Navigation Menu value Update Error
As per 24A, trying to update Navigation Menu value to Not visible via Logic Configuration "WORKBENCH DEFAULT" to hide Left Navigation Menu.
Then getting below error:
[SQL_STATEMENT] update logic_parameter set param_value=?, param_uom_code=?, domain_name=? where logic_config_gid=? and logic_param_qual_gid=? and logic_scenario_gid=?; [null, null, PUBLIC, WORKBENCH DEFAULT, MAP VENDOR, DEFAULT]
[000201] [SQL_STATEMENT] update logic_parameter set param_value=?, param_uom_code=?, domain_name=? where logic_config_gid=? and logic_param_qual_gid=? and logic_scenario_gid=?; [null, null, PUBLIC, WORKBENCH DEFAULT, MAP VENDOR, DEFAULT] Cannot update the record. A required column has not been set. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01407: cannot update (???) to NULL java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01407: cannot update (???) to NULL at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer11.processError(