Category 170
Discussion List
Preventing resource charging in a closed periodSummary: Inventory Management has a profile option that validates the dates and prevents users from transacting in a closed Costing Period. Is there a similar functional…
Does Perpetual Average Cost consider PO Return to Vendor as a cost owned transaction?Summary: It is important for the business to understand if either Perpetual average cost method and Periodic one (PAC - introduced with release 22B) consider PO Return T…
What is impact of running Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accrual prior to end of month/AP close?Summary: We are trying to understand the impact if the Receipt accrual was run in mid month. Will the accrued receipts entry showing up in Receipt accounting distributio…
Inventory transactions accounting summary report to match with GL balanceSummary: Inventory transactions accounting summary report to match with GL balance Content (required): We have a report requirement to see the account distribution summa…
Cost distributions are not being createdSummary: We are testing some of the process flows in our test server and created about 8 SOs but for some reason, we are not able to create Cost distributions for those …
Material Account Distribution ReportSummary: Does the Material Distribution Report exist in Oracle Cloud Content (required):Is there an equivalent of the Material Account Distribution Report that was in EB…
Not able to associate PO to Trade Operation documentSummary: Hello, I have created a PO and a trade operation document for same BU. Also ran "Prepare material purchase order data" process, but I am not able to select the …
cost adjustment API can we upload perpetual average cost batchSummary: need to upload perpetual average cost batch using cost adjustment API , is it possible or still applicable to upload actual and receipt cost layers only Content…Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle Costing
Can we update item cost by using API when the cost method is Moving AverageSummary: We have a situation and want to update the Item Cost by using API and our cost method is Moving average Content (required): Version (include the version you are…
Simplify our costing rollup processes by making all costing changes effective the 1st of the monthSummary: Simplify our costing rollup processes by making all costing changes effective the 1st of the month Content (required): We are trying to simplify our costing rol…
Costing at Item Serial LevelSummary: Content (required): We have a requirement to define the cost of an item at the serial level. The cost profile we are planning to execute is a combination of the…
Switch from FIFO to Standard CostingSummary: Our Manufacturing client is currently using Actual (FIFO) costing method in their legacy system. They want to move to Standard Costing method in Oracle Cloud ER…
By-product in Discrete ManufactingSummary: Looking for a workaround to account for a byproduct at every operation on a discrete manufacturing work order Content (required): Looking for a workaround to ac…
Item Serial Level CostingSummary: Content (required): We have a requirement to capture item costs at a serial level for a set of items. The requirement is as follows : For all items which are un…
Costing Granularity levelSummary: Costing Granularity Content (required): Hi, Can the item cost be tracked at project task level. Client has already implemented Oracle projects Version (include …
Cost for non Inventory itemSummary: We have a requirement to capture cost for professional service that we bill to customers. like for example Installation charges will be collected by the custome…
Looking for a way to pull the account from Order EFF to RMA Gain Loss Account for Non Rev OrderSummary: As per a customer requirement, for a Non Revenue Order (for which Invoice wont get created), we need to pull the value of RMA Gain/Loss Account (during RMA Reco…
Use of different cost method in different Cost Orgs under Primary Cost BookSummary: As per our global design, we are using the Standard Cost Method for all its region. But now, the client want to use Average Cost Method in Peru (due to govt. ma…
Receiving inspection contra entry accounting in cost mgmt. while creating a return to supplierSummary: In the "Return to Supplier" transaction following accounting is happening in cost management :- 1. Receiving Inspection -Debit 2.Inventory Valuation -Credit 3.C…
How to verify cleared accrual after running the clear Receipt AccrualSummary: How to verify cleared accrual setting up the accrual clear rule and running the clear Receipt Accrual Content (required): I have set up the rule and run the job…
Landed Cost Management for Transfer Orders and Drop ShipmentsSummary: Need to understand which upcoming release in Cost Management will have this feature available in Fusion Cloud Content (required):We understand that LCM function…
Clear Receipt Accrual Balances Automatically by Rule is not workingSummary: We have created Accrual clearing account rule with the condition as "AccrualLine.PO Status.toUpperCase() is "Closed" with Action as assert new: ClearAccruals Af…
Unable to Patch for Trade Operation PO Schedule using REST APISummary: Unable to Patch for Trade Operation PO Schedule Content (required): Customer is getting Error: "404 not found" while updating Landed Cost PO Schedule using REST…
standard cost not updatedSummary: Content (required): Hi, I have defined a cost scenario and updated the standard cost of an item. Standard cost is not getting updated either in the "Review Item…
Invalid Journal Entries for all the inventory transactionsSummary: Invalid journal entries of all inventory transactions Content (required): While running the Create costing accounting, I noticed that all inventory transactions…
Transfer priceSummary: Is there a way to define transfer price for IMT between inventory organizations in the same business unit? Content (required): Version (include the version you …
How to reduce figure in accrual account in TB as at a particular period.Summary:$1m is showing in accrual account in TB as at Dec-21. Is it possible to reduce the figure as at Dec-21 now that we are in Apr-22. We have identified some POs tha…
Does the Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing process pick up transactions for all BU's?Summary: Customer user is running Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Costing which is picking up all transactions including those of Cost Org that they don't have a…
Possibility to avoid inventory revaluation with standard cost methodSummary: Asking if it is possible to avoid the inventory adjustments when publishing a new standard cost. Content (required): Hi all, I'm looking for some assistance to …
Include from Rollup Costing option on an Item greyed out for Inv OrgsSummary: Include from Rollup Costing option on an Item greyed out for Inv Orgs. Content (required): We make decisions about including or excluding an item from rollup at…