Category 335
Discussion List
Expense Report Bank AccountSummary: Expense Report Bank Account Content (required): What is the rational why the currency is not added to the bank account form in expenses? Where reimbursement in …
How to create auto approval rule for a user (CEO).Summary: Expense reports for CEO needs to be auto approved. Content (required): Approval rules are set to bypass the Company owner and auto-approve. Expense rules are co…
Expense AuditSummary: Expense Audit Content (required): How to setup expense Type to only be audited if the expense is above a particular amount or it the expense violates the expens…
How to add cost centers in expense report approvals?Summary: Content (required): I need to setup approval rules by job level, cost center and approval limit amounts. Approvals with amount limits by job levels work fine, b…
How can we have more than 1 Template used for Credit Card InterfaceSummary: How to assign two different template for two different corporate program for the same business unit Content (required): Client has two credit card program with …
submitting expense report some people are not seeing button to submitSummary: submitting expense report some people are not seeing button to submit at top (we had them use other browsers but can't see submit button) Content (required): Ve…
Expense report approval by person delegatingSummary: our CEO has a delegate to create expense reports on his behalf. Recently the expense reports started to go to him for approval first before going to the first a…
Expense Report ErrorSummary: Content (required): How to resolve the error message below [ISSUE FOUND] There is no DEFAULT_CODE_COMB_ID for 6 assignment(s) row(s). L_ASSIGNMENT_ID = 30000001…
Seeking Feedback on Process to Deactivate a Credit CardSummary: Hi there, just wondering if anyone knows if there are any recommended steps that should be following for deactivating credit cards? Besides running the "Credit …
How can I fix this problem with expenses homepage?Summary: I am trying to create a expense report but I have an issue, the homepage of expenses is not how it is suppose to be, like I am missing something, I'll be thankf…
Expense Report Allowing number of days as a FieldSummary: Expense Report Allowing number of days as a Field Content (required): I am trying to get the number of days field on an expense item but I am unable to. See scr…
Testing Credit Card file through UCMSummary: Content (required): I am trying to test credit card file through UCM but i get the following error : "You can't upload a corporate card transaction file using O…
Testing Credit Card file through UCMSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Expense report numbers have changedWe found that the expense report number have changed somewhere during the month July of 2021. Instead of 10 digits (starting with 00) I see now 12 digits, starting with …
Implementing Get There travel integrationSummary: Get There Travel Integration Content (required): Hi, has anyone ever implemented Get There within Expenses? Any tips when implementing? My current client is loo…
Can an expense type be set to use only once per employeeSummary: Enforce expense type to be available only once for employees, once submitted it's no longer available. Content (required): Our client has a requirement they pay…
Enabling Contingent Workers to Enter Expense Reports: ProcedureSummary: Enabling Contingent Workers to Enter Expense Reports: Procedure Content (required): Hi, could you please provide the manual procedure of, how to link contingent…
Expense PolicySummary: Expense Policy Content (required): Is there a policy that will allow you to enter weekly or monthly rates? I am only seeing daily rate. For example, Miscellaneo…
Terms and Conditions for expense reportsSummary: Terms and Conditions for expense reports Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets tha…
Audit rules based on a field on a projectSummary: Audit rules based on a field on a project Content (required): Customer is using audit rules in general. There is a requirement to ALWAYS include expense reports…
Cash Advance not importing into AP ModuleSummary: Cash Advance not importing into AP Module Content (required): Cash Advance not importing into AP Module due to some error in log file ORA-01426: numeric overflo…
Query to extract expense reports which are reassigned to different approverSummary: We are trying to expense reports which are reassigned from one approver to another approver. Content (required): I tried to query below tables but could not fra…