Category 218
Discussion List
Redwood: Source code for Redwood templatesHi Team, I'm currently in the process of creating a new account list panel that extends the same options, features, layout, and CSS as the existing panel. How can we acc…
oj-sp-calendar component: How to set a single monthSummary: We are using a calendar component in our page and every time when we load the calendar its defaulting to the current month. Instead we want to default it to the…
Downloading an excel file from object storage is corrupted.Summary: Unable to open the excel file downloaded from the Object Storage. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, I am facing an issue w…
Oracle Visual Builder Studio not Loading ProperlyI am using Oracle VBS for development for some time now. From last Monday I am facing regular issues while loading VBS. Some time it take very long time to load, and som…
Table columns flickers when the drawer expands/collapseSummary: Table columns flickers when drawer expands/collapse Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, I have a table with a drawer on the …Vignesh Viswanath-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
What is the Max Number of records allowed in VB Excel Plug-in?Summary: What is the Max Number of records allowed in VB Excel Plug-in? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am in the processing of selling …
Open Hyperlink from Shell page Concatenated with the VBCS PageSummary: How to Open the emp-detail page Hyperlink from the VBCS Page URL using on Click Event : We have added this Hyperlink in the Root pages →Shell Page as below . Bu…
VB & Creating Innovative User Experience for Fusion Cloud Applications Scheduled ProcessesSummary: hi this was a very interesting article … is it possible VB standalone apps could have a similar method for scheduling processes with VBS? Content (please ensure…
Steps to implement Mentions feature using Rich Text Editor in VBCSSummary: Anyone implemented the Mentions feature using Rich Text Editor (oj-sp-input-rich-text-2) in VBCS, please help. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
VB Studio build job using GitHubSummary: Is it possible to connect to GitHub to package the app using VB Studio build job for CI/CD. I know Git repository which comes with VB Studio is free and makes s…
Service Worker Failed error while implementing offlineI am implementing offline feature to my visual builder application. I did everything as described in this blog. . After completed everything, I tested it. It is working …
Select Single is returning Index rather than Key ValueSummary: My ADP based Select Single is returning index number instead of returning the key value. The key values in my ADP are all unique. Content (please ensure you mas…
How to add Error/ Warning Message to Individual Components ;Summary: We want to show a Pop Up Error Message for Input Text Boxes , Input numbers not Entered Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (…
Long running Action chainsSummary: Hi! From past comments i see that to run long Action Chains without holding the user, we can fire custom events and listeners. Also we can use the Batch API to …
how can i customize build job such that single build job can deploy any visual builder appsSummary: Hi Experts I'm trying to deploy multiple applications with different build jobs (package and deploy) for each app. But as the number of apps are growing I'm fac…
Radio Button Set is not Populating Data when bound to a VariableI am facing an issue while working with Radio Button set in VBS, Please find below steps I did. I added a type in page level. 2. I created a array variable of the above …
Visual Builder Add-in for Excel - Response: 504: Gateway Time-outSummary: I am using Visual Builder Add-in for Excel with Oracle Fusion REST API (Type: "Oracle ADF REST Resource")…
Offline PWASummary: Rest call in Offline PWA retunes an error. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have PWA webapp with call to some OIC integrati…
Which Application role is required to access published Visual Builder applicationSummary: Hi Team, Based on oracle document, it says, end user needs to have "Service User" role to access published application. But we are able to access VBCS published…
How to perform SAST and DAST scan on VBCS and APEX applicationIs there a way to do a vulernability test on the VBCS applicaiton and run Static and Dynamic Application Security Test and which tool is prefered to run this test ?
How to delete the remote branch in VBSSummary: Hi Experts I want to delete the remote branch created in Git repo with visual builder studio but not finding any option, could you please help me @Shay Shmeltze…
VBS Deploy job failingSummary: My Visual Builder Studio deploy job has started failing with error: Error: Unable to obtain an access token from the user credentials in this build step. Make s…
I have one Application with 3 views as icons at the top each icon with its own sub componentsSummary: Application has 3 views as icons and each icon navigates in the same page its own components ( Tables LOV etc ). Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Usages of a variable / action chainSummary: hi! I'd like to view the usages of a variable, or of an action chain… i could see that under variables / usages and action chains / usages for a while, but perh…
Redwood Override CSS for READ ONLY Text FieldsSummary: Content (required): I have attached a sample application where I am using the redwood-override.css file to override some of the CSS properties of text fields. O…
VBS: Edit Data Grid cell values not working as expected using mouse clickSummary: We are facing unexpected behavior in Data Grid. The extension is deployed is two different POD with same source code. In POD1, it is working fine with tab out a…
How to solve can't upload any file in the file picker ?Summary: Everytime i upload a file in file picker it gives me null no file was uploaded how to solve it
oj-c-select-multiple component behaves different from the cookbookSummary: Hi, I am implement oj-c-select-multiple component, but when i select any values from drop-down first and then try to search other values are typing it in compon…
VB & APEXSummary: Hi! Would it be feasible / useful to have VB + APEX as a combined solution using a single ATP db? VB for the UI, and APEX for reporting and some batch data func…
want to attach an excel file to hyperlinkSummary: hi, I am trying to attach an excel file to a hyperlink in VBCS. I read object storage approach but that is not working for me. Content (please ensure you mask a…