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Taleo Enterprise
Discussion List
Institution list in career sectionContent We have our career section application set up so that the education institution must be selected from the institution list provided by Taleo. We want to keep it …
In candidates advanced search, how to find only spontaneous candidates ?Content Hi, I would like to know if you have a solution to find only spontaneous candidates in advanced search ? I would like to use the green stairs icon, but new appli…
Your Product Enhancement Ideas RequestedContent Taleo is conducting a pilot test of a new 'Ideas' system where customers can comment and vote on suggestions by other customers. It's a nice interactive way for …
Offer Decline Motive in ReportContent We have a report created shows that status of all offers that have been extended. For those that are declined, we would like to show the reason. Does anyone know…
Metrics Configurator - More InformationContent Hi - I attended Taleo World last week and heard several things abou the Taleo Analytics Metrics Configurator. I was wondering if there is additional documentatio…
Onboarding FormsContent I wanted to ask folks how many different forms typical employers are requiring as part of the Onboarding process, and how often they change? Do you have differen…
How to pull out the first entered and last entered values for experienceContent Hi All, So I am trying to write a report where I am looking to display the current or last job that someone is/was in. The problem that I am having here is that …
Reminder mails to approvers in approval chain is this possibleContent Hi Can we send reminder mails to approvers in approval chain through Taleo... it can be a system triggered reminders say after 2 working days if the approver dos…
Reporting and OnBoarding.Content Hello All, OK, so I give up. I have been trying this for hours and can't get it to work. Here is the scenario. I am trying to create a report based off an OnBoar…
Taleo Reporting & Analytics: Excluding Specific Requisitions From Reporting DataContent Many clients create requisitions for creative purposes or non-standard reasons. These requisitions can skew the results of standard or ad hoc reports like “time …
Evergreen RequisitionsContent I have yet to set up a Evergreen Requisition and am trying to find a good way to do this. Does anyone have any advice or know of any documentation to do this? Th…
Reporting on Reqs - Currently PostedContent Hi everyone, I have been asked to provide a snapshot of what is currently posted (as a count) by each user group. While this data is fairly easy to extract it se…
Electronic I-9Content Is anyone using an electronic I-9 feature that stores the I-9 online electronically? How are you handling? We are wanting to start doing this in mid-November whe…
Need Help in Loading Data from ERP to a Seeded field in TCCContent Hi I am planning to load data from our ERP system to one of the Seeded Fields in Taleo. I was not really sure of what are the required fields to do the import on…
How to eliminate duplicates in uploading in TCC and find out why they were tagged as duplicates?Content Hi, First of all let me introduce myself. I'm Gene Garcia, I manage the enterprise for Taleo and TCC here in the Philippines region for Etelecare Global Solution…
Quality Of Hire MetricsContent Hi Folks, Is anyone actively using "Quality Of Hire" metrics internally? If so, I have a few questions: 1- How do you calculate quality of hire? 2- How do you sl…
Using the Subquery featureContent Hi, I have struggled with using the subquery feature and have never been able to get it to work correctly. Becuase of this, I have ended up splitting my queries …
Reporting on # Reqs. Opened/Filled in a periodContent Hi, I am trying to create a historical report, for which I am trying to show # of reqs opened, filled, and open during that period. I was able to leverage the hi…
ACE Reporting: What reports do you run?Content Hello - Our organization is currently building out our ACE functionality - creating questions and templates per requisition.As we use ACE to a more robust degree…
Taleo Onboarding - 5 min Online DemoContent If you're interested in Onboarding, take a look at this online demonstration: A…
Reporting Knowledge Document - FeedbackContent Hi folks, I have attached our first version of the reporting knowledge document. It has been available on the support portal for a while now. The purpose of this…
Reporting - Single Position Reqs. Vs. Multi Position Reqs.Content Hi, First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Eric Pouliot and I am a Product Manager for our Reporting and Analytics solutions here at Ta…
Filled Action for requisitions?Content This may not be an issue for most companies, but we are being challenged by user adoption in certain countries. This typically occurs after the requisition is po…
Check this out from the Western Region User Group - Audit ReportsContent Check out this discussion for suggestions about
Check this out from the Western Region User Group - Custom Taleo ReportsContent Check out this discussion regarding .
Check this out from the Western Region User Group - Scheduling ReportsContent Check out this discussion regarding .
Prescreening Question ReportContent We are on SP8 and need the ability to report off of all the prescreening questions which are in our universe. Does anyone know if that is possible through BOXI? …