Category 222-2
Discussion List
OIC: Skipping Scope executionSummary: OIC: Skipping Scope execution Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Could anybody provide any information if it is possible to …
API for bulk import data into fusion using ERP Integration Services.I'm using SOAP API to load supplier data into fusion using ERP Integration Services. In this I'm getting the schedule job process id for load interface file for import. …
Issues with jobDetails portion of importBulkData SOAP callSummary: I am getting an 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error' whenever I try to make an importBulkData SOAP call. I have tried with 2 different import job processes with…
OIC Workday Adapter For Journal EntriesSummary: OIC Workday Adapter for Journal Entries to Oracle Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, we are trying to see if OIC predefined…
Salesforce SOAP Message Notification LimitSummary: We have an integration from Salesforce to Oracle SaaS using OIC . Outbound SOAP message with notifications were used to send the invoice lines to OIC. A single …
Upload Files to UCMHi Team, we have a use case where files need to be uploaded (FTP) from third party systems to UCM server. Know that webservices/Rest service is available to load the con…
Unable to pass parameters in ESS Job REST APISummary: I am trying to use ESS Job REST API to submit ESS Job requests from VBCS application. The PATCH operation of the REST API works fine , but it does not pass the …sksaran_5 112 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Venk Kudire- Support-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
How to run OIC end point in PostamanSummary: Hi how to run OIC end point url in Postman Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
Attachment is in BLOB FormatSummary: Hi As per screenshot, Attachment stored in DB in BLOB format. I need to read and attach the attachment in AP invoice using REST api. How to achieve? Content (pl…
jsPDF javascript library not allowing me to activate integrationSummary: Hi Experts I have created an integration which makes use of jsPDF library. I'm able to import the library into OIC and also i'm able to pass parameters to libra…
How "security" works for a "trigger and invoke" REST API connection?Summary: To my understanding, the Security for a "Trigger" REST API connection means the authentication requirement of the OIC connection (and peer system need to follow…
REST API concat in OIC giving extra characterSummary: I am calling a REST API:'4' I have used the REST API Adapter…
How to increment numberSummary: Hi I am trying create AP invoice using rest api. I want increment value 1 based on row in "getInvoiceLinesOutput" and then need to assigned value to Line number…
Attribute set for RegistrationNumber in entity PartyTaxProfileAM.TaxRegistration1 failedDid anyone encountered below error while updating Tax Registration Number using REST API in Fusion ? REST API --------------------- fscmRestApi/resources/…
How to convert date in desired formatSummary: Hi I am getting date 2024-03-20 in this format from VBCS page and need to convert this date in 20-MAR-2024 format and further need to send date to OIC. Input da…
How can we download all UCM file id's or file namesHow can we download all UCM file id's or file names in a text file that start with a name like for example DATA_
Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP WebserviceSummary: Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP Webservice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Team, We would like to know how the Availa…
Unable to read the response of Oracle BIP scheduler service ScheduleReportWSSService in OICHello Everyone, We are using below wsdl service to schedule a BIP report in oracle fusion cloud: WSDL : https://XXXXXX:443/xmlpserver/services/ScheduleReportWSSService?w…
API Gateway webservice from OICSummary: Need to connect Gen3 OIC webservice to API gateway. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are in need of published an API we build i…
How to submit ESS job and subscribe to callback event raised by Fusion with OIC using ErpIntegrationSummary: How to submit ESS job and subscribe to callback event raised by Fusion with OIC using ErpIntegration with submitESSJobRequest Content (required): I need to invo…
REST API invoke in OICHi There, I am creating REST service which will run EPM REST call and return one element from REST call response. 1) Service will get json load sample is in "sample_REST…
Append select dataSummary: Hi I am getting AP line data from SQL Query1 and based on condition need to merge SQL Query2 AP line data into SQL query 1 . Then need to Send AP line data to A…
Export an OIC Integration using APISummary: Oracle has a rest api for exporting iar file/s. /ic/api/integration/v1/integrations/{id}/archive curl code: curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' …
Can I process data in bulk using SOAP webserviceSummary: Processing Multiple sets of records in one go using SOAP Webservice. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement where …
OIC SOAP Adaptor - Generate envelope elementHi Team, I have a requirement to call IDT service to send purchase order data. But IDT service is mandated to have envelop outer tag like SOAP UI generated request paylo…
Document of Record REST API getting error outSummary: Hi Experts , we are using REST API to upload document of records using REST API with OIC. As we checked integration is erroring out with Error - The document co…Oracle PaaS Consultant-Oracle 101 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Harish Kumar Ambeer-Oracle Integration
Do we have Request payload for Creating unprocessed project cost for Multiple lines in PPM?Summary: Do we have Request payload for Creating unprocessed project cost for Multiple lines in PPM? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We ha…
BI Report read issue in OICSummary: When i am trying to read BI Report in oic using stage activity but getting error . attached xsd file for reference. Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
How to enable postman header field in OICSummary: Hi While doing Post activity , i need to enable Upsert-Mode =True . Now How i can do same thing in OIC Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Enhance REST call in OIC IntegrationSummary: Enhance REST call in OIC Integration Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm looking for some ideas on how I can improve the performa…