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API for Data Visualization in Oracle Analytics Server/OAC
@Gabby Rubin-Oracle Thanks for answer, Gabby. Are you planning to post some more concrete plans about future API extensions in OAC/OAS roadmap document ( ? What is of our interest as customer is the ability to "manipulate" DV objects through API (setting/getting "properties" of DV objects, automate file-based data set reload, setting/getting ACL for DV objects etc...). So I will create separate Ideas for those (hopefully you will not marked them as "Duplicate").
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The What's New document in each update lists the new APIs, we'll work with the outbound team that is responsible for the published roadmap to see if some of these topics can be surfaced on the page as well.
When it comes to controlling visual content there are already capabilities to do some of that. Our focus is on use cases where content is embedded in a host page. There is also work on documenting our JSON structures which will give more control. Point is that not everything is an API call, in some cases, it is documented formats or SDKs.
Feel free to create separate Ideas for specific topics, we prefer those vs. generic ones; e.g. 3 Ideas such as 'ACL API', 'Scheduler API', and 'System Setting API', are better than 'need API'. It helps us prioritize the work as we can see how much attention each one gets which is the purpose of the IdeaLab. You can search ahead of time to see if the use case is already there to avoid wasting time on something that will be flagged as a duplicate. I appreciate that it might take more of your time, if that is too much work then feel free to post the 'generic' ones as well, we prefer those to not having anything.
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@Gabby Rubin-Oracle Hi Gabby, I am opening again discussion within this Idea (which has been set to Delivered status). But there are new facts, which force me to open it again:
Quite recently new release of OAS for 2023 has been launched and I was desperately looking in What’s New for Oracle Analytics Server' document ( some basic REST API functionality (snapshot mgmt, reload of data sets) which has been launched in OAC during 2022, but there was simple nothing.
So I am addressing you with my question/concern:
Is this an intention from some reason , that this REST API has not been brought into new OAS release (because it is bound to other cloud services)? If this is true, I am really very disappointed, since there are promises about official REST API for more than 2 years... I hope, you will dispel my fears in your answer. Thanks and regards
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HI @Gabby Rubin-Oracle , I'm joining Michal's question here - when I heard that OAS server 7.0 was released, the first thing to do, was check what's new with DV API's !.. And I must say that I was also very disappointed to see that in the documentation there weren't any news about this.
In our portal we integrate OAS objects into our home page. In order to do that , we use ORACLE SOAP API’s . For example, we are waiting for the ability to download DV canvases by API to different formats.
Also, our customers and us, are really waiting for the ability to schedule exports of DV workbooks and send via email.
I also hope, that these options will be available very soon.