Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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API for Data Visualization in Oracle Analytics Server/OAC



  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Hi Mike,

    glad to hear from you again. Thanks for your answer - can you, pls, reveal at least approximate schedule, when this API will be available ? Will it be this year in OAC , so we can expect to have it  included in OAS in next release at begining of 2022 ?



  • Yossi Belitsky
    Yossi Belitsky Rank 4 - Community Specialist


    We would like to Identify Via API - DV Canvases (under DV Projects) - currently we can identify only DV project without any information about related Canvases
    In our portal we integrate OAS objects into our home page. In order to do that , we use ORACLE SOAP API’s - http://:9502/analytics-ws/saw.dll/wsdl/V12 . We would like to give our customers the option to embed specific DV Canvases into their homepage and in order to do that we must identify the Canvases under the DV project (which we can identify currently) - Canvas name and Canvas number.

    In the WS we currently - in OBI - use the “webCatalogService” the "getSubItems" and the "getItemInfo" methods.
    We would like to the same with DV objects .


  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    I am addressing this comment to Oracle Product Development - this Idea has been created quite long time ago (more than year) and it collected numerous reaction/thumbs up. 
    In May 2021, there was a reaction from Mike Durran, that API for DV (I guess REST API) is in progress. 
    So we would like to know (and I am sure, that our organization is not the only one) , what is the status of API - whether it is going to be implemented in some reasonable timeframe (I haven't seen anything in official roadmap for OAC/OAS:

    Thanks for Product Development response in advance.

  • Jerry Ursetti
    Jerry Ursetti Rank 5 - Community Champion

    In addition to the functionality already mentioned, we need to be able to extract security data for reporting and analysis. We have datasets and reports that should only be accessed by certain users. It is extremely cumbersome and time consuming to have to click on everything to try to figure out who has access to what.

  • Hi Michal, I'm the product manager, in the analytics product development team that is tracking our work on a public API layer. I can re-confirm that we're engaged in development of APIs. Our plan is for a single public layer that will grow incrementally over subsequent releases. We're planning for the initial set of APIs to cover snapshots in OAC.


  • Jerry Ursetti
    Jerry Ursetti Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Will the public API layer be accessible from within a private network? Our OAC instances are deployed in private subnets.


  • Yes. By 'public', I mean an API layer that is not used 'internally' by the Oracle Analytics product itself. So, public in this sense implies a level of support and consistency over time through and versioning. The difference being that the internal APIs used by the product can change at any time as required by the ongoing development of the product.


  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Hi Mike,

    thanks for you response - good to hear, that work on API is under way. I hope, that after snapshot manipulation also other "parts" (for DV data sets, data flows, DV projects and also system settings) of public API will follow. Just to make sure (I am not intentionally asking again about time schedule for this feature, although it will be very good to know at least approximate timeframe of implementation): Will this "public" API also be available in OAS (on-premise sw) ?

    Thanks again in advance for your your clarification



  • Chethana Kumari-Oracle
    Chethana Kumari-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Mike,

    I had a query on the similar lines. Is there a timeline, when we could expect this?

    Would the API (restApi) allow us to access the OAC charts (insights) that are part of the canvases.

    We have a requirement to automate the charts health status (if any of the charts are broken we would like to get an alert) and this requires access to the API. Is this something that would be available?



  • Given the long list of APIs, this is not a single idea. New APIs are being published with every release, as service management is available, snapshots are already delivered and soon to be followed by system settings. We plan to continue into other product areas based on specific prioritization based on customer use cases. As such, I'm going to mark this Idea as delivered since the spirit of the request is being addressed. If you would like to impact our prioritization, please submit ideas for specific needs/use cases that the community will vote on.

