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Hi Prabhjeet, The latency is determined by the non functional supplemental requirements you have gathered from your consumers regards how out of date the data can be before it impact the business process. You can schedule as often as choose as a trade of between what your data extract consumers need versus what all the…
As Mandeep said you can do it using delimiter-based (EDI templates) eText template to build a CSV using a template. That way you only have the cols you need in your CSV. Oracle® Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 12c ( E77722-02 December 2016 "Creating eText…
Hi, BICC is the recommended approach for "bulk extracts" (lots of rows). Using the SOAP or REST API or reports in OTBI is not recommended approach for "bulk extracts" (but lots of customers prefer this method). For more information see Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Creating a Business Intelligence Cloud Extract…
Ivony, Output format Data CSV and Data XML ignore your selected layout template. They will always get all columns in your data model in the order in your data model diagram no matter what you have done in any of your layout templates. The only thing you can do is set the data model property for pruning which for example…
Hi Ravinat, You are mistaken. Your question IS about enterprise contracts. The "customer" contracts that you manage using for example work area Contracts in navigation menu Contract Management from which you associate none or one or many contract lines from one or more contracts to your projects and/or tasks that you…
Hi Ravinat, It is because contracts is not in Projects or Financials or Procurement nor even in ERP. It is in Customer Experience (Sales). So Enterprise Contracts is used for Sales Contracts in CX but also for terms and conditions in Purchase Documents in Procurement and for intent to buy Supplier Contracts (Payables) and…
Hi Fiona, Yes that is exactly what we did. That custom "XX Project Manager Read Only" role in the screen shot is a real role we have live in production. It only has the transaction analysis duty roles for the subject areas we use in OTBI - all other roles and function privs removed - but the data security privs were…
Hi Fiona, Think of it a bit like pruning a tree. You can only cut the branches at the trunk. Not any branches or leaves any higher up. But if you cut it at the bottom you remove all the branches higher up. The way I make sure of that is to use the filters in Query By Example. For example, if you copy "Project Manager" as…
If your layout is type RTF ? then in your "Template builder for word" add in menu "BI Publisher" after you have upload your sample.xml use the button "Conditional Format" which will add C EC for the start ad end of an if.
NOTE null is 'All' only is you have a lov and you tell it do do so Yes you can do that either in your data model or in each layout using a condition (if). In data model for example by adding a column to your data model with a calculation for example if physical sql where parameter is text (if number or date then cast to…
Try this pattern for multiple value parameters if data set is physical sql data source ApplicationDB_ FSCM/HCM/CRM select all … where 1=1 and (coalesce(null,:p_batch_name) is null or glb.name in (:p_batch_name)) if data set is logical sql data source Oracle BI EE select all … where 1=1 and ((case when ('null' in…
Hi Giorgia, The application user interface work area "Process Requisition" is not a page in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. Assume you need the help of the application implementation consultants for business process Manage Purchase Requisitions in To Pay (2P) of application Procurement in ERP/SCM. Please ask…
As a solution all I can think is that you add n mutually exclusive buttons one link to production others with link to non production then some sort of condition to show or hide based on if you can test what environment you are in?
Hi, I think this is a generic internet protocol not specific particularly to OTBI or even Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications just about being a relative path so dot dot ".." means go up one folder in the path in OTBI you are always 1 folder down in analytics/ so .. takes you back up to the root of your url like…
gclampitt Yes you are correct. You still need the filter in the analysis to to have a default to return no rows if prompt before opening is False.
Hi, Another solution is to make at least 1 prompt "Required" but with default no value. Apply button will be greyed out. The user must select a value to apply the prompt to fetch results.
Hi Rama, "How to get the current assignment status of worker"? It is already getting all the "current" assignments. To get the current assignments you need to do nothing. If you view log you will see this subject area default is the effective as at today. So unless you have changed the session variable you are already…
Hi Liwen, To work it out get your query from your analysis then go to page Issue SQL or Manage Sessions to View Log. In the log find the physical SQL to understand the difference between the 2 environments. For example has the metadata repository database added extra where clauses in production to implement data security.…
Hi, Here you go. For your analysis in OTBI or report in OTBI build a query using this subject area. It includes the status of both the header and the line on a purchase requisition. It also has the distributions. Procurement - Requisitions Real Time…