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  • Thanks guys! This helped. I used nvm to switch back down to node 14. Then after running "npm rebuild node-sass" as well my deployment worked.
  • Okay resolved this one, thanks to battk on Slack, who helped me figure it out. Using https.SecureString wasn't working because they only support one encoding type, while Basic auth is part UTF-8 and part BASE64. So to get around this, I encoded the username:password as base-64 before passing it into the credential field to…
  • I've gotten a bit farther on this, but now I'm getting an unexpected error when try to use the https.SecureString.appendSecureString method. Has anybody ever used this method successfully?
  • Hey Mikko, You're right, the documentation doesn't specifically mention the credentials parameter, except that it is included in the HTTPS module example script here: https://netsuite.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/44733 . This lack of consistency in the documentation adds to the confusion here. I'm not getting any…
  • Hey John, So you are trying to search a custom record type for records where state == 'CA', for example, but the state values on the custom records are all state internal IDs, right? I don't know of any way around having to search by the states' internal IDs. There are a couple of things you could do to make it easier…
  • Hey TMann, I was thinking you could probably use the Validate Line, Validate Insert, and Validate Delete client SuiteScript function triggers to disable users from adding/copying/removing lines when they shouldn't be. You can check your conditions in the function and return false if you want to prevent them from completing…
  • Hey TMann, Yea I don't think you can do that in a workflow condition, but one compromise you could do with SuiteScript is to just build in a custom workflow action script that checks the document size. That way you can still use your whole existing workflow and just script in this one needed part. The code would be…
  • Hey Linda, We had that problem too. We ended up creating a custom "Territory DB" record type that had fields for: - state - county - sales territory - sales rep - associated zip codes We used data from some website to import in a list of every zip code and matching county in the US. Now we can assign sales reps by county…
  • Hey Jim, Yea I'd be happy to tell you more about it. I can post a lot here so that hopefully others will find it helpful, and if you want more info feel free to email me directly. A lot of how you would want to set this up depends on how exactly your sales territories are set up. With the company I was working with, they…
  • Hey Jessie, Sorry, no. If I recall, the client here just ended up being satisfied with using the Bill To address for now :-\
  • Hey Oliver, Thanks for your reply. I suppose I've always thought of inventory adjustments as a way of fixing mistakes, not for using inventory. I just wanted to check to see if there was some more obvious solution out there that I hadn't seen yet. But I think you're probably right, doing it as an inventory adjustment does…
  • Good morning Anne, I don't know if you can do that with the standard NetSuite sublist setup, but are you familiar with SuiteScript? One way you could do this would be to add an inline HTML field to the Case and build your list in a before load function. As you said, the data is there, so you could easily create the saved…
  • I don't think the Total line on a standard saved search can do anything more than show you the sum of all the values in the column. What we could do instead is run that search in a SuiteScript and write a simple HTML table to display the results any way you want. You could use it as a Dashboard Portlet, a subtab on a…
  • Hello, If you need something a bit more robust, you could create custom fields to store this information in. For example, you could have a date/time field for when they enter a status, and a date/time field for when they enter the next status, and then perhaps a "Time spent as Prospect" field that calculates the difference…
  • Yabo, Currently you cannot customize the way saved searches work. However, if you really wanted to, you could create a Suitelet that shows the saved search and offers more information to the user. You could offer a link or really do anything there in a Suitelet. Robbie
  • Jocelyn, By the title of your post, I'm thinking you may have tried this already, but I'll mention it anyway. On the Results tab of the Saved Search setup, there is a "Run Unrestricted" checkbox. Did you try that? Thanks Robbie
  • In the list of System Notes fields, instead of the Company field, try using the Parent field. It shows up in the contact's System Notes fields dropdown on a custom search. Robbie
  • Hey Aaron, You can remove the Print button with either a Before Load Script or a Workflow. The Workflow is probably the easier approach. There is a "Remove Button" workflow action that you can set up to run under any conditions. Robbie
  • Hey Richard, Is your goal to see the date a specific field was changed? If so, you could set a filter on the criteria tab to be System Notes Fields -> Field. That should eliminate most duplicates, unless the same field is changing multiple times in a day. Robbie
  • Hey Corey, In the first piece of code, you're trying to find the difference between a date/time field (custevent_cxs_init_res_time) and a standard date field? The "createddate" field is a date/time field, but the "date" field is just a standard date field. Either way, it should work if you convert both fields to standard…
  • Hey Carl, I think you'd need to use a client script to do that. There are some different ways you could go about setting it. You could set it when the address lines are entered using a field change function like this: fieldChange(type, name) { var address, defaultShipping; if (name === "addressbookaddress_text") { address…
  • Hello, Yep, NetSuite finally made this doable pretty recently. The trick is that in your statement template you have to reference the customer fields by using customer.field instead of record.field. So for example, to get the company name, you can use ${customer.companyname} Hope this helps!
  • Hey Ben, Yep the issue there is that you would need to make custom transaction columns for those two fields, as item fields are not directly available in a transaction printout. You could pretty easily make Weight and Intrastate Code columns that just source in those values from the item record. Hope that makes sense :)…
  • Hey Greg, A couple of things come to mind when you say a custom table for many custom fields. Do you know about Custom Record Types? A custom record type is basically a new database table you design to group related custom fields together to represent a new object. Then to display the custom record as a table on your Non…
  • Hello Yabo, You'll find the "Default Selection" setting on the "Validation & Defaulting" tab of the custom field setup. If you know which value you want, you can type it in and press tab, otherwise you can click the little bubble to the right of the field to get a list of them. Thanks
  • Hello Mark, I haven't found a way to edit the standard task email in NetSuite, but you could simply replace it with a different email. To do this, you would want to hide the built-in Email Assignee checkbox and replace it with a custom one. Then you can use this After Submit function that composes and sends an email. In my…
  • Eleran, You would want to add a new transaction body field and source in the data from the customer. Here's how: 1. Go to Setup -> Customization -> Transaction Body Fields -> New 2. Name the field "Customer Comments" 3. Set the "Type" to "Text Area" 4. On the "Applies To" tab, choose "Sale Item" 5. On the "Display" tab,…
  • Hello, I've written some client SuiteScript that filters dropdowns via DOM manipulation a few times. I'd be happy to share my code with you or to help you implement it in your own account. Email me if you'd like some assistance with that. Thanks Robbie
  • Hello, You could write a Field Change function to do that. Something like this: fieldChange(type, name) var customForm = nlapiGetFieldValue('customform') if (name == 'customform' && customForm == yourWarrantyFormId) { nlapiSetFieldValue('entity', yourWarrantyCustomerId); } } May the Force be with you. Robbie
  • Hey Eric, You could have the first field on your SuiteLet be an inline HTML field, and then recreate the NetSuite look using CSS and HTML. Or, you could take a screenshot of one of their confirmations, use an image editing program to replace the text, and then just show the image at the top of your page. Robbie