Order created from requisition. However taxes were not defaulted from the requisition in the Transfer Order. As per knowledge management, it has been m…
Defining Cost ElementsSummary: Please share your experience - if its recommended to have cost elements(Material, Resource, Overhead, Material Overhead, etc.,) defined separately for each refe…
Receipt AccountingSummary: Receipt Accounting Content (required): We normally generate these five processes below each month for receipt accrual. However, process 1 was generated before t…
Assigning Cost Book to Cost OrganizationsSummary: Hi Experts, We have two cost organizations associated with two business units that belongs to the same legal entity and ledger. I would like to know whether sin…
How do we define a noncosted item?Summary: Can someone tell me how do we define a non-costed item in Fusion? with navigation if possible? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, i…
How to clear accruals where receipt qty > invoice qty and invoicing is completeSummary: Let's say I've received and accrued a qty of 5 EA but I've only been invoiced for a qty of 1 EA. The PO and invoice is from 1 year ago and I know I will never g…
query to fetch standard cost and actual cost of a purchase itemSummary: Hi Guru's, We have a requirement to create BIP report that will fetch accounting entries from all subledgers. Additionally when the entry is purchasing(i.e. PO …