Category 35-2
Discussion List
Enterprise task codes created not displayed under manage task detailsSummary: Enterprise task codes created are not displayed under manage task details>Additional Information page Content (required): Version (include the version you are u…
DFF for project and task in Project execution managementSummary: There are descriptive flexfields in Project financials management at project and task level. But what about project Execution management, is it possible to have…
Difference in project management navigation in dev and testSummary: Hi team, Below is the screenshot from Dev instance in 23A Below is the screenshot from test instance in 22D Please tell me why all the tasks are not shown in te…
PJC_FAILED_TO_D RV_HCM_PTYPE issueSummary: Hi Experts, Need urgent assistance please.. We had to cancel work relationship of the employees and rehire them again in different entity with same effective da…
Open PO balances by project reportSummary: I need to report all open PO balances for a specific project. How do we achieve that? Content (required): We checked the Manage Committed Costs work area, but t…
How to send FYI notification to Team Members when Project is converted in Active Status?Summary: We are looking for a way to send an FYI notification to the Team Members of a Project, when the Project has been directly converted to Cloud in Active Status. C…
Expense report to Projects flowSummary: How an employee can create an expense report with project from other BU than his/her home BU. Content (required): Here is the scenario in detail : There are thr…AnkurShrivastava 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shivashish Dwivedi-Oracle Project Management
Tax classification Code in a Draft AR invoice depending on Event Type " Project Billing "Summary: Is there a way to set a specific Tax classification Code in a Draft AR invoice depending on Event Type populated from ? Content (required): Version (include the…Ali Essam El-Bandrawy 62 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Zaheer Ahmed-Oracle Project Management
Security on OTBI reportSummary: Hi, We prepared an OTBI report on programs/projects. We are able to view all the data in the reports irrespective of Business unit/project unit/ project organiz…Santhi Sree 234 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shivashish Dwivedi-Oracle Project Management
how cross-charge functionality works so receiver project code can gather allcosts from provider onesSummary: Using the Oracle Cloud solution for Transfer Pricing, we would like to have all the costs charged from provider projects to one receiver project using cross cha…
Program functionality - ITD actual labor costSummary: I am looking for a field for ITD Actual Labor Cost in program screen but I do not see a metric for this Content (required): We use an external payroll system an…
REST web service to assign Task Resource AssignmentsSummary: Which REST web service should be used to create a Resource Assignment against a Task under Financial Project Plan Content (required): As pictured below, we'd li…
What is the equivalent of EBS Request Group in FusionSummary: I would like to know the equivalent of EBS Request Group in Fusion. For Example, I have a project accountant who needs to have access to run and view AP custom …Navaneeth TechM 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shivashish Dwivedi-Oracle Project Management
How to create schedule wise S curve in fusionSummary: How to do Project Schedule wise S curve as explained in below link? Excel S-Curve Charts • My Online Training Hub Is there any workaround available? please advi…
Infolet for Percentage of work complete and amount billedSummary: We have a requirement from the customer that they want to see the percentage of work that is complete (Method can be either cost/effort/manual) and how much amo…
Cumulative totals in OTBISummary: We want to create cumulative Actual costs in OTBI. Please advise how to do this? SET VARIABLE PREFERRED_CURRENCY='User Preferred Currency 1';SELECT 0 s_0, "Proj…
Project resource Billing/Costing rates purposeSummary: I am looking to understand if there is any other usability for the following fields except for reporting/fyi Content (required): I don't find much explanation o…
Cross Business Unit Project Charges when we have No Organization HierarchyWe have 13 Business Units across the world, which contain 21 Legal Entities. We have these 21 Legal entites setup as Project Expenditure and Project Task Oning Organizat…
'Manage Accounting Period' Access issue under 'Costs' WASummary: Ledgers are not showing for 'Project Foundation ' application under Manage Accounting Periods task in 'Costs' WA. Content (required): Hi Folks, We have using cu…
Creation of ONE work order for multiple project tasks.Summary: Content (required): Hi, Currently, there is only one specific field to enter the Project Task number in the Work Order. However, there is a requirement for the …
Is there a standard report for generating invoice cover letter by contractSummary: Is there a standard report for generating invoice cover letter by contract Any inputs on this will be appreciated. Content (required): Version (include the vers…
Is there a workaround to capture labor cost as a commitment (on the project)?Summary: The client would like to capture labor costs as a commitment on the project. Content (required): Based on the available commitment options (Manage Project Units…David Yamoto 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vinodhini Vobhilineni-Oracle Project Management
Ability to maintain checklist of tasks to be performed by respective teams in project like MarketingSummary: Ability to maintain checklist of tasks to be performed by respective teams in project like Marketing, Legal, Finance, Design, Safety & Transport Team Content (r…
What rule is used for Intercompany Contract Invoice Workflow?Summary: Workflow for Intercompany contracts is being sent to set a users for which there is no rule defined. Need to disable this workflow. How can this be done? Conten…Harshita Goel-Oracle 51 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaheer Ahmed-Oracle Project Management
FBDI Import Project Resource Assignments are not finishing loadingSummary: I am trying to load resource assignments via Project Resource Assignments FBDI. They are all inserts and are loading successfully to the staging/integration tab…
How To Import Contract Revenue Plans Using Import ManagementSummary: How To Import Contract Revenue Plans Using Import Management Content (required): Hello I was wondering which are the fields should I populate for the revenue pl…Cesar Saveedra 91 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Vinodhini Vobhilineni-Oracle Project Management
FBDI project resource assignment interface template - update errorsSummary: Having FBDI errors when trying to use the update tab of the project resource assignment interface template. I am new to HCM Cloud and FBDI but have searched tho…
Grants standard reports don't show up in FRCSummary: I am able to see the Awards reports in Reports and Analytics but not in Financial Reporting Center Content (required): Grants Management sample reports that can…
Errors found FBDI - Import Project Resource AssignmentsSummary: I am receiving these errors while performing the imports by project. Some of these I believe are caused by bad configuration data but not all. I am new to HCM a…Jon Calhoun 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shivashish Dwivedi-Oracle Project Management
How to onboard a New Legal Entity in oracle Cloud Fusion with Project Management ModuleSummary: We implemented Oracle Cloud Financial and Project Management. We are planning to onboards a new LE. (with GL, AP, IC and Project Management and Fixed Asset ) Ne…