How to connect Azure DevOps to NetSuite ERP to deploy SDF projects from ADO to NetSuite Accounts?
Do you have any options or recommendations on how to connect Azure DevOps (ADO) to NetSuite ERP accounts to deploy “SuiteCloud Development Framework” (SDF) projects stored in ADO from ADO to multiple different target NetSuite production and sandbox accounts?
We’re familiar with the steps to deploy from SDF IDE to NS ERP, but looking for steps to deploy from ADO to NS ERP.
Are there any solutions in the ADO Marketplace that could be used for this need?
Are there any solutions in the NS Marketplace that could be used for this need?
We've seen that other products, like Salesforce (SF), have a connector app that supports deployments from ADO to SF. We're not yet finding something similar for NS and ADO and hope you can help us find the best option to achieve the ADO to NS deployments.