Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Method to enable users to rate projects

Needs Votes

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Key to successful deployment of DV is the ability of the community to re-use / share projects created by colleagues.

Obviously slick Search functionality is pivotal to this and I understand improved Search functionality is already part of an upcoming release.smiley

Would like the ability for others to rate any given project - say 1 star to 5 stars - so that if I search on Home page for, say, "Discounts", I get a listing of Discount projects created by others and rated in terms of utilisation by community members.

Similar to standard functionality in say Amazon, Trip Advisor etc etc.  


Use Case and Business Need

Encourages collaboration within the workforce, promotes best practice and eliminates inefficient duplication.

More details

Currently there is no way of knowing whether a given project on a given topic will meet ( or partially meet) requirements short odf opening it up and having a surf.


Clearly with a rating system as proposed there will be an element of subjectivity but at least the experience of other users does have some relevance.



Original Idea Number: c4966691bf

8 votes

Needs Votes · Last Updated


  • Branden Pavol
    Branden Pavol Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    I love this idea. I never thought about this but it would be really powerful

  • We have a roadmap project that is dedicated to improving sharing and collaboration within the platform and this will hopefully include  notions to help 'upvote or rate' content and users .  We don't yet have a date  but that use case is definitely important to us.

    If you have any other cool ideas around sharing and collaboration please make sure to post them here to get the community to chime in on the idea.. 



  • Marcelo Finkielsztein
    Marcelo Finkielsztein Rank 6 - Analytics Lead


    If this idea is implemented, I would appreciate a configuration option to disable and hide the feature. 

    Our company uses other 3rd party tools for this; e.g. Jira, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft SharePoint.  
    I will prefer to keep users' comments in those other tools.  Not spread here and there.  
    Actually, I already wish our users used only one of those options.
