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Discussion List
how to restrict users to create Quotation in specific Organization (store branch)Business Case: Many branches are created as organizations in Inventory management fusion, and we need to assign each sales user in CPQ only to his branch or branches and…
How to delete a price group completely?Summary: I have deleted a price group using However, when I check wi…
Customise Oracle CDM User interface (add EFF)Summary: Customise Oracle CDM User interface and add EFF that is already in CX Sales Account Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have Oracl…
How do I ensure Storefront SSO uses SHA256 SAML request encryption?Summary: We're upgrading our Keycloak Server for SSO to 25 and with that, the Java runtime. Since Java 17, SHA1 algorithms were removed. The Storefront is sending the SA…
how to re arrange sku in OCC adminSummary: In OCC admin, If the Product has multiple SKUs, then how do we re order or re arrange the SKUS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In…
Group facets under headings?Summary: We have a requirement to group facets (product attributes) under a common heading on the listing pages. For example: Performance Time x y z Speed a b c Is it po…
PO_HEADERS_ALL. EDI_PROCESSED_FLAG and EDI_PROCESSED_STATUS usageWe would like to understand the significance of 2 edi related fields in Oracle Cloud Tables PO_HEADERS_ALL.EDI_PROCESSED_FLAG and EDI_PROCESSED_STATUS and how that can b…
How do I do a background download of a transaction in storefront?Summary: Use case: Portal has list of transactions and user can select multiple transactions and click download PDF. In the backend it should trigger the integration to …
How do I configure the product csv file in OCCSummary: We are currently working with OCC and OIC to retrieve the products catalog. The file is generated via an export button and has the full list of columns. We we p…
produto - order limit globalIs it possible to set the product.orderlimit property to a global value? This property exists for each item in the catalog and limits the quantity to be purchased for th…
Accounts created on CPQ don't appear on the quotationhow to make Accounts created on CPQ don't appear on the quotation when the value entered in the customer name attribute
Can we move to prod form test in OCC?Summary: Content (required): Hi, We are developing an OSF application on the OCC test instance, in future if we decide to move to production instance, is there a way to …
Resend orders (fast)Resend orders (fast) What is the way to have orders shipped immediately or to schedule a reshipment? PUT /ccadmin/v1/webhookFailedMessages/{id}{ "resend": true }
How to get all the files under /file/ folderSummary: We need all the files uploaded under /file/ folder. https://{{env}}.com/ccadmin/v1/files/?folder=/ { "errorCode": "33110", "message": "The \"folder\" parameter …
restart instance (benefits)What are the benefits of requesting a production instance restart?
Promotion automatically applied in the second orderSummary: Order promotion code is applied automatically after the first order. Content: Hey guys… We are facing a situation with a order discount with buy X and get Y dis…
Change behavior of the category page so that it no longer displays products from child categoriesHello! We have a scenario that we would like to evaluate the possibility of changing. The scenario is as follows: Category "cat1" has a product "prod1" Category "cat2" i…
Oracle Commerce Cloud API to extract all accounts and members register in each accountHello. Initially, I use the ccadmin/v1/organization endpoint to look for key members and retrieve the member registered as the primary account. For example, I have an ac…
Vertex integration issue with Oracle Commerce for B2B TransactionsSummary: OCC standard connector to Vertex only sends a unique id for the person ordering, it does not send the company id, thus any tax modifications must be programmed …
OCC Cloud Configuration documentationSummary: Documentation related to the merchant CloudConfiguration Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I was reading about one change on 24A fo…
Filtered Catalog RecommendationSummary: I was reviewing the OCC documentation related to catalog management and I found out that Oracle is now calling the existing Catalogs as Legacy Catalogs and reco…
Is bulk pricing possible with promotions?Summary: We are exploring if price breaks are possible with OCC's promotions. We are looking for a feature similar to volume pricing - bulk pricing, but for promotions. …
Run price limit promotionWe need to run a promotion only for items priced over $50.00. How do I set this up?
Is there an option to obtain a list of all users with an active cart in CX Commerce?Summary: Is there an option to obtain a list of all users with an active cart who have not yet converted it into an order in CX Commerce? Content (please ensure you mask…
Will Custom Pages and VBCS pages work after Redwood upgrade?Our Fusion application is 24B. We have many Custom and VBCS pages in our PRM module. We would like to know if we upgrade our instance to Redwood, will the custom and VBC…
How to apply or invalidate non-coupon based promotions based on cart custom fields valueSummary: How to apply or invalidate non-coupon-based promotions based on cart custom field value? We want to check for some conditions before OCC applies promotion to th…
Is it possible to translate/provide different URLs based on the locale for article pages?Summary: Is it possible to translate/provide different URLs based on the locale for article pages? We are re-creating a WordPress site in commerce and the WordPress site…
Join Us for the Oracle Commerce Cloud Customer Connect Session - 26th Aug 2024Date: August 26, 2024 Time: 08:00 AM PST/PDT (08:30 PM IST) Platform: Link to Registration is available here - In this engaging session, Oracle's senior leaders from Pro…
Commerce Cloud 24C(24.08) August Maintenance Pack Release Notes Now Available!24C (24.08) has been released and the release notes are attached. The What's New documentation can be found on the Commerce Application Update Readiness
How to get report on all purchaselist create for all the usersSummary: We need a report on all the purchase lists created by all the users. We did not find any API for the same. Getting the report by logging in 1 by 1 is not feasab…