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HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Discussion List
Redwood helper tool for 25A - Report vs Migration modeHi Team, We have just started the Redwood migration process and are currently checking the helper tool. I noticed that there are two different modes: Report and Migratio…
Unable to find employment details pages from migration tool in the applicaitonSummary: We cant figure out what the pages below are from the migration tool. The only way we coul navigate to the correct employment page and view employment page were …
Rollback of Customizations migrated from RUI page to Redwood Page using Redwood Personalization ToolHello Team, We have used HCM Redwood Helper Tool for migrating existing customizations to Redwood page for "Hire an Employee" page. However, results are not as expected.…
Partial Migration of Customizations from RUI page to Redwood PageHello Team, Now, we know the process of existing customizations from RUI page to Redwood page using HCM Redwood Personalization Tool. Example: Recently we did migrate ex…
I'm unable to hide a custom DFF under Additional Info section when adding an absence.Summary: We created a custom Descriptive Flex field (Occurrence Number) under Additional Info Section while Adding an absence. Now, we want to hide this custom Descripti…
How can entity/business verify the redwood customizations doneHello All, Below is our query regarding redwood. Whenever we do some personalization's in sandbox, we gave the sandbox name to entity/business for them to test and Verif…
Not able to find few Core HR pages in Redwood Personalization Helper Tool to migrateSummary: Not able to find few Core HR pages in Redwood Personalization Helper Tool to migrate although they are supported for migration Add assignment. Change assignment…
List of what the Redwood Tool Persoanlzation Error meanSummary: Hi Everyone, I once saw a document prepared by Oracle that provides a list of what the errors generated by the Redwood tool mean. Does anyone know how I can get…
Redwood Helper tool's report output is missing the pages/ModuleSummary: Business is asking why the Redwood Helper Tool's report output is missing many of the pages/modules that they use in their review of the report (TDS Summary & P…
Can we use the tool in Production to migrate personalizations? If not, why?Summary: Came across one of the FAQs where it was mentioned - "You should not use the tool directly in Production to migrate personalizations. This tool is expected to b…
Cannot access HCM Redwood Personalization Helper ToolI'm trying to download "HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool" by following steps mentioned in: "Fusion HCM User Guide: HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool (Doc ID…
Redwood Helper Tool for RequisitionsSummary: No Customizations are reported with Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have enabled Hiring and Requisitions in REDWOOD and genera…
Can I use a 24D ADF file and import it into the 25A HCM Personalization Helper Tool? (in report modeDo I have to wait until my environment is upgraded to 25A in order to get the ADF file and use the 25A HCM Personalization Helper Tool (in report mode)? Or can I use a 2…
VB Rule loaded through helper tool is reflecting in workspace in preview not able to see the changesSummary: Hi All, We have loaded a rule into the redwood page through Helper tool and the change is reflecting in the workspace and when we preview the same the change is…
Internal error when publishing in VBS after loading extensions from Personalization Helper toolSummary: I have used the Personalization Helper tool and loaded a bunch of extension rules to the Employment Info page in VBS. When I go to publish, I get an internal er…
Rule mismatch in VBS and spreadsheet generated from Helper ToolSummary: There are 5 rules are in VBS when we import the workspace generated from Helper Tool, but in spreadsheet we see only 2 rules Content (please ensure you mask any…
Personalization Helper Tool - Resign/Termination not being migratedSummary: Hello, We have been told to use this tool for Migration of our customization on HCM Experience Design Studio to facilitate the change from Responsive UI to Redw…
additional personal info redwood page TDS rules imported into one single Business ruleTDS transaction Desing studio rules imported to additional personal info redwood page (using Redwood Helper tool(24C)) but all TDS rules are imported into one single bus…
What is the expected date of support for Benefits Module in Redwood Helper Tool?What is the expected date of support for Benefits Module in Redwood Helper Tool?
Partial Page Refresh in Redwood DOR pageSummary: After enabling Redwood for Document Records, we observed the Partial Page Refresh is no longer working as expected. The existing autocomplete rule is now only d…
Unable to make fields required on Requisition in VBS Business rule-Available in Responsive UI-TDSSummary: We used Redwood helper tool to migrate the TDS rules. And for certain rules we had Job family and function made as required in Transaction design studio but in …
Redwood Page Migration through VBS helper toolSummary: Redwood page (create work relationship) migration through VBS helper tool, According to the document HCM experience Design Studio have created extension rules a…
Helper Tool migrated rule shows incorrectly in VB StudioIn RUI we have hidden few fields(rendered = false) in change assignment using Page composer We imported Page Composer personalizations successfully with rendered propert…
Count Mismatch between Personalization helper tool Output and imported VBS Business RulesWe have 38 changes reported in excel but on VBS we only have 37 changes migrated in the business rule - TDS_ERT Admin Please help on what could be the reason for such a …
Discrepancies in Redwood Helper tool report to the actually imported customizations in the VBS.Summary: we are migrating the customizations we had in responsive page to the Redwood page with the help of Redwood helper tool. For Add a contingent Worker Page, we hav…
Redwood Adoption Start: Best Practices and MethodologiesSummary: Hi All, Since now is the time, everyone is working on preparing for the move to Redwood and So am I, just wanted to put this question in this forum, what would …
Rolling back changes done with Helper tool on REDWOODHi, We have migrated customizations using Helper tool for Redwood and post this we are encountering some issues where the pages don't open correctly and keep on bufferin…
migrating the Personalization Helper Tool for HCMSummary:I am currently in the process of migrating the Personalization Helper Tool for HCM and encountered some challenges. I need to download the ADF file from the Migr…
Page Composer - Personalization - need help on Disclosed Expression?Summary: We used redwood helper tool to migrate the Page composer personalizations for Job requisitions - View and Edit to Redwood and in the report under PC not migrate…
Need Help - using the personalisation helper tool for career development pageSummary: Hi Team, i tried to use the tool (for 24C) to help with the migration of the personalisation for the Career Development page. There are 2 custom rules on the TD…