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A menu will be displayed. In May25, we are adding another enhancement where author can either show the multiple data actions on the selected column or pick one from the available as the on click action event for that column
Have you reviewed this feature? Workbooks dont have 'sections' concept (yet), i'd be curious to see if this feature satisfies your use case.
End user customization of a viz definition (swap columns) from a set of columns curated by the author is a planned feature for DV. We most likely will start some exploration / prototyping in 2H2025
The new interactive tooltip feature in OAC March 25 update, will make Data Actions easily discoverable. Some of the selected mark's action is now displayed on the toolbar of the tooltip. Please check this feature when your instance is updated to March25, share feedback. Additionally, For Tables, Pivot - this feature will…
For Tables, Pivot - this feature will be available with OAC March 25 update. A table column anchored to a data action can be displayed as a link. New property added 'On Click Action' to the property panel. Please check, share feedback. We plan to expand the On Click Action functionality to non-tabular visualization as well.
Last State is a state by itself and will always persist last entered filter values when default state is explicitly set as last state. Custom State is a point in time reflection of the persisted filter values (snapshot in time) and we have no plans to support last state on a custom state ie any changes to filters after a…
@Rajakumar Burra Currently, the Present settings for Personalization drives the experience for custom states and last state. Custom states are available only when this has been turned on by the author of the workbook. Could you clarify this please because that is not the behavior i see - when present settings is off, user…
@Ajinkya Vyawahare thank you for the clarity
Hi, Can you share a example of indendation in pivot? For hierarchy columns we already do that. For non-hierarchy columns, i would like to see a example. Thanks
% values custom formatting will be available in OAC March 25
@Jorge Olmeda This functionality was made available with the OAC Jan 25 update and for OAS customers, will be available with the March 2025 OAS update.
With Use as Filter: selecting a mark on the viz (enabled for use as filter) will pass on the selected context as a (viz) filter to other visualization on the canvas de-selecting the mark will remove the filter. You just have to click on any white area on the viz (no specific place in particular). I have attached a video…
@M.K.Mori Thats a bug and we are fixing this.
Grand totals - custom label name is shipping with OAC March 2025 update.
Thank you for the enhancement request. I have created a JIRA to track this request.
I have created a backlog jira for this enhancement ask. We will assess the relative priority for a future release. @Branden Pavol Are you expecting the CF rules to be created in the target workbook with the paste action?
@Michal Zima Agreed. Like i stated in my prior response, this is a bug and i have opened a bug for the product dev team.
@Ambili Thanks for reporting this. This is a bug, i will log a defect. Notes are exported with All/Entire Dashboard options but not with active visual. VS Active visual export
Forcing the calc to treat as measure might help. Eg: sum(0) + <my calc>. Using a aggregate function wrapping for the calc will treat it as a measure in most cases.
We have started the development on this functionality. We will post more updates as make progress. Thanks.