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It looks like has finally been updated. It's a system-wide problem.
@Tris Mendoza-Oracle I was hoping for a bit more from NetSuite staff than an generic response. Other users aren't going to be able to help me with this issue. Can you please have someone from NetSuite look into this issue for us? We're seriously stuck at the moment.
Now I get "The account you are trying to access is currently unavailable" when trying to access support at all.
Thanks for the update. That's a shame. Dedicating an entire tab to one field isn't a great user experience. I'll add us to the enhancement request.
I got it to work. I changed setCurrentSublistValue to setSublistValue and that did the trick. Here's the sample code. NOTE: This is a sample only. It adds a specific item to a specific Suitecommerce category. I'll be updating the script to add items to categories dynamically based on certain item fields. /** * @NApiVersion…
Using record.selectNewLine(options) to select the items sublist and add a new item doesn't seem to work. If it should I'll keep trying, but if it's not going to work on the commerce category record I'd rather save myself some time and take a different approach.
Sure. In order to test things out I'm using a specific category and a single item record. This is the script that works, just counting the number of items. Are you looking for the specific deployment record in our account? /** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType ScheduledScript */ define(['N/record', 'N/log'],…
After inspecting some of the code around these HTML fields, I succeeded in getting them onto one line by wrapping the content in a table cell tag with a defined width. Specifically: <td style="width: 160px; text-align: center;"> CONTENT </td> That worked perfectly. A bit of background; I'm building a customer engagement…
The saga continues. Please refer to NetSuite's core value: Delight our Customers Embrace our customer's most important problems and deliver world-class solutions to them NetSuite's position is now that this defect is actually an enhancement because the issue lies with a 3rd party resource that is used for the Rich Text…
Well. After a whirlwind week at Suiteworld, it looks like there are some great generative text AI tools in the works. There are also some pending questions about these new tools. When will they be released? Announcements at Suiteworld should generally be regarded as coming sooner or later. :) Will all these AI features be…
Support was able to reproduce the problem. After testing a few workarounds that are barely useable we've got a defect logged. Defect 739196: SCA/SCS/ SC Blog > HTML Content gets removed when trying to edit Blog Pages
Hi @Tigran Shahnazaryan . ChatGPT seems to be better at using best practices now that it can access the latest content on the web. The script didn't work 100% right away but after a short conversation regarding the missteps, it sorted things out. I've only tried it for Suitescript so far but I'll give it a go the next time…
I used ChatGPT to create a Suitescript that writes product descriptions based on information on an item record. Not only does the script work correctly, but it uses ChatGPT to generate the content and does an amazing job. To answer your question in the title of this thread; In this case ChatGPT absolutely replaced a…
Hi Thea. Any results on your end?
CMS_HTML seems to work normally. Unfortunately the blog extension doesn't have an HTML option for the post content. Can you try this block of code as well in your testing environment? <div class="columnscct-button-container"><a href="" class="columnscct-button" target="_self" data-action="navigate-to-url">Learn…
We are using SuiteCommerce Advanced 2022.2.0 and SMT 1.0.5 Sample Code attached. This is Vimeo's embed code with no additional code. YouTube videos and elements like buttons that use SCA's own code have the same result. <iframe class="ql-video" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"…
Thanks @Tigran Shahnazaryan. Since the number of customers varies from year to year, hardcoding isn't really an option. What I'll do for now is simplify the formula and add an Available Filter in the header for date range and the user can just select a year at a time. It's better than nothing. Let me know if you have a…
I made some progress. After deconstructing the formula SUM(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYY') = '2023' THEN {amount} ELSE 0 END)/NULLIF(COUNT(DISTINCT(NVL({customermain.internalid},1))),0)/NULLIF(COUNT(DISTINCT(NVL({customermain.internalid},1))),0) To SUM(CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYY') = '2023' THEN {amount} ELSE 0…
@Tigran Shahnazaryan. I've tried it for multiple years and the results are the same. I changed customermain.internalid to customer.internalid since we don't have that option. Let me do some more digging and report back. I think this should be a relatively simple mystery to solve.
I realize that my explanation of what we are trying to do way more complicated than it needed to be. Tigran seems to have distilled it down very well. For each year, we need to divide the total amount of all sales by the number of customers. It's as simple as that. Tigran's formula seems to do exactly that. Sum the amounts…
Thanks Katerina. We're still not quite getting the right answer. We're looking for the average total annual purchase amount for all customers in a year. What we need to do is add up all the purchases for each customer in a year, then find the average of that amount. So if customer A made 3 purchases and Customer B made 2…
Thanks! We've added the store manager role and that seems to be working. Not a perfect solution but better than giving admin privileges to everyone.
Thanks for the help. I think we're on the right track. What we're looking for specifically is the average annual donation for all customers instead of each individual customer. So we'd have a line for each year and the average purchase for that year.
Hi there. The SuiteAnswers article mentioned does not address the problem. Adding the permissions listed doesn't give access to the Themes section of the SMT.
EDIT: Never mind. Things seem to be up and running again. PS: Thanks to all the engineers and support staff who must have had a stressful couple of days!
Old school Edge/Internet Explorer (not the new chromium version) has been working for us for the last 20 minutes. Testing some users at the same with Chromium Edge, Firefox and Google Chrome. Only the Internet Explorer people can do their jobs (mostly). Some of our integrations don't work but at least we can save…
Time to update that Avg Uptime number on the status page. It's definitely not 99.99% any more!
Yes, that gets me going in the right direction. I was thinking of opportunities as a separate record type, not as a transaction. This is just what I needed. Thanks!
Thanks Michal. I'm struggling to find the opportunities that are not yet associated with a sales order or cash sale. Are new opportunity records listed under transactions? Let's start with a simple report. Listing all open opportunities (status is not won or lost) where the sales rep is me. If I can get that far, I think…
Thanks Michal. I appreciate it. Let me know if you need anything else from me.