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Global Trade Management
Discussion List
Error: Corresponding item origin is not matching with the given date(s)Summary: Error: Corresponding item origin is not matching with the given date(s) Content (required): We hit the mentioned error when running qualification on an Item Qua…
How GTM Logic Configuration is defined when Ad-hoc screening is executed?Summary: How should I do to set up a custom GTM Logic configuration when Ad-hoc screening is executed? I do not see any property or connexion that allows me to define my…
Which XSD in GTM will help us to send the screening response from GTM to ERP/Source systemSummary: Which XSD in GTM will help us to send the screening response from GTM to ERP/Source system 23C
How can we remove the Screening Results from GTM Trade Transaction screenHow can we remove the Screening Results from GTM Trade Transaction screen set in GTM 23B
Can we use saved queries without 'Us infinder' checked in workbenchesWe need to use this "TRANSACTION LINES FOR TRANSACTION" query which is under saved queries stored in PUBLIC domain for our workbenches. If I try to create a new query an…
AES Filing without Descartes GLN SystemSummary Best approach to send document filing to customs without DescratesContent Hi Gurus, We want to use AES Filing to send the filing information to Customs , however…
Can we determine the COO for a manufactured item having components of different origins in GTMSummary: Can we determine the COO for a manufactured item having components of different origins in GTM Content (required): Can we determine the COO for a manufactured i…
What setups are needed for RVC calculations?Summary: We have set up the Trade data from Descartes and are pointing to the standard formulas supplied in the Rules of Origin. Trade Agreement Qualification is success…
What is the GTM Product Classification Type for Dual Use Classification Codes?Summary: Our customer intends to use Dual Use Classification Codes from Descartes. Has anyone set this up? Please share the Classification Type and List Name for this se…
Multiple pass-through values in a saved querySummary: I have a saved query defined that utilizes the '?' in 3 different places in the query. The saved query is being used in an 'associated detail' table in a workbe…
Can multiple Product Classification codes be assigned to itemsI am trying to assign multiple HS US codes to a KIT Item but not able to assign getting an error multiple HS codes cannot be assigned 23B
23C OTM & GTM Overview: Replay and Release ContentSummary: 23C OTM & GTM overview is now available. Content (required): The 23C OTM & GTM overview is now available. Please reference the following: 23C OTM & GTM Overview…
Every time we pass RPLS in Trade Transaction lines in GTM do we need to re-screenEvery time we pass RPLS in Trade Transaction lines in GTM cloud do we need to re-screen line and header level for status changes to see coz just finishing isn't making a…
Involved parties on Trade Transaction line levelHow can we capture the involved parties in Trade Transaction line level in GTM coz a. we don't have a place holder on the shipment ship unit line level to capture involv…
Saved Query sort order not being adhered to in Enhanced WorkbenchSummary: Is anyone aware of a bug fix for a Saved Query sort order not being adhered to in the Enhanced Workbenches? Content (required): For a UI saved query that has a …
When configuring AES Filling in GTM why documents are becoming a part of additional documentWhen configuring AES Filling in GTM why documents are becoming a part of additional documents as a result we are not able to validate the documents since only standard d…
Roadmap for OTM Mobile Web Browser-Based ApplicationSummary: In the Mobile Guide docs., it is mentioned that the old Mobile App has been deprecated and new Mobile Web Browser-Based Application is being introduced with the…
How Product Classification code is assigned it to Item in GTMGTM is not able to assign a single classification code to the items based on description in GTM cloud. How do we run the classification in a way that GTM automatically a…
All the 3 types of compliance rules needs to be tied to a single compliance rule setAll the 3 types of compliance rules needs to be tied to a single compliance rule set before generating the document for AES filling or different compliance rules US – AS…
GTM-OTM 23 Training Videos Now AvailableSummary: The GTM-OTM 23 Training Videos are now available for replay. Content (required): Here is the link to the GTM-OTM 23 Training Videos that are now available for r…
GTI out of the box agentsSummary: According to the help I have activated the "soft deletion" of records in GTI database. After runnning ETL action, the objects deleted in UI, still remains in th…
User not able to receive Oracle Alerts and downtime mailsSummary: A new member has joined our support team and he needs to be able to get mail alerts from oracle regarding downtime and upgrades. Content (required): We have alr…
Exporting and Importing data via spreadsheet from/to solicitation campaign workbenchSummary: How to Export and Import data via spreadsheet from/to solicitation campaign workbench? Content (required): Although we can export workbench content into spreads…
Role needed to access Configuration and Administration > User Management > User Manager?Summary: Role needed to access Configuration and Administration > User Management > User Manager Content (required): Role needed to access Configuration and Administrati…
Party screening for Shareholders of a company - Kharon 50% listSummary: Can we screen the shareholders for a party on a trade transaction against the Kharon 50% list provided by descartes Content (required): We have a requirement to…
Issue in adding a child line with an update operation, when another child line already exists.Summary: We are doing an re-implementation from OTM 6.4.1 to 6.5.2. We have a specific scenario where the XML doesn't work the way it is expected to. When we have a pare…
Unable to use Action of 'Secure Resources by Planner' in Action CheckSummary: I want to use the action 'Secure resources by planner' on the shipment in Action check in order to check on few of the statuses But when i search the same on Au…
Facing issue while fetching results for Saved Query from REST API callSummary: Team , I am trying to fetch results of saved query from OTM cloud instance but every time i am getting error as below { "status": 404, "title": "Not Found", "de…
Can we download or export data from Adhoc screening result page?Summary: Do we have any option to download screened records from Adhoc screening result page? Content (required): User screened some party from Adhoc screening page and …
Redo process is not working for bulk transmission records?Summary: We are trying to reprocess bulk transmission records in single attempt but redo process is not working. Content (required): How to reprocess transmission using …