Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server

BI Catalog name and path extraction

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Hi All,

Is there a way to extract the name and location/path of all reports under share/custom folder? We need it for our documentation and we had 100+ reports so it's a tedious job to copy and paste the name and path one by one.




Oracle Business Intelligence


  • Hi,

    Check this oracle support note, How To Setup Report Permissions Inside The OBIEE 11g Web Catalog (Doc ID 1675810.1).

    This might help you.

    You can also find list of all BIP reports from report repository path from backend as your are using 11g

    Ex: ..\\<FMW_Home>\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\config\bipublisher\repository\reports

    or you can also check path by navigating to  Administration>Server Configuration> BI Publisher repository : check the path.


  • Hello Ferdian,

    All this OBI presentation catalog related information can be easily exported using Catalog Manager (which comes along with the OBI Admin tool).

    Below is the documentation URL where you will find the detailed steps to take the export of your presentation catalog using Catalog Manager:

    Please let me know if you require any further information. 

    Best Regards,

    Aman Jain

  • As said by others, Catalog Manager (the tool installed with the Admin tool) can get you that kind of list.

    If you want something more "scriptable" you can run Catalog Manager by command line to get the same extract as the UI, or call the OBIEE webcatalog webservice and get the whole list of what is into your catalog (and all the possible related information).

    Catalog Manager in "online mode" use the webservice as well to get the info, that's why you can directly call the webservice if you want to script that.