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Understanding Custom Access Control and Privileges for B2B Storefront Users

edited Mar 7, 2022 9:48PM in Commerce


Release 22A Revision 3 of Oracle Commerce includes custom access control and privileges for B2B Storefront Users.

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Release 22A Revision 3 of Oracle Commerce we now provide improved access control on the storefronts of B2B merchants to address the fact that, in many cases, B2B storefront users have very specific and distinct job roles that require access to different areas of a merchant's site. These updates apply to controlling the access that an account’s contacts have to the merchant’s site.

The attached article describes enhancements and new features that provide better access control on the storefronts of B2B merchants and includes details on how to define custom roles that align with users’ actual day-to-day responsibilities, and use the access rights within those roles to control users' access to custom UI components and custom functionality on your site. A role can be defined for a single account, or for all accounts.

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