Category 218
Discussion List
How to make footer non stickySummary: When we add footer from a fragment - shell footer, it is always sticky, how do we make it non static and flow with the page and diaplay at the bottom. Tried mul…
How to assign SDP data to ADP In vbcs?For paging control instead of ADP i need to Map via SDPHow to assign SDP data to ADP In vbcs?For paging control instead of ADP i need to Map via SDP
Minimize icon in DialogSummary: Hi, Is it possible to have minimize icon besides close icon in dialog. My use case is, I want to minimize the dialog after launching it. Also bring it up whenev…
how to handle if condition within form layout when the value changes on button clickSummary: Hi Experts i have a save button in my page on click of which request id variable value is generated and in page the form layout if condition must update and swi…
How to change the color of button with custom colorsSummary: Hi Experts How to change the color of buttons to red, green, yellow,...etc. I dont find an option in the button attributes in vbcs UI. Please help Content (requ…
Integrate Other Chatbots in VBCS appSummary: Hi, Is it possible to integrate any other chatbot in VBCS app, like Streamlit or any other framework? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Export functionality in VBCS has extra quotes on first fieldsHello Experts, I am using the export functionality in VBCS to allow user to export the page data, but i noticed there is always double quotes on the first column, is the…
How to hide "Achieved Weight" in Goal Measurement in oracle fusion Goal ManagementSummary: We are not using the "Achieved Weight" field, so the customer wants it to be hidden. We attempted to hide it using VBCS but had no success, as the field is not …
How to restrict the file size in file pickerSummary: Hi Experts Is it possible to restrict the file from being uploaded using file picker component based on the file size ? I want to stop user from uploading the f…
Scan EAN13 or barcodes or other with vb.Summary: Hi all, I would thank for any help with the following: Just did a quick test with this blog: I have found this issue: After that I have gone with this blog @Dav…
How to implement editable table on table of type tree structureSummary: How to implement editable table on table type of tree structure Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, We have implemented ta…
Adding codemirror to VBS projectSummary: Hi Team I need some help adding 3rd party libraries - code mirror which is having multiple JS/CSS to my VBS project. Can someone share any reference? Content (p…sailesh_cloudare 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vignesh Viswanath-Oracle Visual Builder
How to design attcahed page in VBCS using RedwoodSummary: Hi, I am new to VBCS/Redwood. I am able to design basic create and edit form using Redwood template. However, i have a requirement to design a page in below for…
Required validation is not working while using BDP in editable tableSummary: When i keep input text blank it should change its border color to red but in my case its showing for few seconds and automatically disappear, i am following VBC…
oj-sample-export-data : CSV Export Issue with Long NumbersWe are facing an issue with the oj-sample-export-data component where CSV Compatibility is set to 'plain'. If the numbers are long, we are exporting data in the wrong fo…
How to change the background color of notification error message to yellow ,..etcSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to change the background color of the error notification to yellow, please help me how can i achieve this. I'm attaching my code…
VBCS cannot load design (the loading circle keeps running)Summary: Hi experts, the app works fine when i click preview. but when i want to edit keeps loading. i checked the developer tool (Console and network) the images are at…
How to dynamically add "integrationInstance" parameter to VBCS API calls to OIC Gen3?I have a VBCS application that connects to the factory OIC API for administrative tasks that the OIC admin UI doesn't handle well. This application was initially written…
Not able to Create/Access Business ObjectsSummary: From Oracle Cloud Applications Configuration →Visual Builder Created an Empty Project and then Created a space by selecting New Visual Application and created t…
How to add the row number in table custom column if the row number is not part of the ADP ?Summary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to add the row number to the table custom column, this row number is not part of the ADP but is there any way to populate the ro…
ORDS transform function to Filter LOVSummary: ORDS transform function to Filter LOV Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, I am using ORDS as source of data for all the LOV's…
Oracle VBCS application to have Keyboard shortcut to access button and menuHi All, I need to add Keyboard shortcut (hot keys)to access my button and inside menu item. As shown in below image, i want to access Other view options button and insid…
Displaying Contacts for a Specific Account in Oracle Sales Cloud Using VBCS ComponentHow can I display only the contacts associated with a specific account in Oracle Sales Cloud using a VBCS component? Any suggestions on how to do this, as well as a poss…
hi! is there any way to use a BO object trigger / field trigger to launch a VB Action Chain?Summary: hi! Is there any way to use a BO object trigger / field trigger to launch a VB Action Chain? So based on a specific update to a BO, we could invoke a VB Action …
ToolTip in Table data not displayingSummary: We have search page, and data is displaying using ADP variable in OJTable component. When we try to display tool tip using aria label or title it's showing blan…
weblogicSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Soap API connection to customer account service in Visual builder studio fa extension (CORS error)Summary: Hi, I'm looking at a fusion application extension that needs access to the AR Customer account and site. It seems that there is no REST API to do this and the o…
Smart Search page templateSummary: Hi, I am using smart search page template. Is there a way to remove the down arrow icon besides Page Title as highlighted in the screen shot attached. Content (…
ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTEDSummary: Hi team I am implementing a PWA application for physical inventory count. However, since it is a tablet application, it is common for the internet connection to…
How to remove the "Context Segment" field from Record external learning ESS Page.Summary: I have checked the Learn DFFs. The "Display type" under "Context Segment" is Hidden. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…Fatimah Salami 792 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by pravjain19 Visual Builder Studio for HCM