Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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API for Data Visualization in Oracle Analytics Server/OAC


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"Traditional" OBIEE components (part of Oracle Analytics solution) offers quite rich API (Web Services) for performing programatically various tasks.

Unfortunatelly there is no API (at least I have not found anything in documentation for Oracle Analytics Server) for Data Visualization part. So it would be highly wanted to have API (REST, Web Services...) which offers following funcionality :

  • Manipulation of data sets
    • Modification/Creation
    • Upload/Refresh file based data sets
    • Possibility to purge BI Server cache, connected with particular data set
  • DV projects
    • Listing DV projects and their key properties
    • Ability to change key properties
  • Data Flows
    • Ability to run/monitor data flows
    • Ability to monitor/change jobs for data flows
  • Snapshots 
    • Create/Apply/Download/Upload snapshots
  • System Settings - programatically change system setting (showing up in System Settings in DV console /analytics/systemsettings/)

There is already Idea created "REST API for Oracle Analytics Cloud" (, but I dont consider my idea as duplicate to this one - it is more wider and it deals with Oracle Analytics Server (thus on-prem version).


Use Case and Business Need

Ability to programatically via API perform various tasks in Data Visualization, making the task and maintanance of OAS/OAC environment more effiective. For some repetetive tasks (like reload/upload new version of file-based data set) is mandatory requirement.

Original Idea Number: 689d60e3ff

13 votes

Delivered · Last Updated

OAC Workbooks Public JSON is now a supported option



  • Thanks for the Idea - I'm pleased to report that this is an area we are currently working on.

    (Analytics PM)

  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Hi Mike,

    thanks for your reaction - I am glad to hear that. I am looking forward to have it implemented in next release of OAS. I know, that it will come first to OAC, but we are (and for some time we will be) on on-premise sw and thus I will be eagerly expecting new release of OAS (I guess it will be no sooner than next year :-( )

    Kind regards


  • Philipp Kaufmann-Oracle
    Philipp Kaufmann-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Hi Michael,

    Some of the capabilities you mention should already be available, at least data set and data flow operations. Please check the Swagger REST API documentation of your service and this video as an example:

    To access the REST API documentation, please modify this URL to match your OAC instance: https://[YOUR_OAC_HOST]/datasetsvc/public/swagger.json

    Kind regars,


  • As it stands today, those APIs are internal product use only and not publicly supported or documented for developer use. 


  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Thanks to both of you for your comments. I understand, that API, mentioned in Philipp's post is not a official one, but at least it can give us a notion, what we can expect when it will be publicly available.


  • Chethana Kumari-Oracle
    Chethana Kumari-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Mike,

    I am glad to hear that, this is something currently being worked upon.

    Apart from API for Data Visualization (all that is mentioned in this idea), our business requirement is to have an API in OAC that allows us to grant any new user with required roles and permissions. Having an API in OAC, to this would help us automate this process and save us from the hassle of going to multiple places to provide the roles and permissions to a new user.



  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Hi Mike,

    just out of curiosity - when can we approximately expect, that this API will be made available in both OAC/OAS products ?

    Thanks and regards


  • User_82T87
    User_82T87 Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Any update on when this will be delivered by Oracle?

    Flexagon has a DevOps platform which supports many Oracle technologies including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS and we are seeing ample customer demand to provide out of the box support for OAC as well

  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach


    we are desperately wating to have complete and rich API to manipulate/query Data Visualization objects (Data Sets, Connections, DV Projects...) and after one year  there is no sign of improvement. I am convinced, that this is not sole requirement of our company and many other customers/partners are calling for it. Could somebody from Oracle Product Development, pls, take care of it ? I know, that this is not "a perfectly visible and best selling option", but is it mandatory and missing for quite long time. I ask for more attention.

    Thanks and kind regards


  • Michal,

    We are working on this, we had to make some changes to the approach we were taking hence it's taking longer than we'd hoped.
