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Aaron, Are you familiar with PDF templates in NetSuite? You could add a custom image field on the customer record, then add a tag for it in your invoice template. If the image field has your EDI watermark in it, it will be displayed and the text will be forced to the right. If the field is empty, the address text would be…
Hey J, You can add fields to Marketing Campaigns by going to Setup -> Customization -> CRM Fields. Just check the box for "Campaign" on the new field. Good luck! Robbie
Hello, Is your list of manufacturers a simple Custom List, or is it a Custom Record Type? If its a custom list, you would want to solve this with a Field Change script that examines the text values and sets the other two fields base off of that. But if your Manufacturers are a custom record type, you could solve it with…
Hey Bushra, Is the "Shipment" field on Purchase Orders set as a parent record? If it is, you should be able to accomplish this with an afterSubmit function that runs on purchase orders. Something like this: afterSubmit(type) { var myShipment = nlapiGetFieldValue('custbody_shipment'); // Total the weights of all POs on that…
Hey Yabo, I replied to your other post as well. There's no "easy" way to do it, but if this is important for your business they you could do it in a relatively simple SuiteLet. Let me know if you'd like further help with that. Thanks Robbie
Hey Aaron, Yep that's a tricky one. You can disable add multiple by editing your custom form. Near the top-right, there's a "Allow Add Multiple" checkbox. Thanks
Yep, super excited. I have a few basic client scripts up and running. Really looking forward to the documentation so I can see how to use the rest of the modules :)
Paul - I wanted to reopen this conversation. That did work for creating work orders, but have you had any luck creating Purchase Orders the same way? I can't get it working here :( Thanks Robbie
Just to follow up, I tried using the Spec Ord link parameters in a nlapiCreateRecord() call, but with no luck. The URL was: https://system.sandbox.netsuite.com/app/accounting/transactions/workord.nl?soid=5559707&soline=1&specord=T&entity=787&assemblyitem=4377&quantity=1 And thus my code was: var wo =…
Hey Paul, That works! Thank you so much :) Robbie
Hello, I have a few suitelets that do this. One way you could do this is to add a hidden checkbox field to set when the user clicks the "Email Statement" button. Then that button can submit your suitelet to create the PDF and send the email. So your emailStatement function might look like this: function emailStatement() {…
Hey there, Right, the way to use Email Template in SuiteScript changed drastically in the new release. It took me a long time to find the references for how to use the new system. I was going to tell you where to find it, but now I can't find it again lol. But I can provide you with an example that shows how to do it. This…
Carlo, Thank you so much, that's exactly what I needed! Robbie
Hey Jim, I don't think Task Links are intended to be a feature for non-NetSuite-internal people to use. I've used it once or twice in code to redirect the user back to the home page, but other than weird things like that you can normally do everything you need to do (like creating new records) just using the normal…
Hey Rosse, Are you working on a Suitelet or on a record form? I didn't think Suitelets had edit/view mode. But either way, there is a trick to running client code in View mode. You basically have to add your script in via an inline HTML field. Here's an example for if you wanted to do this on a regular customer /…
Hey kshaffer, I have a couple of ideas you could try: 1. Try using recContact.setFieldValue('role', '-10'); instead of setFieldValue('contactrole',-10). OR 2. Try using nlapiAttachRecord instead. You could create the contact, then use that function to attach it to the customer, and in that function I believe there's a…
Ah yes, thank you. That does work for the contact's primary Company. But, I have a contact that has 10 different companies listed on the Relationships tab, and different roles for each company. Is there any way to change those roles? Robbie
Hello, It sounds like you want the parent record to update when you add/remove sublist items in view mode? I think the closest you could get to real-time here is to set up a hook for when a new sublist item is added or deleted to reload the whole webpage and to have your data recalculate in a before load script. Does that…
Hello, Yes, to get the NetSuite account number, you can use the context object: var company, context; context = nlapiGetContext(); company = context.company;
Hey Dan, Yea, I've experienced that anomaly as well. I did find a workaround for it that (I think) should work for you. Try using the nlapiLookupField function with the text parameter set to true. Like this: nlapiLookupField(recordtype, internalid, 'name', true) May the Force be with you. Robbie
Hello Unknown, There are a couple of ways you could do that. One is you could actually implement pagination, using something like the DataTables jQuery plugin. Or, if you'd prefer to get 50 search results at a time, you could do exactly that using the newer search APIs. Here's how: // Global variables var page = 0; var…
Hello Clear Cup, To answer your original question, testing to see if there are any results is super easy. The results variable will be null if there are no results, and will be an array of result objects if there are results: // do the search if (!results) { alert('Please enter the information'); return false; } // else…
Hey Brad, A couple of things come to mind that should help. First, make sure the audience for the deployment of the script is set to "All Roles". Second, you may need to set it to execute as Administrator role since the user of the web form will likely not have permissions otherwise to create those records. Thanks Robbie
Hey Srujana, There are a couple of things you can try here that should make your code work. It's close: 1. I've found that when adding sublist items client-side (page init function), it helps if you specify to do them synchronously. To do so, you just add on the additional two parameters to the…
Hello, One important tip here: make sure to return either true or false in your validate line function. If the line is valid, return true, otherwise alert the user and return false. Thanks Robbie
Hey Mark, We built a tool that lets our warehouse scheduler choose which sales orders to fulfill the next day, and then it generates the item fulfillments for each order and combines them into one PDF automatically. To do this, you'd want to use NetSuite's XML to PDF generator instead of HTML. Then you can insert a page…
Hey Corey, You can do quite a bit with files through SuiteScript - at least creating them and setting which folder they're in. One simple solution might be that whenever someone uploads a file to one of those subrecords, you could attach it to the appropriate customer as well using nlapiAttachRecord(). Maybe we can look at…
Can you post your code so we can see what may be missing? Thanks Robbie
You can't reference the document object because the beforeLoad function runs on NetSuite servers before your browser even starts to display the page, before the document object exists. What data are you trying to get? If you want the value of a field, just use nlapiGetFieldValue()
You would have to use DOM manipulation to do that. The line of code would be: document.getElementById('your_button_id').disabled = true Then you might want to modify the styling of the button to make it look disabled as well. Robbie