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Discussion List
Automatic a replicated partitionSummary Automating a replicated partitionContent Is it possible, and can anyone provide the syntax for running a .BAT file to pick up a partition export (.mxl) file and …
Smart View Error message "The data entered is wrong, so it will revert to the previous value"Summary The data entered is wrong, so it will revert to the previous valueContent I have created a smart view file that has a lot of columns. There formula involved that…
HypSetActiveMember and UserVariablesSummary HypSetActiveMember and UserVariablesContent Hello! Does HypSetActiveMember works on UserVariable ?? sts = HypSetActiveMember("UserVariableName", "memberName") al…
Export On-Premises Cubes to Import to the CloudSummary We are not able to export On-Premises Cubes to Import to the CloudContent Hi We have an on-premise Essbase cube(Essbase Version, that need to be mi…
Essbase connection on Smart View change to newSummary Is there a quick way to update SV connection on existing Essbase retrieve files?Content We upgraded the Hyperion applications and users need to change to new con…User_2025-01-31-16-14-51-428 30 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-16-14-51-428
SmartView Backwards Compatible with older version of ExcelSummary Is SmartView 900 compatible with older version of ExcelContent Hello Essbase World, I have a question about SmartView and Excel when connecting to Essba…
AGG issue in ASOSummary Agg issue in ASO cubeContent Hi All, I have a UDA's(Fin, Asst, etc) attached to Level Zero members of account dim, but no UDA attached to Parent members now I ha…
Unexpected end of ZLIB input streamSummary Tried to import lcm backup zip file to create a new application,But when i tried the LCM Import in the Essbase cloud, it shows up the error "Unexpected end of ZL…
FRS - member descriptionsSummary Descriptions are blank in FRS DimensionsContent Can anyone help explain why the Member Alias (Default) in FRS merges the Value and the Description? And how to ge…
OAC Essbase Google Sheets add-onSummary You can now access your OAC data from Google Sheets exactly like you do in Excel using Smart View.Content We're happy to announce the availability of our "OAC Es…User_2025-02-04-20-31-44-581 86 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-20-31-44-581
Disable "Duplicate member names allowed" option vía scriptingSummary We need some help finding a way to disable the "Duplicate member names allowed" option with a scriptContent Hi everyone, We have a Planning app deployed with EPM…
ASO MDX Data copySummary ASO MDX data copy script is taking hrsContent Hi All, I have an MDX script which will copy data from one member to other member it is taking 3 hours to complete …
extraction of parent and child together in report scriptSummary extraction of parent and child together in report scriptContent Hi , How to extract data along with both and child in report script or any other means with scrip…
Formula to retrieve the top ancestor for an entity memberSummary Trying to run a report that identifies the parent or top ancestor for all entity membersContent Trying to run a report that identifies the parent or top ancestor…
Method to find intersection with actual data in Essbase with SmartViewSummary I'm trying to find a simple way of targeting an intersection where there is non-missing, non-zero data.Content Hello Oracle Essbase World, I have a fairly simple…
Working Day MetricSummary Analyzing various statistics against working daysContent We recently implemented two OAC Essbase cubes, 1 ASO and 1 BSO. Within the BSO cube, our dense dimension…
Planning Analyze not workingSummary Planning Analyze not working - " Ad hoc grid can not be opened as there are no valid rows of data"Content Hello, After the May update we noticed an odd behavior …
Data Copy in OAC Essbase ASO CubeContent G'day,I am wondering if anyone has had success running a data copy calc on an OAC-Essbase ASO cube using MaxL. The error I keep running into is ERROR - 1241109 -…
Schedule JobSummary We are just starting playing with OAC EssbaseContent We are just starting playing with OAC Essbase, is there any scheduling capability for executing data refresh…User_2025-01-31-16-29-36-340 33 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-02-13-58-486
Capture Data in Unlocked Cell in Protected Workbook Smart View ErrorSummary Capture Data in Unlocked Cell in Protected Workbook Smart View ErrorContent Hi I've created an ad-hoc grid to enable users to load data into an OAC Essbase cube.…
Possible to retrieve a numeric value and refer it it as a member name?Summary Investigating the possiblity of storing and retrieving a numeric value, and having a calc scrpt pull the number and then reference it as a member name.Content Th…
Report ScriptContent Hi All, Do we have any command to convert the report script extract negative number . I am getting it as (54) but i want it as -54 . I tried to look for the comm…
Load backup .txt data into Essbase CloudContent Hi There, We are in the process testing on essbase cloud version, I am able to migrate application and cubes into OAC using utility provided. However is there an…
Submit Text Label (Typed Measures) with HSSet Smart View FunctionSummary Submit Text Label (Typed Measures) with HSSet Smart View FunctionContent Hi Can you use an HSSet Smart View Function to submit a text label (Typed Measures)? If …
How to give permission to execute calculation command in Essbase cloudContent We tried to execute the sequence of scripts using the execute calculation command but it throws an error. Can someone let us know how to grant access to execute …
ASO copy then load additive issueContent ASO cube that is copying data into a current month then loading additively on top of this data to create a total. The problem is the load file might have a minim…
Having issues enabling DTS for Y-T-DSummary Having issues enabling DTS for Y-T-DContent Hi Having issues enabling DTS for Y-T-D. The value gets updated on the working sheet but fails to be updated on cube …
Managing Text List (aka SmartList) in OAC Essbase UI is Yet to Be ImplementedSummary In my version of OAC Essbase Cloud UI (version: support for managing Text List is only supported in Cube DesignerContent To begin with, the OAC Ess…
Encrypt PasswordSummary Encrypt PasswordContent Hi All, In Cloud System how to set up the Encrypt Password ? How to get the Encrypt user name and Password?
Member Formula in Essbase Went #MISSING After Doing DB Refresh from Hyperion PlanningSummary Member Formula in Essbase Went #MISSING After Doing DB Refresh from Hyperion PlanningContent Hi Gurus I found an issue where formula in Essbase outline went #MIS…User_2025-01-31-00-50-25-462 36 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-22-40-59-016