My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
I felt your pain, and I ended up giving up on Netsuites calendar. They don't take it seriously enough. If you don't have another solution, or host your own mail server, use what may be built into that; Otherwise, Google makes a great calendar that is easily sharable.
thank you thank you thank you for pointing that webinar out to me.
How about fixing the problem, Netsuite? I filed a support case.
regarding the scheduler, how do I set up groups of employees? right now, my sales team is the only one that shows up, and they are the least important group to show.
That's what I thought, but thanks for the confirmation...
Thanks for the quick reply. Since I've never done any sort of client side scripting, can you help me with that?
I cannot believe more companies do not kick up more of a fuss about this lack of admin rights, it makes admin harder than it needs to be IMHO I 2nd this. The admin should have Administrative rights!
yes, a case was opened, but never continued - that was the hold time. It was "solved" by my account rep, who thankfully used to work in the support department. I say "solved" in that he was able to duplicate my problem on his end in his test account, but he found a workaround for me.
I've successfully removed items on the printed invoice by going in as admin, then choosing Set up -> Customization -> Transaction Forms Then customize (or edit) the form you need to remove the fields from on the Printing Fields tab.
But is there any way to automatically process the credit card, so I don't have to remember to go to memorized transactions each day/week?
It seems to me the Order Items page is for items you keep in stock - we order everything Just in Time, and there is nothing I can do in the Order Items page. Or am I reading reading this wrong?
One other thing... I noticed when creating one PO from multiple SO's, the links to the SO's are broken, so you can't trace the path of an item from SO to PO to Invoice. Is there then a way to consolidate PO's once they are created in order to reduce the number and keep the ordering people happy?
What search criteria do we need to start with in order to show that filter?
Yes, I'm having this problem as well. The only work around I've found is to delete all transactions associated with the SO and completely start over. For us, that is not the only place it is happening, though. I'm also not able to reallocate items that have been fulfilled. I can uncheck the box, but as soon as I do, when I…
I had the same issue so I created a saved transaction search to identify unapplied Customer Deposits and put it on a schedule to e-mail the A/R clerk daily. The search criteria used is: Type is Customer Deposit Account is 2110 Customer Deposits Formula (Numeric) is not 0 {amount}-{amountpaid} Andy Andy- I'm having a…
Wow - a question I can contribute to rather than gain something from... You can disallow access to Cash Sale transaction forms on a per - role basis. That was the only way I could solve it permanently.
Ok, but in this case "should create" = didn't work. I have no account called "customer deposits." Can someone outline what steps I need to take, or what boxes need to be populated to make that account correctly? I'm on the phone with Netsuite now, but given my track record with them, I'm not confident they can tell me how…
Ray is essentially right. However, accepting customer deposits normally does not lead to an invoice. Try this: 1. Create a non-inventory or other charge item for sale named Deposit with the income account set to your customer deposits account. 2. Create a discount item called Deposit Credit with the expense account set to…
All- Thanks so much for this information. I have a couple more questions to help me get to the bottom of this. 1. I followed the directions in the help guide to make sure I could accept customer deposits - A/R was already checked. However, no "Customer Deposits" account was created. If I want/need to set this up manually,…
Actually, there is a Bundle for this: Netsuite-Per Customer Transaction Form, bundle ID 495. I've installed it, and it seems to work fine once you figure it out, which wasn't that hard with the included instructions!
Thank you thank you thank you!!! Now, just one last question. Is there any way to disable the ability to uncheck it on the invoice creation form? I'm trying to reduce the number of errors/accidental clicks that may occur in the invoice creation project.
I get stuck on step 2. I just don't undestand netsuite customization as well as I'd like. PS Up front - this is going to ramble all over the place, because I'm writing it as I come across problems and answers - skip to the bottom for the pictures. Are there step by step instructions for doing this? A guidebook? A useful…
That sounds like it's going to cost for development and implementation - money I don't have budgeted right now. As an alternative, is there any way to put a check box on the customer screen that can also be shown (whether it's checked or not) on the create invoices, bill sales orders, etc. pages so I can remember to choose…
Thank you!
Hi Will, My workaround goes like this - I add a "1" or something else to their name: John Doe1 email: - you can use this for the customer center login if you have no real use of the "customer center email" (if you do not send out "customer center" newsletters).... Sounds like a simple and stupid way, but…
Are their names not showing up simply because the address field is blank? I'm not sure I follow; in the Customer field on a new estimate or invoice, when I type in an employee's name, Netsuite doesn't find anything. That is whether I do first name last name or vice versa.
All of my employees have the "customer center" role (as stated in the first line of my post). I still can't sell anything to them, because when I create an estimate/invoice for them, their name(s) don't show up.
I'm looking for any additional details about employee utilization, as the subject is untouched in the help section. Well, if you search for "utilization" it tells you about the report, but nothing more. My problem is, we are a professional services organization, but my utilization reports show everyone is 0% utilized.…
We also experience the problem and have not found a solution yet.
so there is no way to do this until the next release? surely someone else has had this request?