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Use .xlsx Excel templates in BI Publisher

Currently only .xls Excel templates are available. The idea is to support .xlsx Excel templates as well in BI Publisher.
Use Case and Business Need
If .xlsx templates are supported, all new features in Microsoft Excel can be used. For example the Auto Save function in combination with OneDrive.
It would also become possible to use password protection for the Excel output generated from these Excel templates.
See the following idea:
As mentioned there: Excel output in .XLS format generated from Excel templates do not support password protection.
More details
It is currently not possible to use password protection for Excel output generated from .xls Excel templates.
Also, new Excel features like AutoSave are not available when working with .xls Excel templates.
Original Idea Number: d7c6d62c3e
.xls is also just old. Where .xlsx is newer so better aquited for current threads and usages.
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Now data has been growing in our database we are getting scenarios whereby downloads are failing due to the tiny number of rows that are available in the very old XLS file format.
Oracle needs to update as a matter of urgency!!!
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This would be very helpful
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This would be very helpful if BI publisher can generate output in .xlsx!
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this would be good
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This would help break the 65k limitation while still being able to use a native excel template to customize standard reports from financials for example
As a workaround, using rtf templates with excel(xlsx) output is fine for 65k limitation break, but does not allow actual excel fine output, with dynamic pivot table embedded, and so much things excel can do...
Please consider making this upgrade!
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Definitely Need, If this happens, we can use some xlsx feature in template which enhance the look of report.
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Will be very useful feature. Vote up.
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This is needed and .xlsx is supported with rtf and should also be supported with excel template.
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This is definitely needed, and will help overcome the .xls 65k row limitation and allow us to embed formulas directly into the template, for which we can not do inside an RTF template.