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Various factors shape the Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence roadmap, and your input is significant. This platform is your hub for sharing and exploring product ideas for Fusion Data Intelligence, including Fusion ERP Analytics, Fusion HCM Analytics, Fusion SCM Analytics, and Fusion CX Analytics. You can propose, vote for, and discuss ideas and organize your favorites on your My Ideas page. Make sure to tag your ideas for easy discovery.
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Please note that ideas marked as Delivered are included as features in the most recent update of Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence
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Please note that ideas marked as Delivered are included as features in the most recent update of Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence
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Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab
The Oracle Analytics Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab is the place to share ideas and vote. Discuss enhancements with product strategy and product management, and get the opportunity to see your idea developed as a new feature and included in the Fusion Analytics product roadmap!
Discussion List
1HCM Group Override FieldHello, I had been tasked with creating a reporting with hinged on the values within the field "HRM Group Override" which is found in the Person Management area within Or…
2Financial Invoice Approval History IssueOOB Box Subject area is not Displaying Approve Id details for Responses (Initiated, Automatic Rejection and Automatic Approval). In similar case Response not showing for…
3HCM - Workforce Rewards: Payroll costing doesn't have Pay week ending date granularity in GIAWe do not see a "Week Ending" Date Earned field/Granularity in the GIA OOTB HCM Payroll Balances or Payroll Costing subject areas. Some of the requests Payroll receives …
1Isolate Data Flow Records that did NOT JoinThe Join step within Data Flows should have the ability to show what records did NOT join. For example: A table that contains records from the L input that did NOT join …
2custom banner image for FDIWe wanted to replace 'Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence' banner image to be replaced with custom image. We wanted to replace 'Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence' banner image…
2BICC Extract PVO for COAOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Deloitte Description (Required): Need…
2FDI OOTB to have Budget and ForecastAs part of finance community, users usually need visibility for Actuals, Budgets as well as Forecast in one view instead of creating multiple reports and applications. i…
1Allow Passwords with Special Characters for Data Validation Users in FDIHello, currently, the Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence documentation for creating a Data Validation user (see Administering Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence) specifies tha…
1Content Explorer Workbook With Custom Subject area details and access to the CE Subject area'sWe would like to request an enhancement to include the custom subject area details in the content explorer workbook feature in FDI and also would like to Request access …
26FDI Pipeline Failure and/or Delay notificationsHi It will be good to get a pipeline failure or a pipeline delay notification. Currently system sends a completion notification but in the unlikely event of a pipeline f…
1FDI DA priority and scheduling with ODIIt would be great to be able to set priority for FDI DA jobs. As FDI usage will increase, we will need ability for below. FDI DA jobs: to be able to set dependency/seque…
1FDI OOTB Auditing for pipeline executionFDI OOTB provides DW_WH_REFRESH_SUMMARY, DW_WH_REFRESH_DETAILS tables which doesn't provide enough information, we would like to have below info added to log tables. cou…
12Add Actual OnHand Amount to Facts - Analytics CurrencyCurrently the Facts - Analytics Currency → Unit Cost is Avg(Global Puom Unit Cost). We really need the non average cost or actual cost of the items on hand which would b…
14Ability to be able to sort dimensions and attributes in alphabetical order in all subject areasWhen creating a custom dimension or custom subject area using Semantic Model Extension, we want to be able to sort the columns in Alphabetical order so that it allows us…
1FDI OAC OOTB - EPM data sourceWanted to propose an enhancement in FDI OOTB to include EPM as a source and include OOTB reports for finance users. We have finance users who consumes data from Fusion E…
1Switch Between Analytics Currency and Ledger Currency in ReportsI would like to request for an enhancement to allow users to switch between analytics/ledger/document currencies in reports as per user needs. Currently, certain OOTB re…
4Expand Job Application Calculations to Include Inactive ApplicationsCurrently, the out-of-the-box calculations in the HCM - Talent Acquisition subject area only count active job applications. However, for many companies, it is problemati…
9Ability to export multiple canvases from a single workbook in FDI Data VisualizationUsers at my organization would like to be able to export multiple or all canvases from a single workbook in FDI Data Visualization. The functionality would be similar to…
3Idea to allow for access control for the "Oracle" folder under Catalog > Shared folder.The roles for the Oracle folder by default give read access to the Consumer role: If I try to change access for this access, I get this error: It sounds like that is by …
3Support for Vector Format Export in FDICurrently, Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence (FDI) does not support exporting visuals or canvases in vector format. Adding this functionality would be extremely valuable f…