If 'to be emailed' preference is checked, the PO will be emailed to the vendor each time it is saved. Even if the PO is not approved. Your best bet is to email it via the workflow, once the PO is approved.
You are using standard costing. The purchase price variance is the difference between the standard cost (look at your item 360 view) and the price you are paying on the PO. You can also review online help by searching 'Standard Costs'
You don't need to create a search, you will need to navigate to: Transactions-Payables- Post Vendor bill Variances From this screen, you can see what the variances are, and post a JE to offset them, if your items have the variance account defined.
You can create a new workflow on transaction records. Apply to whatever transactions that you want to. It should apply for create or update - no conditions Create 1 State Action - Return User error - with the condition of date not >2 days from today. Test it in the sb, let me know if you have any questions.
Have you tried creating a rule based on Field Location? Not sure what this is, but the only other address available for sales rules is Billing Location.
You aren't specific about what transaction types you want to restrict this on. If it's vendor bills, you may find that most vendor bills that appear in the mail are received well after the 2 day date you're asking for. You may be able to do this with a workflow, but again, it will depend on the types of transactions you're…
The permissions provisioned to the employee center allows users to create or approve their own transactions. Using a full license, these restrictions don't apply. You'll have a difficult time restricting views of anyone who creates or approves requisitions. You can try putting their access to 'Create', but it won't be…
Someone without Documents and Files permissions of 'edit' cannot add documents into NetSuite.
When loading a trial balance, it should balance. There should be no need to use a clearing account.
Whatever you do, ensure that you do some homework on specifics of exactly what you need (Saved Search Criteria, Finance Operations, etc) and ask anyone you are interviewing to explain to you their plan and steps to resolve your issues. If they can't explain it to you step by step. they don't know how to do it. It's easy…
Try this: Home- Set Preferences - Analytics- Show inactive in global search - True THen search for the item in global search. An inactive item with the same name should show up. You can then edit the item and change the name (I usually add 'INV to the name) Then you will be able to create your new item Note that you must…
You can sell item groups, which are nothing more than individual items that are sold together. The accounting all applies to the components, there are no income or cogs accounts applied to item groups.
If you receive inventory items, there will be a value in the 'accrued purchases' account if you receive the items and do not 'bill' the PO. If you close these types of PO's, you'll need to make a JE to offset this account and expense the value. If you receive non inventory items, and the items have the 'generate accruals'…
To map the items from NetSuite to Shopify, you have to create the items with the different options in Shopify so the items exist in both systems to map.
While everyone may be able to see the report name, the ability to see the report results will be restricted. Public reports/searches allow all users to see the names of the reports/searches. When they try to run the reports searches, they won't see any results. Make sense?
You cannot natively change the description, but you can set a different item number/name by vendor.
Not everyone, but A LOT of the old users are gone. Nice to see you, Steve!
It is possible, but you'll need a script to do it.
Advanced Billing
Answer B
The configuration of customizations are directly related to the records where they are applied. Please be careful 'deleting' any custom object, as there may be other dependencies on the object. There is global help, suiteanswers and user guides that provide documentation on different area's, help on specific area's, etc.…
To set the field inline in the 'create' mode, you must use a workflow to set the field to inline, before record load. Otherwise, it will remain editable for your employees.
You may want to check your accounting preference for the 'Invoice in Advance of Fulfillment.' If this is enabled, customer invoices will include items not yet fulfilled. Hope this helps!
You could sort based upon internal ID of the periods…..As long as the periods were created in order. Note that accounting periods should not show up as dates, as transactions could be posted with a date in one period, but actually posted to a different period. IE - Vendor Bill dated 01/26/25, posted to Feb 2025 period….…
Are you taking the precaution to do this in a sandbox account first? Or a test account of some kind? Acquisitions usually don't have historical financials, you'll have only the 'Opening balances' from the acquisition date. If this is the case, no, no precautions. If there are other complexities I'm not understanding, you…
You can accept customer deposits on sales orders, which allows full editing of the SO before fulfillment. A slight change in process could resolve this issue for you in the future. To do this, create a Sales Order PDF that says 'invoice' at the top of the pdf, and submit that to the customer for payment. When payment is…
Actually, if the search has 'list' enabled, you can use direct list editing to edit your search values, IF the field has a pencil at the top of the column. Some fields cannot be edited from any search. Hope this helps!