Category 52
Discussion List
Journeys: Onboarding Tax Forms and Direct DepositSummary: Easier way to complete tax forms and Direct Deposit Content (required): We have just launched onboarding through Journey's and our employees are having a hard t…
Middle Name IssueUI has no field called Middle Name, DB has this field and captures some junk data in it. We need to correct it. how do we?
Nonworkers are not considered as incumbentsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, While working with nonworkers, we found out that even though they are linked to a…
DFF visible in Position but not in AssignmentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, We have create the custom field Organization Model Dimension for PER_POSITIONS_DF…
Can we hide the "Why are you resigning" question only for Line managers during resignation approval?Summary: Content (required): Hi All, We have a requirement where the employee might be leaving due to manager in some cases. So, when he applies for resignation with the…Ramanathan Sockalingam 31 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramanathan Sockalingam Human Capital Management
Deep Link for Skills and Qualification is blankSummary: Deep Link 'Skills and Qualifications (NFX_VIEW_MY_SKILLS_AND_QUAL,NONE)' is resulting as blank page when login with Employee role. Employee can access skills an…
Resignation Notification is blankSummary: Content (required): If a person resigns and approval is triggered to line manager and then HRBP, both of the notifications is blank. What could be the issue? Ve…
Mass Import PromotionsSummary: Content (required): Is there an HDL or HSDL that will allow me to complete a mass import of promotions outside of the merit cycle? Version (include the version …
HDL for absence entry with same absence name and different statusHi Experts, Greetings of the day!! We have a requirement to load absences for the same day with different status as shown in the below but we are getting an error (You h…
Approval Rules for AddressSummary: Content (required): Hi everyone, We are having issues creating and defining an approval rule regarding addresses. In particular, as per the attached screenshot,…
Areas of Responsibility user selection processHello, We are using Areas Of Responsibility in Workflow Approver. The Approver is picking randomly any one user if the AOR Approver has more than one Approver. Would lik…
Is there a way to have the approve button on the notification email1)Initiated transfer from Manager login(My Teams>My Teams>Selected one sub-ordinate ) 2)Email Notification has been received by Approver. Our Requirements Approver shoul…
Approval for request a position changeSummary: Hi All, Requirement is If manager is changing it needs to be auto approved and if other fields are changing it needs to be routed to approver. I have used (Curr…
How to prefix notification title with Person numberHi Experts We have a requirement to prefix Document of Records (DOR) notification title with Person number. I tried through "BPM Worklist>>Administration>> Task Configur…Dharmendra Shukla 131 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajesh A Khatri-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can't Approve Incomplete transactionHi Team, There is an employee have incompleted transaction, then we change the username and also the worker e-mail. When logged in to the system with the new username an…
approval workflow FYI notificationSummary: We have approval workflow designed where FYI notification goes to HR Operations. However, this tasks show as completed 7 days after the final approval is provid…
Discrepancy of FTE in employment screen Vs data base item PER_ASG_FTE_VALUEFTE in employment screen is showing as 0.9 data base item PER_ASG_FTE_VALUE value is showing as 0.896 when I am debugging fast formulaRama Krishna Annam 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rama Krishna Annam Human Capital Management
Termination Dff based on Action and Action ReasonSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to create a custom dff field on the termination screen with a list of values. The values should populate based on the termination Acti…
How to add ESS job as a task in Custom payroll flowWe have a custom payroll flow created to load worker data into the system. Now we want to add an ESS job (Synchronize Person Records) as a task in the custom payroll flo…
How to make Pending Document of Record Transactions Visible in DOR work areaSummary: Is it possible to display pending Document of Record Transactions (approvals) visible in DOR work area? For some work areas, you are able to see if there are pe…Vincent Meyer 220 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Human Capital Management
Deep link for seniority datesSummary: What is the deep link for the EMPLOYEE seniority dates? Current navigation: Personal Info > Employment Info > Actions button: Seniority Dates Content (required)…
How to limit the number of character of an input value during element setupSummary: Due to business needs, would like to limit the number of character an user can input in the field. The input value field is created with "Character" as Unit of …Aaron Wong 357 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Human Capital Management
Loading Salary Component at the employee level by HDLSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we have to load Salary Basis and Salary Components at the employee level. Do you h…
Value Set in model profile content section properties is not editableValue Set Name in model profile content section properties is not editable
Is it Possible to add new category in Approval Delegation? Currently there is no Category for ORCHi, Is it Possible to add new category in Approval Delegation from User Accounts? Currently there is no Category for Recruiting approval tasks like HtTitle.JobRequisitio…
Can any one share ppt for 23D features for Human resource management.Can any one share ppt for 23D features for Human resource management, Absence and Talent.Chandra Kiran Ushakoela 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Parag Hiremath Human Capital Management
Cannot locate employee in person search field.Summary: Testing of moving work relationship from Contingent worker to non-worker. User was able to complete the transaction, however the record was not in person search…Stela Martins-Oracle 52 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Stela Martins-Oracle Human Capital Management
HR role but can't see HR salariesSummary: Hello - we are looking to create a role that would allow HR members to view/edit other HR members data except for salaries. We need them to be able to view them…Shanna Oppenheim 61 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajesh.Vadlamani Human Capital Management
When is new hire is visible on My Teams?Summary: Content (required): At what point in the hiring process does a new hire display on their new hiring manager's My Team screen? Is it triggered by a specific acti…
Worker Number showing sequence gap (skipping worker number)Summary: Worker Number showing sequence gap (skipping worker number) Content (required): The Worker number sequence was set to initial number as 25001. Later we hired fe…Puneet Shukla 72 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Human Capital Management