Category 333
Discussion List
How to make the DFF field visible in Asset addition?Summary: We have the FA Location key flexfield having 7 mandatory segments and few additional Information fields available. While addition assets , i want to make the at…
Get in contact with French localization teamSummary: Get in contact with French localization team Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, Anyone knows how can we get in contact with O…
FBDI load for mass asset addition will reject all the asset creation record, if there is any errorWhen loading the asset addition records using FBDI, if there is one incorrect record, all the remaining records are rejected by the interface. And logfile is only reflec…
Ran Depreciation and retired an asset in prior fiscal year but NBV is showing negativeSummary: Additional Depreciation posted after retirement causing negative NBV and since it is in 2021 can't reinstate the asset. Is there any way to make an adjustment o…
Need selection parameter criteria to select assets based on location or asset category to Mass impaiSummary: Need selection parameter criteria to select assets based on location or asset category to Mass impairment assets in bulk Client is expecting the same functional…
Is there a way to incorporate validation is asset physical location?Summary: Is there a way to incorporate validation is asset physical location? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version…
Delete asset retirement transactionSummary: Hi We have an assets whivh is fully retired. We also have this retirement hanging as imcomplete: How do I delete this retirement transaction? Content (required)…
Is there any REST API available to get all ASSET KEY from SYSTEM ?Summary: Is there any REST API available to get all ASSET KEY from SYSTEM ? I can get the values of Valueset defined for Asset Key, But there can be situation where Valu…
How to check employee email address in Fixed Assets?Summary: How to check if a particular employee email-id for Data conversion for Fixed Assets (in the MASS_ADDITION_DISTRIBUTION page) exist in the application? Content (…
How can we do Asset Source Line unit retirementHow can we do Asset Source Line unit retirement, I want to Retire Assets source Line through Unit retirement.
How to do the adjustment for FA Detail in the past periods for audit purposeSummary: Hi experts, We are in the cutover phase. We're going to go live in Jan-24. So we need to upload the balance as per Dec-23. Lets say, I uploaded the GL as per De…
How to adjust lease asset lifeSummary: We found that there is an asset with useful life 36 months in "Manage Lease", but the corresponding asset record in "Inquire Asset" is 6 years. When we try to "…
While creating a fixed asset, how can we derive the expense account from the categorySummary: We have a requirement to derive the expense account from category value the user inputs. Is there any back API/table which stores the relation between Asset cat…
Is it feasible to establish different amortization schedules for a single asset's cost?Is it feasible to establish different amortization schedules for a single asset's cost each determined by specific percentage cost? For example: 60% amortize from Jan-20…
Why did is there two journal batches for the same deprecation run?Hi there, In running 'create accounting' for all process events in FA, we ended up with 2 journal batches for depreciation. We ran depreciation at once, but resulted wit…
Can we derive the accounting entry of asset retirement based on retirement reasonUser's requirement is to derive the accounting entry for asset retirement-based on the retirement reason we select. This is possible in Oracle cloud fixed asset?
Same values for Asset Key getting imported 2 times with Success Message ?Summary: I am trying to import Asset key using REST API. It is successfully getting imported. But if I want to import same Value(trying to create duplicate entry) It is …
Cannot setup Depreciation Rates on Depreciation MethodSummary: Cannot setup Depreciation Rates on Depreciation Method Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We cannot setup Depreciation Rates on Depr…
periodic mass copy reportWe have 30+ Tax books and when we run the periodic mass copy for all the 30 books, we don't know for which book the mass copy is run unless i go to the process details -…
Can we add source lines to existing capitalized assets?Summary: Hi All, Currently, we are exploring the functionality to add source lines to existing capitalized assets. I believe adding source lines for Capitalized Assets i…
Asset Otbi Report with Po NumberHI Guys I have been developed OTBI Report for F Asset to Display (Asset Number, Asset Cost, Date Placed In Service, ETC) and i need To add PO Number but when added Po Nu…
Why we cannot adjust unit for lease assetSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our lease asset charges to 3 cost centers, unit depreciation expense account 0.9538 HK178 0.0257 …
update Descriptive Flexfield in Fixed asset through SpreadsheetSummary: update fixed assets descriptive flexfield through spreadsheet for existing assets. do we have any such kind of functionality where we can change the descriptive…
Is there any scenario where system stops to closed the Fixed Asset period?Summary: Fixed Asset can be closed even if there is an unaccounted transactions. Is there any scenario where system stops to closed the Fixed Asset period? Content (plea…
fully retired and reinstated asset details showing zeor value for net book value etc in the query.Hi, We have a query that fetches details of the asset like ytd_deprn, deprn_reserve, PTD_DEPRN, net book value and a few other columns. This query fetches all the detail…
Can we post the asset in current period but calculate the depreciation in next period?Summary: We have scenario where we want to capitalize the asset in open period but wants to calculate depreciation in next period. For example : Open period is Sep-23 an…
Manage Physical Inventory Access MissingSummary: I added the pre requisites and followed steps in How Does Function Asset Physical Inventory Work In Fusion? (Doc ID 2139408.1) The following were assigned to th…
REST API or webservice to get Fixed asset location segment valuesSummary: While creating a Fixed Asset we need to provide location segment values. As we are replicating the asset creation UI on vbcs, we are trying to find from where w…
REST API to get Manage Asset Location valuesSummary: I am looking for a REST API which will return all the Asset location values Country, State, County and City as defined in the below screenshot. Content (please …