Category 52
Discussion List
Why some contingent workers have not enterprise hire date?Summary: Hi team! I am working on the HCM extracts to get information regarding the employees, contingent workers, and non-workers. But when I try to get the Enterprise …
Area of Responsibility (AOR) doesn't display Recruiting "recruiting" responsibility scope fieldsSummary: Why are the recruiting related "Scope of Responsibility" fields only visible in Person Management and not the RUI/RUX Area of Responsibility page? Design Studio…
Permission is required to view this content inn Biographical Info RegionSummary: Hi Team, I am facing this message " Permission is required to view this content." under My Client Groups —> Personal Details —> Biographical Info Region Tried a…
Best Way to Migrate Code and Configurations Between EnvironmentsWhat is the best way to migrate code and configurations from one environment to another? While we are aware of the import and export options, they don't always seem to b…
Is there a way to hide need help contact us page for convert pending worker?Summary: For some reason I am not seeing an option to hide this in VBStudio Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
Error when trying to add family and emergency contacts to the journey.I am performing a test on the journey I am creating, and when testing the activity of adding a contact, this error appears on the screen. Important information: the user…
Position Override Flag Changing After HDL LoadSummary: Hello, We are doing a full load for UAT. I have position override set to Y for all active workers. Yet when I load the data it changes to N for some. WHY?? And …
AFTER PUBLISHING A RULE IN VISUAL BUILDER THE CHANGES DISAPPEAR - REDWOOD UISummary: If I create a rule using the visual builder and publish it on the screens, the next day the changes disappear. Could someone tell me if I should run a process o…
Some assignment fields are not showing in assignment page of Change Assignment action in RedwoodHi Team, We are currently in Redwood, and while performing the Change Assignment action, we noticed that some fields are missing on the assignment page. Please find the …
Getting "Permission is required to view this content" while accessing employee in Employment InfoSummary: Getting "Permission is required to view this content" when clicked on employee record in Employment Info page. Kindly refer below screenshot for reference. we h…
Redwood Change Assignment Page Not RenderingSummary: Redwood Change Assignment Page is not rendering. I did not have any issues prior to 24B upgrade. Is anyone else having this issue? and if so how did you fix? Wh…
REDWOOD - Is there or will there be a Redwood MSS 'Create Job Requisition' Quick Action?Summary: There is currently a responsive Quick Action 'My Team > Hiring > Create Job Requisition' in 24B. I do not see an alternative Redwood Quick Action to replace thi…
Compensation Info page service failed errorSummary: We are getting the below error after opening the Compensation Info page in Visual builder studio. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
25A Journey response summary buttonHello there's a new feature in HR 25A release where LM can use the new Response Summary UI to see how many journey assignees completed their journeys or how many task pe…
Redwood Identification Info Page is Blank Only for Me tabSummary: We have enabled the Redwood Identification Info page by setting the ORA_PER_PERSONAL_INFORMATION_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option to Yes. The page displays as exp…
Alignment of Document of records page fieldsSummary: We have a DOR page for confirming the probation details which needs to be filled using bullet pointers for each field , however after enabling redwood the page …
Redwood UIs timeline 25CSummary: We are currently in the process of transitioning to Redwood UIs for available pages in Core HR, Absence, Payroll. We understand that the remaining pages for the…
how do you remove or de activate a Tax Reporting UnitSummary: Hi. We have a karge number of TRU's we wish to end or deactivate as we no longer have a relationship with these customers. I cannot find a way to do this. Does …
How to create an payroll definition so we can skip an weekend day for payout .Summary: We want to create an payroll defination so that payroll run date should not come on weekend and national holiday .Please assist on this issue. Content (please e…
Unable to see "Employment Contract" page of Terminated employeeHi, as an Admin, when I try to see "Employment Contract" page of Terminated employee, using the old UI, after selecting the "Inactive" checkbox on the filter, I see this…
Users in ESS are getting the Offer Assignment listed in Resign from Employment. How to restrict it.The user in their Employee Self Service screen, when try to resign from employment, the offer assignment along with other employee assignments are listed by default. Can…
Unexpected Approval Routing After Switching to Redwood PagesSummary: Hi everyone, We have transitioned most of our pages to Redwood UI in our production environment. However, we have observed some unexpected behavior in our appro…Melek Cinar 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Cristina Greyling - Oracle-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can we update person number using HDL without effective start dateSummary: We are doing a bidirectional integration where we are sending source system id of worker to 3rd party & pending worker hire date. In return, we will receive a n…
Is the Professional Person Activity Center and the HR Activity Center one and the same?Oracle has stated that a Professional Person Activity Center is coming with release 25C. Additionally, Oracle has stated in a webinar yesterday (Feb 25) that an HR Activ…
Security Restrictions for Approval Delegation in HCMSecurity concerns regarding Approval Delegation in Fusion -- Is there an audit log available that captures the delegated user approval activity? Or will it always captur…Harsh Faganiya 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
how to give permissions to update establishmentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…YG YG 2 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood Attachments have edit button but cannot update anythingSummary: In Responsive UI, when you upload an attachment in the Comments and Attachment section, you are able to edit the attachment and change title , category and desc…Mustaali Vasowala 34 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is there a way to pull a reverse termination via fast formulaHello, I wanted to see if there was a way to pull reverse termination information via a fast formula? The primary reason is we wanted to try and automate the process to …
Connections Feature - Can we convert "About me(Expertise, Interests, Tags)" details to HCMSummary: Connections Feature - Can we convert "About me(Expertise, Interests, Tags)" details to HCM from another system. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
Primary flag for email -Contact InfoSummary: Employees are able to switch primary flag on redwood pages while adding personal email (making Business email non primary). We were able to personalise in respo…