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Global Trade Management
Discussion List
How does Base Rule SETS work?Summary: How does Base Rule SETS work? Content (required): In Rules of Origins ***_US-USMCA, we can find 3 base rules, i.e. DEMIN, MINOPS and SETS. SETS has the expressi…
Rules of Origin - MINOPSSummary: How to interpret MOP_00EQ as a Base Rule in Rules of Origins? Content (required): In the Rule of Origin for US-USMCA, there is a base rule MINOPS with expressio…
How to upload a signed consolidated document against multiple campaign linesSummary: How to upload a signed consolidated document against multiple campaign lines Content (required): During solicitation, external supplier users select multiple ca…
De Minimis - How the formula know if a component is non-originating?Summary: In a formula like below, how system know if a component IS_NOT_ORIGINATING? VNM=Sigma(Filter((MATERIAL+MATERIAL_OVERHEAD)*QUANTITY,IS_NOT_ORIGINATING)) Content …
What is the use of RefNum when defining Trade Agreement?Summary: What is the use of RefNum when defining Trade Agreement? Content (required): When defining a trade agreement, there is a refnum section at the bottom. What is t…
How set exchange rate date through data query in agent works for invoice?Summary: I am trying to set exchange rate date using a query to pick existing exchange rate date in the invoice through an agent. But while executing the query it is giv…User_2025-02-13-14-28-38-832 33 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-13-14-28-38-832
How to extract huge data from GTM?Summary: We need to extract huge data from GTM for more than 1 Lakh Object Gid's provided to us. Content (required): For the extract of more than 1Lakh Object Gids, we c…
Is Item BOM section under Item Master a must-have for FTA Qualification?Summary: There is an "Item BOM" section under Item Master. In case of FTA qualification for multi-level BOMs, is it mandatory to fill up those fields? Content (required)…
Field "Country of Origin" vs Rule of OriginSummary: Field "Country of Origin" vs Rule of Origin result Content (required): "Country of Origin" in Item Origin record is a mandatory field to create an Item Origin. …
Can we classify Items in bulk using product classificatopn template?Summary: User tries to apply product classification template on many items at once in frontend but we could see that product classification get applied on few items & no…
How to find active users in GTM?Summary: We are trying to check how many active users in GTM. Content (required): We are trying to check how many active users in GTM. Is there any table to find active …
Unable to open or delete an item in GTM from FrontendSummary: We have a item that contains ','(Comma) in its gid. We are unable to perform any action on that item. Content (required): We are unable to perform any action on…
Can we add comments for adhoc party screeningSummary: We have a requirement to add comments for the adhoc party screening results just like we add comments on the party screening results. Is there a way we can achi…
How to avoid/resolve Proxy error while running report from GTM User Interface?Summary: Users trying to run report from GTM but they are getting proxy error(Please refer attached screenshot) Content (required): How to avoid/resolve Proxy error whil…
How to show line level info in the Document Template attached to Solicitation Notification EmailSummary: How to show line level info in the Document Template attached to Solicitation Notification Email to Suppliers Content (required): GTM allows Supplier Solicitati…
How to enable mandatory fields in Workbench?Summary: How to enable mandatory fields in Workbench (either legacy or enhanced)? Content (required): We need to make sure certain fields mandatory on a Item Classificat…
Can we generate consolidated documents grouped by the value of one field?Summary: Instead of one single consolidated document, can we generate consolidated documents grouped by the value of one field? Content (required): We generate consolida…
How to get the HTTP Header from an outbound integration messageSummary: How to get the HTTP Header from an outbound integration message Content (required): [Background] Our GTM Outbound Integration is via httppost and basic authenti…
Why isn't there an "Item Qualification Method" field?Summary: There are multiple methods to qualify an item for FTA, e.g. RVC, Tariff Shift and Wholly Obtained etc. I just got a question from client asking why there is no …
GTM Report Failing In Oracle BISummary: We are running a report in Oracle BI but the report gets errored out and stops processing. Content (required): The report errors out and stops processing and we…
Event Announcement: GTM 22C Session Overview and Release Readiness DocumentationSummary: Please join us on Tuesday July 19 at 8 am Pacific for the OTM & GTM 22C Overview. Content (required): Please register and view the reply once available here: ht…
How to find Country codes with Missing Time zone LocaleSummary: We recently found a country code which didn't have a Time Zone assigned to it. Content (required): Due to the missing time zone for the country code the party f…
where can I manage these activities requested by the customerSummary: where can I manage these activities requested by the customer Content (required): Hello I need support to understand in which Oracle cloud module the following …
Aren't Values Editable in Campaign Line Screenset?Summary: It will be great to make Values Editable in Campaign Line Screenset Content (required): In Campaign Line Enhanced workbench, we want suppliers to add multiple i…
How to copy additional documents from campaign line to item master in Qualification Solicitation?Summary: No option was given in Data Configuration to copy additional documents from campaign line to item master in Qualification Solicitation Content (required): We wa…
Session and Documentation for OTM & GTM: 22B EnhancementsSummary: Join us for this informative session as we review the recent enhancements in Oracle Transportation and Trade Management Cloud 22B Update. Content (required): Li…
How to Hide Submit buttonSummary: How to hide 'Submit' button on Restricted Party Screening page in GTM Cloud Content (required): We have received one customer requirement wherein we want to hid…
Auto Creation of Solicitation CampaignSummary: How to auto-create a campaign once Item Classification is approved Content (required): Hi all, I just got the requirement to auto-create a campaign (both both C…
Is it possible to solicitate both COO and Qualification in one single campaign?Summary: Requirement is to get COO and FTA Qualification in one single campaign Content (required): Hi all, our understanding on out-of-box behavior is that user has to …
Trade Agreements System Set UpSummary: We are in the process of conducting a POC on Trade Agreements, I have created an agreement, Trade Item Structure, Rule of Origin etc, but when I try to run the …