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Hi @Michael RTP , You can try a "Item Location Configuration" Saved Search or Work Book. If you do it from a Work Book, then you do a Join the "item location configuration" table to the item table to obtain its data.
A: SuiteCommerce Extension Management
A: SuiteCommerce Extension Management
Opción B, En Multibook solo se admiten 5 libros. Las cuentas de U.S pueden asignar codigos de impuestos con Impuestos avanzados activo
Hi @Dext3r Try to reload ignoring cache, use: ctrl + shift + r If you have no changes, try renaming in the translations, including: Center Tab: Center Category: On some ocassions, we use a different language than the one used by other users and the one configured in the company. That, beacause NetSuite has diferents…
Hi @User_NG5TG With respect to extracting the tax amount from the transaction totals, it is not so straightforward, especially when we talk about payments, since "payments" pay an invoice, not a tax amount directly in netsuite. As an industry practice, I recommend taking the proportional value, with respect to the "tax…
Hi @Kedalene , Yes, is only one Licene, because the user licence is the mail with access to the system. But remember, access is not simultaneous and you cannot keep more than one session open at the same time, that is, if an employee wants to access and there is another employee already logged in with the same email, will…
Hi @Dext3r I understand that you are trying to achieve something like what I show you below: This is not possible at the moment with the functionality of "Subsidiary Navigator", but you can achieve it by setting a "Restric View" in your personal preferences: To do this you must go to Home / Set Preferences / Restrict View…
Opción B
D - Ambas son incorrectas
Hi @kees.netsuiteadmin You can try adding the "createwo" field in the pdf template, as follow: I hope this help you!
Hi @User_E15G4 In bulk email mass update you can select up to 3 email options to send, based on which box the email is in, the transaction, the third party or his contact: Them, you can try to setup that fields in order to add the second or third recipient of the email to send. I hope this can help you!
Respuesta: D, la SuiteApp es administrada.
Hi @User_CNLH5 You can try to customise as follow: Go to customise in the report. Next, in filters, you must to expand "transfer order transactions" fields: There, you will to search for "source location" and "destination location", next add to the filter with a click in the field: It's important to select at least one…
Hi @ONO4, You can User record.attach() E.g using Suite Script 2.x: var attachId = record.attach({ // record is "N/record" module record: { type: 'file', // record type to attach id: 1234 //id file in file cabinet }, to: { type: 'salesorder', // record type to recive file id: 6598 // record id to recive file } }); I hope…
Hi @User_E15G4 You can try a case in a numeric formula, as follows: CASE WHEN {custentity_employment_status} = 'Full Time' THEN '1' ELSE '0' END Next use a "SUM" summary to "count" the results. And in the same way to Part Time column.
Hi @alexmccullough You can try a workaround, using a list type field and a Case to mapping the options.
Hi @JoshC I reproduced the solution and had no problem, can you share a screenshot of the field and the formula?
In the case of "drop shipping" it will not take anything from the location you select, because everything will go through the flow with the vendor.
Hi @User_2D608 You can make a drop shipping or a special order selecting the option in the item line in the "create PO" field. In this case, you need to have a preferred vendor on the item or disable the "limit vendor list on items" preference in: setup/accounting/accounting preferences/order management It's important to…
Hi @Sivasubramaniam What kind of Bulk process are you use to actually perform the update?
Hi Everyone, Greetings from Mexico. I am currently a NetSuite Senior Architect in Sol4IT. We are a NetSuite partner and we help our clients to have the best experience with the ERP. I look forward to contributing my knowledge to the community!
B - 3999 Caracteres
Hi @Just a netsuite guy Using "main line" false is hiding details from you, since many times the bank account is on the main line. Try without using the "main line" criteria.
Hi @salix You could possibly try using Suitetalk from a SuiteScript, calling a SOAP web service to the same account to create your field / record using the "add" operation.
Hi @Ken Zhang-Oracle, What is the reason for performing the cost revaluation? You can try some options, for example: If the revaluation is due to differences in the purchase price, you can edit the rate of the item receipts. If it is for delivery costs, you can use the "landed cost" in the item receipts or try making…
Hi @Hendrik Kotze, Try adding "Accept: */*" to the header.
Hi @Kedalene Xignite Global Forex is an Exchange Rate provider, the Xignite FX rate function in NetSuite create a direct integration with Xignite to automatically get the exchange rate offered by that provider.
B - 21 días Luego de 21 días, el log para validar requests y responses es eliminado.
Can you share your search criteria and result? @SuiteSolvers