Category 210
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RF-Text: Putaway - Split LPN Into Active Locations behaviorHello, When the RF screen RF-Text: Putaway has the parameter multi-sku-lpn-mode defined as "Split LPN Into Active Locations" is it expected to send inventory to an activ…Jeferson_Matoso 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Questions around the pre-built integration for Supplier ASN/ASBNSummary: While going through the documentation related to the pre-built integration for Supplier ASN/ASBN, we came across two main questions. Please find below the quest…Celine Nader 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Carl_Ferreira-Calvet_01 Warehouse Management
Lock codes that can be allocatable for certain orders, and un-allocatable for other ordersSummary: Ability to allocate inventory in WMS with 1 lock code applied to it for inter-facility transfer orders, and not for customer orders. Content (required): Current…
RF Pack NC Active Order ModuleSummary: As per the existing configuration of the RF Pack NC Active Order screen, if a task has multiple active picks RF is not prompting for OBLPN for each pick. We exp…
Can a call through an Entity API affect performanceSummary: My Client wishes to schedules data extracts via a number of Entity API's (Order/Location/Container/Inventory API). The extract will be scheduled to run every si…
Forget Password on login screenSummary: Unlike SaaS ERP we do not have Forget Password option on the login screen Content (required): Unlike SaaS ERP we do not have Forget Password option on the login…Ashraf Bilal.R 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Movement Request being affected by ORD_DTL_BLANK_INVN_ATTR_IS_WILDCARD company parameterHello, I noticed that the movement request is being affected by the company parameter "ORD_DTL_BLANK_INVN_ATTR_IS_WILDCARD". If I define this parameter as "NO", it requi…Jeferson_Matoso 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Prebuilt Integration DiffSummary: What is the prime difference between INV-WMS - Receipt Advice for RMA as Inbound Shipment and INV-WMS - Receipt Advice Content (required): What is the prime dif…
Put Away calc rule for Permanent item Assignment locationSummary: Hi, Can we write Put Away calc rule such that system suggest put away location of an item for which Permanent item Assignment location is defined. Content (requ…Ashraf Bilal.R 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Application to be used in the RF deviceSummary: Hi, I have read several documents where in which it says Oracle WMS supports Telnet (SSH) based RF applications and suggest emulators such as Velocity. We have …Ashraf Bilal.R 72 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Beth Crepeau- Support - Oracle-Oracle Warehouse Management
RF Putaway not Showing IBLPN QuantitySummary: Hello, Anyone knows why the quantity of the IBLPN isn't displayed on the RF screen while doing a Putaway? For some reason, it does display it in our Test instan…France Nantel 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Auto generate To OblpnSummary: How to Auto generate To Oblpn on Repack RF screen Content (required): How to Auto generate To Oblpn on Repack RF screen Version (include the version you are usi…Ashraf Bilal.R 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
How to find detailed reportingSummary: We have a user asking how to find reserve inventory locations in WMS reporting. They would like to see all locations an item is in and what types of location it…Chris Mikuljan 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Order Status In packingSummary: Hi, There are several orders with status as "In packing". How to pack them? Content (required): Hi, There are several orders with status as "In packing". How to…Ashraf Bilal.R 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Is there any standard API that supports partial acceptance/rejectionSummary: Is there any standard API that supports partial acceptance/rejection for inspection from a 3rd party inspection system to WMS. Content (required): Business want…Manisha Shrivastava 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
How to run outbound interfaces in Cloud WMS?Summary: How to run outbound interfaces in Cloud WMS? Content (required): How to run outbound interfaces in Cloud WMS? Version (include the version you are using, if app…
Need additional filter in Oracle WMS Cloud REST API- wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/oblpnSummary: We are using Oracle WMS Cloud REST API- 'wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/oblpn' to get Sales Order Picked/Shipped location based on LPN Number. Since one LPN has large am…Surendra Gupta 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Recommended Telnet Apps for Oracle WMS with RF DeviceSummary: I am looking for recommendations for a Telnet app to be used with Oracle WMS on a Zebra or Honeywell RF Device. I am aware of Velocity. Are there other apps tha…Micah Poe 63 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Is possible to define a default shipment type for "Create ASN" from Order Header screen?Summary: Is there a way to define a default Shipment Type for ASN created by clicking the Create ASN button from the Order Header UI? We would like to define a shipment …Jeferson_Matoso 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prasanna Radhakrishna Warehouse Management
API to upload file and submit interface in Cloud WMSSummary: I am looking for any API that i can use to upload the interface files (excel or xml) to Cloud WMS system and then trigger appropriate interface. Could you pleas…Arun Bangalore 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prasanna Radhakrishna Warehouse Management
WMS - Need table description with field data type/lengthSummary: We need the length if Item Description for an integration code in Item table. Does anyone know how/where to find this information? Content (required): Item tabl…Sudha Vallabhaneni-283769 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prasanna Radhakrishna Warehouse Management
Set different SFTP directory for different reportsSummary: We have multiple reports that need to be scheduled to different directories in the external SFTP folder. We have done the scheduled job for each report at diffe…
Xdock planning on OWMS and OTMSummary: The customer wants to have xdock operations for transfer orders and customer orders. For instance: they issue a transfer order from Facility A to Facility C, bu…
Is it possible to include item and qty for IBLPN Route Instruction?Summary: Looking to add item and qty to route instruction output. 3rd party inv storage system requires it as input. Content (required): Looking to add item and qty to r…
How to add field validations or make specific fields mandatorySummary: How to add field validations or make specific fields mandatory Content (required): Our operators need to capture certain extra data in WMS so the system can sen…Harold Kerckhaert 111 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Harold Kerckhaert Warehouse Management
Exception invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'LPN'Summary: Exception invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'LPN' error while defining the selection criteria on Task Template UI. Selection criteria Allocation UOM=LPN C…Ashraf Bilal.R 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Outbound Audit Count (Quantity Prompt) via UI ScreenSummary: Is there a functionality available in UI screen to prompt for quantity when scanning the item in the packing station? Content (required): Is there a functionali…Pavan13 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Bypass picking step for parcel manifesting & LTLSummary: Is it possible to skip the picking step in the system and proceed directly into packing/palletization step to pack/palletize the (physically) picked items into …Pavan13 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Need link for WMS RF EmulatorSummary: I am looking to get the link for Cloud WMS RF device emulator for demo purpose. Content (required): I am looking to get the link for Cloud WMS RF device emulato…Arun Bangalore 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
How to Transfer stock from facility X (MFG Org - Non WMS Enabled ) to Facility Y (WMS Enabled org)Summary: How to Transfer stock from facility X (MFG Org - Non WMS Enabled ) from Fusion to Facility Y (WMS Enabled org)in WMS ? We have referred a Note ID-WMS - Fusion I…V_831639 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management