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HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool
Discussion List
The TDS Rule condition is not working using VBS.Module : Request a New Position. File Name : PositionCreateRulesConfig.xml.xml Field : Position Type Rule Condition: BUSINESS_UNIT is not equal to 300000075888561. When …
How long does it take to create a ReportSummary: Helper Tool takes ages and does not finish Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I quickly wanted to check how long the helper …
where do we see the status of customization migrated through Helper ToolSummary: where do we see the status/details for the customization migrated through Helper Tool. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (i…
Flexfield is not migrated because connection to the environment is unavailableSummary: The Customization Helper Tool for Redwood was run and this error was obtained for a large number of Flexfields. This is the error that is displayed: Flexfield i…
how to migrate 'Correct Employment' customizations form RUI to Redwood as we don't have Redwood pageSummary: Hi, we have begun migrating customizations form RUI to Redwood pages using redwood helper tool after enabling Redwood pages. we have some customizations in Corr…
Few DFF's are not moved using Helper toolSummary: Hi Team, We have enabled the Redwood features for Core HR, used helper tool to move the personalization's. we are able to move the DFF's but a particular DFF is…
Personal details page composer imported rule contains blank changes for fields in 24D Helper toolSummary: When we used 24D HCM Redwood personalization helper tool and migrated personal details page composer personalization, it created business rules by highlighting …
When will the migration tool be available for Absence, Time and Labor and BenefitsSummary: We need to migrate personalizations for all of these modules, when will it be available? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Migratio…
Job Requisition - Rule 'ROLE, RECRUITING_TYPE_CODE' not supportedSummary: In the 24B helper tool report we are getting the error message Rule 'ROLE, RECRUITING_TYPE_CODE' not supported as business rules condition for Redwood pages. Th…
migrating the Personalization Helper Tool for HCMI am currently in the process of migrating the Personalization Helper Tool for HCM and encountered some challenges. I need to download the ADF file from the Migration se…
Flexfield is not migrated because connection to the environment is unavailableSummary: The Customization Helper Tool for Redwood was run and this error was obtained for a large number of Flexfields. This is the error that is displayed: Flexfield i…
Error While trying to migrate FlexfieldsSummary: When using the redwood personalization helper tool, whenever try to migrate with flexfields, get error: "Incorrect username or password" Troubleshooted this iss…
HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool report is garbledSummary: The Japanese part of the output report is garbled. These are the names of the Japanese rules created in HCM Experience Design Studio. Content (please ensure you…
24D redwood helper tool is creating issuesDear Team, I am trying to migrate personalization of Employment info page from Responsive UI to Redwood UI but when i import VB code to VBS it throws below error. PLs le…
How to rename fields in Redwood assignment page using VB studioSummary: We are trying to rename fields in assignment Redwood page. We tried checking few videos but we could not get how to rename fields in the page level. Could anyon…
DFF design studio personalizations migration issue with Redwood personalization helper toolSummary: Hi Majority of our DFF's can't be migrated by the Redwood personalization helper tool . We get following error message: Flexfield "PER_ASG_DF_Global Data Elemen…
ERROR validating credentials when Include Flexfields is enabledSummary: ERROR validating credentials when Include Flexfields is enabled Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): ERROR validating credentials when…
Customization message in ‘Document Record’ page is not listed in helper tool migration report.Summary: Customization to show message to user in ‘Document Record’ page is not listed in helper tool migration report. Also, this customization is not migrated with Hel…
Redwood Tool importing extra fields into the pageSummary: We have used Redwood Tool generated zip file for "Employment Info" to import customozations. After Import, we are seeing many extra fields like Assignment ID, E…
We have VBS in multiple pods now. Can we use other POD details for Helper tool?Earlier we used the Test POD VBS to export the workspace migrated our changes using the tool. Now we have VBS in Dev8, Can I use dev8 VBS workspace and pod details to ru…
SCCM installation/uninstallation commands for Redwood Personalization Helper ToolSummary: Client is pushing the personalization helper tool installation through Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager and need to verify details for the helper t…
Attribute "sahFrm" is either not available in the Redwood pageSummary: When we migrate the Employment info page using the Helper tool. Following page composer personalization's are not migrated. How can we implement this in redwood…
clarification on if any underline table is affected after migrating to redwoodWe need to check if any underline table is affected in redwood migration. We need any document link to support this statement.
Redwood Helper tool(24C) is not migrating all the page attributes personalizations and DFF fieldsWe are trying to migrate all the responsive page personalization to Redwood pages and we are using Personalization helper tool to migrate it. But many of the page level …
Redwood Personalization Helper Tool 24C: how the 24B and 24C tool works together?Summary: Hi everyone, we are implementing Redwood for one of our clients and we have started the migration of customizations with the Redwood Personalization Helper Tool…
redwood helper tool is not working as expectedSummary: redwood helper tool is not working as expected. I installed 24b Version and enabled assignment DFF's but when I migrated those changes to another environment I …
Helper tool not working as expected - Employment informationSummary: Dear experts, We had raised an SR with Oracle as we are facing issues with publishing changes using helper tool(24C version) via VBS. The team directed us here …
Redwood : Visual Builder Issue with Exclusion rule on Employment InfoSummary: When migration personalizations using Redwood helper tool for Employment Info page, the transaction design studio rules are getting migrated but not fully. Belo…
Unable to fetch the customization for HR HelpdeskWe are unable to fetch the customization for HR Helpdesk using HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool. Please let us know how we can fetch the customization for HR Help…
Redwood personalization tool is capturing different module nameSummary: I have exported zip file for goal center page for migrating personalization. When i am uploaded that file in tool it is still giving me module name of Talent ma…