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Discussion List
Issues when adding a new property to recordsWe are currently implementing the pre-order functionality in our e-commerce and have encountered some issues and questions that we would like to address. With the implem…
Promotion UpsellMessaging widget is not working correctly in our store;I followed what was presented in the documentation available at: "…
How Do I call the Catalog and Price Group Assignment webhook in OSFSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
External Pricing Integration with Oracle ERP CloudSummary: I'm working with a customer that uses Oracle ERP Cloud with advanced pricing. I need to leverage the external pricing capabilities in OCC to call out to ERP clo…
Commerce Cloud 24B(24.05) May Maintenance Pack Release Notes Now Available!24B (24.05) has been released and the release notes are attached. The What's New documentation can be found on the Commerce Application Update Readiness
CX Commerce 2024 Upgrade ScheduleHi Commerce Community, We are announcing the Commerce Upgrade Release dates for 2024. Please reach out to your CSM or enter an SR with any additional questions. Calendar…
Default currency / pricing group based on user country or audienceIt seems that, in Oracle Commerce, logged-out users always see prices in the default currency. I'd like to have our store show prices to logged-out users based on what a…
External email serviceSummary: We want to use an external email service Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We performed the configurations according to the documen…
How to integrate OCC with Kafka ?Summary: We have a new requirement where we need to integrate Oracle Commerce Cloud with Kafka (Point To Point). Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
occs-agent change historySummary: Changes using occs-agent (client data) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Where can I view customer data change logs using the ...oc…
Access geolocated country for logged-out userIn Oracle Commerce Cloud, is there any API I can call, from a widget or an SSE, to get the geolocated country of a logged-out user? I can see there is PUT /ccstore/v1/au…
How to set 'continueOnMissingProduct' on the Commerce API GET /ccadmin/v1/products (listProducts)Summary: When running the GET /ccadmin/v1/products API, the 'continueOnMissingProduct' does not function. This is Boolean which we are setting to true. API response is a…
How do I redirect Google search results from my commerce site's OOTB 'contact us' page ?Summary: When users search for my commerce site on Google, the search results currently display the OOTB "contact us" page provided by Oracle Commerce. However, I've set…
We need to get person data, in a way like active/inactive users. Is there any way to get these data?Summary: We need to get person data, in a way like active/inactive users. Is there any way to get these data? Is there any API available or any admin feature to fetch da…
Busy reception/publication serviceHello We have a process in the backend to update stock and we also have an interface that updates products/prices, however we noticed that cx-commerce only uses one rece…
/ccadmin/v1/priceListGroups/listWithPricesDocumentation doesn't specify how you are suppose to provide product or sku id. I have tried placing the value in a few places based on other Oracle API syntax and get a…
if AIML checks for the past ordered items once we enable it in any of the environments?Hi, We were incorporating the AIML(Artificial Intelligence Machine learning) feature in OCC development environment. We wanted to know if AIML checks for the past ordere…
While trying to setup OCC environment getting below error. Please help to resolveSummary: When trying to execute command 'yarn install' getting error. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): yarn install v1.22.22[1/4] Resolving…
Server Side Extension: SSL with AxiosSummary: Recently we attempted standardize our REST calls in our SSEs to utilize only Axios which has a lot of nice features for REST application development. We were ab…
Request for Help with Implementing Search FiltersSummary: Hello, We are looking for a way to implement search filters that appear on the screen and are selectable by the client, however we have not found a way to imple…
Oracle CX - Auth0 integration or other IDPSummary: Oracle CX integration with auth0 - any available documentation and is it feasible (I see documentation from 2019, but want to validate if that is still valid as…
Products/Items are missing from SiteSummary: Periodically our over night processes fail to update records because the item no longer exits in OCC ADMIN. When we send updates we do not send any default pric…
Initiate Order CancelSummary: Q1. I wanted to understand how order cancel works. I tried the endpoint from OCC API documentation : /ccadmin/v1/orders/cancel. But this API does not seem to wo…
Create a filter in OTBI report based in the user being part of the teamSummary: I need to add a filter to a report in OTBI. This filter should be based on whether the person is part of the team associated with the account. For example: Acco…
Create redirects to homepageSummary: We're using (create/update)Redirect via the REST API to set up redirects for old/removed pages to take us back to the homepage. Currently, we have a "/home" pag…
Oracle Excellence Awards 2024 - Nominations Open!At Oracle, our customers inspire us daily—as teachers, innovators, and thought leaders. Combining their boundless ingenuity with Oracle solutions, our customers are crea…Elise Hymes - Oracle CX-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Elise Hymes - Oracle CX-Oracle
Oracle CPQHi @Everyone, Related: CPQ - Fusion sales Integration Question: We have Return to sales Action button which is currently integrated with the standard integration and a B…
Creating a Custom Property which is a dropdown in Account/OrganizationSummary: how we can create custom property with dropdown holding some default values similar to Account Type and Customer Type at the organization level Content (please …
Can a list of products with stock levels below a certain amount be obtained?Summary: I need a report on the products in OCC that have an inventory of '0,' since I now have over 400 thousand items. Is obtaining it possible? Thank You Rinith Amin
Child Item quantityHow can we specify the quantity of a child item? Currently OCC is multiplying the child item's price by parent item's quantity. For example, a child item on an externall…