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Financial Consolidation and Close
Discussion List
Handling cross holdingsSummary Minority calculation for cross holdings is not calculated correctlyContent Hi, I am trying to understand how does FCCS handles cross holding, meaning, for exampl…
Retained Earnings PriorSummary Settings for Retained Earnings Prior and TranslationContent Hi, We used the Oracle default setting: Historical, for Exchange Rate Type of account FCCS_Retained E…
Repetitive tasks in FCCS WorkflowSummary Tasks assigned to multiple usersContent Let us say we are setting up a monthly close template and there is a task "Fill out Income Statement form". This is done …User_2025-01-30-04-15-20-404 25 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-04-15-20-404
Journals on Parent CurrencySummary Is it possible to post journals on Parent Currency?Content Hi everyone, I've read in the admin manual that journals can be posted on Parent Currency, however I'm…
Journals on Elimination and Parent CurrencySummary Is it possible to load a Journal on other members than Entity Input and Entity Currency?Content Hi, I would like to know whether is possible to generate a Journa…
Approval unit validationsSummary Is there a way to apply HFM-type validations to Approval UnitsContent Is there a way to add HFM-type validations to Approval Units? I've heard from some folks th…
Alternate balance hierarchy not adding data to parent accountsSummary Alternate balance hierarchy not adding data to parent accountsContent Hi all, I have a differente balance hierarchy underneath FCCS_Balance Sheet (with ignore) a…User_2025-01-28-22-31-09-349 68 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-22-31-09-349
Reset a ConsolidationSummary Error when consolidatingContent When I consolidate I'm getting the following error: A method called by the script failed on line: 8, with error: A consolidation …
Retained Earnings Needs more AccountsSummary FCCS_Retained Earnings Does not allow user defined accountsContent Hello, I have accounts that are part of Retained Earnings (dividends and adj,). However, we ca…
Consolidation rules abortSummary Both seeded and created configurable consolidation rules failContent In the Configurable Consolidation section I do not manage to be able to consolidate without …
Adding Tasks to a Schedule in UseSummary If a schedule is already in use and if you add tasks to template will those tasks be auto applied to a schedule that is already in use or do you have to delete a…
Adding Tasks to TemplatesSummary If we add a task to a monthly template, will it be automatically applied to quarterly and yearly templates?
Additional Custom DimensionsSummary When will Oracle add more custom dimensions?Content Hi, Please let me know when Oracle will add more custom dimensions to FCCS beyond the 4 we have today? And ho…
Calculate Subsidiary/Equity retained earnings on Holding companiesSummary Is it possible to calculate the corresponding retained earnings for Subsidiaries and Equity companies on the Holding company instead of the Consolidated?Content …
Phased Submission in FCCSSummary Phased Submission in FCCSContent Hi Does FCCS support Phased Submission as in HFM? If not, are there any plans for including phased submission in any future rele…
Add Members or Share Members to Data Source DimensionSummary Add user defined members or shared members to Data Source DimensionContent Hi, According to Oracle's admin guide that we are allowed to add Data Source member hi…
Auditability of Yearend valuesContent it has taken a long time and a great deal of education with the external auditors to make them convertible and reduce the level of testing the complete on the ba…User_2025-01-29-21-29-58-889 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-21-29-58-889
Intercompany Plug AccountSummary Data Storage for Intercompany Plug AccountContent Hi, What is the recommended data storage selection for an intercompany plug account? Never Share or Store? Back…
Not able to find three ceded Rule setsSummary Rulesets are not foundContent Hi All, On 13th April we have enabled the ownership management feature in application. After that as per Admin guide we have to dep…
Factor in new Consolidation RulesSummary Factor in new Consolidation RulesContent Hi, in the new consolidation rules is there anyway to include a factor different than an input number to multiply the ac…
Closing Balance Input v Closing BalanceSummary Did the calculation for Closing Balance Input ChangeContent Hello, Was there a change in the way the Closing Balance Input movement member is calculated? We are …
Load Data and Movement DimensionSummary Load Data and Movement DimensionContent Initially we have loaded the current data of each company in the member "No Movement". In this case we can see the Consol…User_2025-01-28-01-07-30-292 47 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-01-07-30-292
How to revert the Minority Interest?Summary I need to revert the Minority InterestContent I need to revert the Minority Interest. The case when the holding have part of the "Minority Interest" of their Sub…User_2025-01-28-01-07-47-372 46 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-01-07-30-292
Customization of Inter company ReportSummary Need to change the format of Inter company ReportContent Hi All, As we look into the Inter company report we find that in this report accounts are coming to the …
Topside JE at Parent Entity LevelSummary Book Topside JEs at Parent Entity Level and RollfowardContent Hi, Our client booked some topsides at parent entity level. It appears the balance does not get car…
EPM – Deep Dive on Advanced Consolidations in Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud, April 5, 2018Content Submit your questions for the EPM – Deep Dive on Advanced Consolidations in Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud session to have them answered during the live…
Issue with the Consolidation of the CashflowSummary The Cash flow is balanced at the Local level (individually), but not at the Consolidation LevelContent The Cash flow is correct at the Local level (individually)…
Advanced Consolidation - How to make it work?Summary The consolidation doesn't seem to be workingContent Hi All, I'm running a testing of the consolidation methods and the eliminations that are supposed to happen a…
Smart View Time Out IssueSummary Registry Key Settings for Smart ViewContent Hello, We are receiving the Keep-Alive and receive Time Out messages in Smart View for FCCS. Two questions * Do we st…
FCCS ConsolidationSummary Does FCCS Consolidate "backwards"?Content Hello, Does FCCS consolidate backwards if needed when consolidating the current year? For example - in FY18 if I loaded…