Category 218
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How to retrieve backend base url into variableSummary: I am using usual approach of defining Backends at app or tenancy level and defining Service Connections based on the backends. The REST calls are working fine, …
How can I convert a previously built app to RedWood themeSummary: Hi Experts I want to convert my previously built applications to make use of new RedWood theme, is this possible? Please share with me the steps to do the same …
Upgrade existing VBCS page to Redwood themeSummary: I have a very complex VBCS page developed 2 years back ( with no templet ( empty Application )used during development ) . Now customer is looking if the VBCS pa…
Edit header and line level data in VBCSSummary: I have headers and lines for a entity.. I have created editable table on headers data to make updates. now I want to update line of header as well based on some…
What are the limitations of using Visual Builder Studio free version ?Summary: I want to create a custom simple page using the free VBS that comes with Fusion 1- What are the limitations of VBS 2- Is it ok if i copied the link of the devel…
downloading .xlsm file with macrosSummary: Hi All, We are trying to download the .xlsm template file with MACRO from the Resources tab and then add the ADP data to it and then trying to download the same…
bulk uploadSummary: How can we bulk upload data from an excel. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
Data request timed out after 60,000 millisecondsSummary: few integrations failing with below error type": "vbcs://businessObjects/data/timeout", "title": "Request Timeout", "detail": "Data request timed out after 60,0…
I have an error to effect 24C new feature using VBSSummary: I am facing build error when i try to publish to effect a new 24C feature for HR Help Desk. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am …
Invalid Expression ErrorSummary: Hi All I am new to VBS. I have copied the createModelHRHDRule layout and added the fields 'Business Unit Name' and the 'BUOrg'. When I try to publish this chang…
Call OIC integration (REST) from groovy business objects-busines rulesSummary: Please, could someone provide a basic GROOVY sample showing how to call a REST (from OIC backend). Thanks in advance. Juan Content (please ensure you mask any c…
How to change the logo of PWA appSummary: I have enabled PWA of my web application and I want to change the logo of my mobile app in the mobile. I believe that the Resources Sample has the different siz…
How to create a dynamic form from ADPSummary: I have an ADP to whom data is coming from the rest endpoint of the Oic integration. I created a table using the ADP but the requirement was to create a form ins…
Unable to Retrieve Logged-in User in VBCS Application Integrated with Oracle FusionSummary: We have integrated our VBCS application with Oracle Fusion, but we are encountering an issue with fetching the logged-in user in the application variable. Curre…
Drawer Popup component not working fine.Summary: Hello Everyone, I am using a Drawer Popup component on my summary page. When I click the "Search" button, the variable associated with the Drawer Popup componen…
How can we keep a login Setup for VB standalone ApplicationHi @Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle "Referring to the video below, I have hosted my application on a local server. How can I set up a login system for the users?". Version (includ…
Editable Data Grid update not working as expected in latest VBCSSummary: I have a VBCS application page which provides an updatable Data Grid, and it was working well when going living a few months ago. Now in latest VBCS version, wh…
I have an error when deploying app using visual builder studioSummary: These are my config First with Packaging: And for Deploy: and the error appear when running deploy and it is (The build artifact does not appear to be a valid A…
Could not evaluate expression $packagepage.variables: ReferenceError: $packagepage is not definedHello Team, I am a beginner to VB and i have written a small java script which take two values as an input and return the sum of those two values. While executing that i…
Online Replay with Conflict Resolution offline toolkitSummary: In , i found snippet code that i could use to write a custom conflict resolution routine that would allow my user to decide better on resolution action. However…
Getting error when using Oauth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials to connect to fusion ERPSummary: I am trying to setup a a service connection to fusion ERP from Visual Builder (enabled within Gen3 OIC). Gen3 OIC and Fusion ERP are in the same domain. We crea…
Drag and Drop - Upload isn't working in PWA of the VBCS applicationSummary: I have created a webpage for uploading PDF and PNG files and storing them in object storage. I followed the below YouTube tutorial to accomplish this, and it wo…
I'm unable to play the audio captured from microphoneSummary: Hi Experts I'm unable to play the audio captured by the microphone in VBCS as I'm facing difficulty in mapping the audio recorded to the audio html tag. Please …
Change suggestion - expression builder for Sort parameter in REST requestTransformOptionsSummary: hi, for future consideration, could i please request that the Sort parameter have an expression builder just as the Filter parameter does, in the REST requestTr…
Is it possible to make all components in form layout read only based on condition ?Summary: Hi Experts Is it possible to make all components in form layout read only based on condition ? Please help Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
How to append input parameters to VBCS app linkSummary: Hi everyone i am doing like below but somehow not working /ic/builder/design/app/1.0.4/preview/webApps/vbcsApp/?page=shell&shell=flow1&flow1=page1¶m1=value1…
unable to copy the text within the table component on Windows computerSummary: Hi Experts I'm unable to copy the text from the table component in visual builder page, I'm using Windows computer and Google chrome browser Please help, custom…
Not able to create service connection from catalog in OIC Gen3Summary: Getting error while creating service connection from catalog Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to create service conn…VBCS Learner-230793 34 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Check if a fetched row exists in a Business ObjectHello, Please, I'm new to VBCS, and I am trying to implement a search page to show transactions from our ERP. Locally, I created a business object with a transactionId f…
Oracle Offline Persistence Toolkit - When in online mode not getting any GET response payloadSummary: I'm following blog recommendations (Adding Offline Capabilities to an Oracle Visual Builder Application), and post action works OK too when done in offline mode…