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Global Trade Management
Discussion List
Action Check on Value Qualifier on a TransactionSummary: When we apply action check on Trade Transaction using audit action EDIT GTM TRANSACTION and allow condition based on the value of a value qualifier then system …
Consolidating Campaign line info into document and sending content using email notification.Summary: Consolidating Document on Campaign line and sending it to the supplier using Send Notification Action on Campaign. Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Is it possible that ROO would be based on a value percentage in Item Qualification.Summary: The current ROO is almost all based on tariff shift. Is it possible that ROO would be based on a value percentage Based on the type of Trade Agreement or Based …
Upcoming DB Parameter Changes for Oracle Cloud(OTM/GTM)Summary: We have received notification from Oracle that Oracle is making several changes to the current DB parameters, and those are internal to Oracle. However, Oracle …
Why we always have to tie the contacts to locations in GTM?Summary: We need to do supplier solicitation at supplier level and for that we need to create a contact record (for supplier) in GTM without a location. And also we want…
How to download Denied Party List from 3rd Party Vendors?Summary: Trade Content Provider Integration with GTM Content (required): We want to integrate the denied party trade content from a 3rd party vendor who is NOT "Descarte…
Can we hide the edit option within the "User Preferences" for users NOT having Admin RoleSummary: Can we hide the edit option within the "User Preferences" for users NOT having Admin Role, so as to restrict users from editing user preference values. Navigati…
What's the Max Number of records Allowed in Visual Builder Excel Plug-in?Summary: What's the Max Number of records Allowed in Visual Builder Excel Plug-in? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am in the processing …
Add CMS while scheduling a reportSummary: CMS (Content Management System) list of values is available (for example sharepoint CMS) when we run the report but not available when we want to schedule a rep…
GTM_ITEM_CLASS_REFNUM table is not available in data dictionarySummary: GTM_ITEM_CLASS_REFNUM table is not available in OTM-GTM data dictionary. Pls add. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…
Has anybody use functionality of Trade Incentive Program?Summary: I am looking to configure drawback process under GTM and I think this should be done under this functionality. Any experience or comments? Content (required): T…
Output of Cost Allocation in a non USD currency results in a USD valueSummary: Output of Cost Allocation in a non USD currency results in a USD value instead of the actual currency . For Ex - If the Header value is in EUR and the Line Valu…
Cost Allocation based on PO line freight chargeSummary: The requirement is as follows: When multiple POs are shipped via single ASN ,GTM to do cost allocation of freight and insurance from Header to Line but based on…
How to generate the SHIPMENT_XID using BNG for the specific shipment typeSummary: Requirement to Generate SHIPMENT_XID only for SECONDARY_CHARGE Shipments. For example we are generating the XID based using BN rule(ex Shipment_xid:YYSC00000000…
Qualification Report - Tariff Shift column blank in certain casesSummary: Qualification Report - Tariff Shift column blank in certain cases Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Referring to attached qualifica…
Could I use a Report Parameter in another Report Parameter Query to re-calculate it?Summary: I am setting up a Report in Business Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Reports. When I go to run, I enter the parameters: STAR DATE END DA…
Transaction Line action "Assign License Show Options" do not show me optionsSummary: I select one transaction line and run this action "Assign License Show Options", I get this message "There is no matching license available" I think my configur…
How can I edit Declaration Line Quantity Precision?Summary: It is necessary to set how many decimal places are displayed for the field on the user interface. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
¿The Transaction action "Remove from Declarations" is deprecated?Summary: The declaration was not removed from transaction. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if …
Integration with GTM for supplier screeningSummary: Integration with GTM to perform supplier screening when a supplier is created and also for existing suppliers Content (required): We want to integrate with GTM …
DEMIN Calculation Result Not Shown in Qualification Analysis ReportSummary: DEMIN Calculation Result should show up in Qualification Analysis Report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Whenever DEMIN was calcu…
"Minimum Operations Met" in Item QualificationSummary: What does "Minimum Operations Met" exactly mean in Item Qualification? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our users felt confused wh…
"Effective Date of Origin" and "Expiration Date of Origin" on Qualification Report HeaderSummary: Shouldn't "Effective Date of Origin" and "Expiration Date of Origin" on Qualification Report Header be replaced with "Effective Date of Qualification" and "Expi…
How do I generate a report in OCI showing the blocked users?Summary: In the user list you can see if the users are active, inactive or blocked. However, I can't find a report that tells me if users are blocked. Content (please en…
Qualification ReportSummary: How we can customize Qualification Report. Like adding new column to show percentage contribution of component or so on. Content (please ensure you mask any con…
Single character C is excluded in RPLSSummary: In what case will Single character C get extracted out from a word and excluded from RPLS? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When I…
Formula Expressions to multiply two Value qualifiersSummary: We have a requirement to multiply two value qualifiers using the Formula Expression, ex - C=A*B, where A,B,C are value qualifiers. Content (please ensure you ma…
User Creation from IDCS to GTMSummary: We have a requirement from customer to create a user from IDCS to GTM. Could you please check and provide us the details on how to setup this connection. Conten…
Whether its only UI change or data base column name also changed?Summary: Change introduced on GTM 24A Release: UPDATED LABELS IN SERVICE PARAMETER Release Note: In the Service Parameter, the labels of the Match Default field have bee…
Ad Hoc Denied Party Screening ServiceSummary: We would like to use Oracle GTM Denied Party Screening service for our custom web applications. We are using the SOAP service for Oracle ERP. Which REST service…