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Hmmm, have you tried setting the filename of the PDF? I wonder if that would change the title of the window. It would just be: var file = nlapiXMLtoPDF(yourdata); file.setName('superawesome.pdf'); Otherwise you could embed the PDF in the body of the page when the Suitelet is posted, then you could have full control over…
Yep, you can also add in the "Inactive" column for the list (new nlobjSearchColumn('isInactive')) in case you only want to show the active values on your web page. Thanks Robbie
Dlamson, I combined your code into a more precise function below. However, there's one important thing you need to do to make this work. From your code it looks like you're looking up every item record to see if the item is an "active item". To avoid the need to do that, you need to create a Custom Transaction Column field…
I don't think you can. But one thing we've done to get around that is to simply add an "Email Signature" custom field onto the employee record. You can add it as a rich text field so it can support HTML, then you can fill them in for your managers and use that in the email. Good luck :) Robbie
That's a great question. There has to be a way, because doesn't NetSuite 2013.2 give you a list of the dependent records when you try to delete such a customer? The information must be stored somewhere.
Sean, If there's a way for you to know which values need to be added to the list after your new supplemental records are created, you could add them dynamically through DOM manipulation. It's not entirely supported by NetSuite, but it can be done pretty safely. I'd be happy to take a look at your situation over a JoinMe…
Hey Theos, I haven't found any way to print the shipping label using server-side methods like nlapiPrintRecord(), but I did find a way to do it in client side code from the item fulfillment. Our goal was to create a button on the item fulfillment that basically combined some other functions: "Save & Bill & Print Label". To…
I don't know of any supported way to do that, but I bet if you used jQuery you could get the parent of the custom field up to the form/div level, which would tell you what subtab its on.
Hey James, If you're talking client-side code, you could do something like this to get the total amount from all the items on the transaction: function getItemsTotal() { var totalAmount = 0; var itemCount = nlapiGetLineItemCount('item'); for (var i = 1; i <= itemCount; i++) { var thisItemAmount =…
Can you clarify your question? If you're asking how to search for all the cases of a specific company, you could do something like this: // Find cases for company with internal id of 12345 var filters = []; var columns = []; filters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('company', null, 'anyof', '12345')); var results =…
Hey DD, You should be able to accomplish that with nlapiSetRedirectURL. Can you show me your code? Robbie
Hey Rob, I've done things similar to that a few times for my company, so I pulled up some code from one of my Suitelets and generalized it here for you here. There's probably a cleaner way to do this, but this is what I have and it works: // NDOS LLC // customerRequestSuitelet.js // This is the main function called by the…
Hmm yea that's kinda lame. For client side scripts, you could do something hacky like: var recordType = nlapiGetRecordType(); if (!recordType) { var aLocationField = nlapiGetFieldValue("makeinventoryavailablestore"); if (aLocationField) { recordType = "location"; } } May the Force be with you. Robbie
I recommend using the Mass Update functionality. You can set basic criteria and change fields on all your records from there. If you need to specify more advanced criteria, you could do a mass update script. See NetSuite's help documentation for details.
Are you familiar with using NetSuite's built-in Script Debugger? It lets you step through user event code like this to examine exactly what's going on. That may be your best bet if you want to find out which line is causing your problem.
Hey Duong, For the recipient field on a case message, getValue returns the internal ID of the contact, while getText returns the name. You get -4 because that is the internal ID of the "System" that is the recipient of that message. I'm not sure why that's the case or if it is supposed to make sense in your scenario or…
Hello, I have a related question here. If I want to attach the user note to a custom record, but I don't know the custom record's numeric internal ID, how can I do so? I've tried using the text internal ID of the record but that causes an error. This works: var userNote = nlapiCreateRecord('note');…
Hello, What you're asking for there could be done with a very simple client SuiteScript. I can post the code here if you know how to set that up and if you can post the field IDs for the "Category A" checkbox and the ESP list on the item. Otherwise I'd be happy to walk you through setting this up over the phone or via a…
Hey Aaron, Are you familiar with jQuery? You could add a JavaScript prompt and an nlapiSendEmail() call to the 'onclick' event for the Delete button. Something like this: ------------------------------------ function whyDelete() { var reason = prompt("Why are you deleting this?"); if (!reason) { return false; } else { var…
Hey Quxote, I could give you a quick 20-minute rundown on how to set up a script to run on your custom form if you'd like. Its pretty easy to build scripts that do logic checks and automatic field changes. NetSuite scripting is a very powerful feature and knowing the basics can greatly improve your versatility in the…
Ialan, To my knowledge there is no way to control printer defaults from within NetSuite. We have several of our warehouse computers set up to automatically print labels from NetSuite transactions, and we do it by simply setting the computer's default printer to be the label printer. Good luck! Robbie
Right, keeping track of things like that is always challenging for the NetSuite administrator in a company. You may want to just sent out an email to everyone saying "tell me which templates you use" and disable the ones that get no responses. You can always turn them back on later when someone complains :)
J.J, Yes, you could build the report in SuiteScript and have it report to the user in a variety of methods. You could save results into field values, email users, or show the results on a screen. Please post more information about what you'd like to do and we can help further. Thanks
I'd be interested to know if there are any other NetSuite Meetups / User Groups in the UK. I just moved here to Norwich and would love to get involved.
Hey Esmeralda, Let me know if you want any help in setting that up, it would just take a minute to set up a script to select your support manager's name every time someone is responding to a customer on a case. Thanks Robbie
Hey guys, You could replace the standard estimate/sales order Print button with a custom print function whose first page is the Terms and Conditions. We've added in several types of coded custom print forms here. It's not exactly easy, but an experienced developer could do it in probably several hours. Robbie
Hello, You can mass update all your customers that have a Default Credit Card to uncheck that box. Here's a mass update function to accomplish that: function removeDefaultCC(rec_type, rec_id) { var customer = nlapiLoadRecord(rec_type, rec_id); var cardCount = customer.getLineItemCount('creditcards'); for (var i = 1; i…
Okay, so maybe I got bored and built it:
Hey Carrie, I don't think there's any built-in way to do that. But it wouldn't be too difficult to build a custom interface that would allow you to choose which addresses of the customer belong on each contact. Corey could probably build that for you, or else I could :) Robbie
Hey Mike, Could you have your clients fill out a web-form instead of sending an email to your support address? If so, then you could set up an After Submit script that examines their message and sends back replies tailored for specifically what they're asking for. Robbie