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Provide a Reference of Enterprise Contract on to RequisitionContent Hello, We have a Requirement where, we need to Associate a Enterprise Contract(Master Contract ) to Requisition . How can we Achieve this? Version 20B
Does sourcing have the Redwood page mandate or the feature enabled by opt-in currently?I am reviewing the Sourcing related 24C features after a long time and seeing the updates related to Redwood page. Is this something a opt-in or going to be mandate in f…
Roles Needed to Create Contract from NegotiationSummary Is there a way to allow a user to create a contract from a negotiation without marking them as a resource?Content When creating a Negotiation, user needs these r…
Request information notification is not available during RFQ Award approvalSummary: Hi Team, Request information notification is not available during RFQ Award approval at BPM worklist. What is the missing configuration here. Content (please en…
Visual Builder Excel to Upload RFQ LinesSummary: We need the visual builder excel to upload the negotiation lines with DFF values. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Upload RFQ Line…
Does sourcing have the Redwood page mandate or the feature enabled by opt-in currently?I am reviewing the Sourcing related 24C features after a long time and seeing the updates related to Redwood page. Is this something a opt-in or going to be mandate in f…
Enablement of Next Generation Self-Service Supplier RegistrationSummary: Client has only 2 environments: Production and Test instance. We want to enable the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration in Test instance to be ab…
Negotiations page not showing more than 500 suppliersSummary: Our buyer has invited 600 suppliers to a negotiation but he can see only 500 suppliers on the page not more than that. But if we export, buyer can see all 600 s…
Negotiation award Using Mapping SetsSummary: In 24C, Requisitions and purchase order approval can be modeled based on mapping set based of approval matrix . Can we get similar functionality for negotiation…
Query regarding 'Manage Sourcing Notifications' taskSummary: Query regarding 'Manage Sourcing Notifications' task Content (required): Hi all, 1. Can anyone please tell me if 'manage sourcing notifications' task correspond…
How to reassign negotiation ownership?Summary A category manager may decide to leave the organization and you may want to reassign the negotiation ownership for the negotiations owned by the category manager…
Is it possible to do page personalization in the Create Solicitation Pop up ScreenSummary: Is it possible to do page personalization on the Create Solicitation Pop up Screen? Navigation: Procurement → Solicitations → Create Solicitation When I try to …
No requisition line was found with these values in the requisition pool FBDI template errorI am trying to implement 24B feature- Add Requisitions to Large Negotiations I have downloaded FBDI template -PONNegotiationLinesImportTemplate Added all the details and…
Customer require to create a new Procurement approval plan for new Cost centerSummary: Create procurement plan approval for newly created Cost center Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you a…
Adding Sourcing Requirements from Excel: How to get the generated file digitally signedSummary Not able to digitally sign the AddRequirements Excel fileContent We are planning to use Excel to load requirements inti our Sourcing Events. But due to our compa…
How to define Response number for supplier RFQ response?Summary: When supplier create a response through the Supplier Portal, there is a number assigned for each Response. Where can we define the Response number? Content (ple…
Unable to link multiple Negotiation Lines to the "original" single lined PRScenario User Departments create PR with estimate budget USD20million for request decoration services, PR passed budget check and approved. Buyer creates RFQ/Tender with…
Not able to edit the Library Questions once saved to NegotiationSummary: Not able to edit the Library Questions once saved to Negotiation, The Pre list of 'Library' questions are saved as a strict set of questions that cannot be edit…
Why is scoring criteria not being displayed to suppliers?Summary: What the client is looking for is to display scoring criteria to suppliers, so they would know how their responses are being evaluated and scored. For example, …
How to return back to Manage Approval workflow from BPM workflowSummary: I am facing issues with BPM approval configuration hence thought of to configure the negotiation award approval. Hence let me know how can I get back to FMS app…
How to set up award approval flows based on requirement responses?Hello community, I'm currently facing a requirement where my client requires to manage the award approval flows of a negotiation based on the responses sent by the suppl…
How to hide the "Cancel" button for Approved/Awarded/Completed RFQ based on Negotiation Template?Summary: Customer would like to avoid user from cancellation the Approved, Awarded and Completed RFQ for certain Negotiation Template. Content (please ensure you mask an…
What RTF template to use to create a custom Supplier and Buyer Negotiation PDFSummary: Business needs to make changes to the Supplier and Buyer Negotiation PDF Change the texts (wordings) Move/remove tables Move/Remove section We can update the co…
Manage Negotiation: Supplier Transaction HistorySummary: We are trying to create a canvass sheet for the client and we would like to get this supplier information from the Transaction History > Purchase Order (please …
Can we default the RFQ to not require the creation of any purchasing document?Summary: Currently, the only way to control whether the RFQ should not proceed to purchasing document creation is to select the "Complete without creating purchasing doc…
Composite Scoring and Multiattribute scoringSummary: As far as I understand, composite scoring ranks responses based on price and response to requirements, and it creates an overall ranking of responses. On the ot…
Request information notification is not available duirng RFQ Award approvalSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Supplier Portal User Account Negotiation NotificationSummary: Question, with a Negotiation does every user with a supplier portal user account get a notification or is it only the selected contact when the negotiation is c…
Time of surrogate response on search screen is 4 hours later than original timeSummary: Time of Surrogate Response under the Manage Surrogate Responses screen >Search Results, is increased by 4 hours as compared to the original Surrogate Response s…
What is the difference between "Reopen Completed Award" and "Reopen Completed Negotiation"?Summary: Inside the RFQ, in what condition can we use "reopen completed award" and what condition can we use "reopen completed negotiation"? And what are the difference …