Discussion List
Display product properties in the consoleHello, we created a custom widget to list products by category, but we noticed that some properties of $data.product are missing using console.log.... In the native "col…
Move images between environments in Oracle Commerce CloudSummary: We have a lot of new sites/images on our development environment and we are looking for an easy way to move the images to production. Is there a way to download…
AccesRight role add it or create it as administrator roleSummary: We created a role in AccesRight, but to use it within the commerce store, it must be "roladministrador." When creating it, an error occurs and prevents me from …
OCC How to add existing contacts to new subaccounts automatically?Summary: We would like to add the existing contacts to the newly created sub-accounts automatically. Currently we have to do the process manually. Please provide guidanc…
OCC Data and Analytics: Get logged in information of UserSummary: If there is a live source of OCC data our Data & Analytics Team can connect to, for getting the logged in information of the users. Content (please ensure you m…Aniket_Nagnath_Gade 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Pradeep Shankar-Support-Oracle Commerce
Error updating product description with text already formattedSummary: In Oracle Commerce Cloud - Admin we realized that when we tried to update the product description with a specific formatting, we received the error: “Illegal ma…
partial search does not workPartial search stopped working on this day Using the complete sku works perfectly (sku=0100021862660095), however when using the partial one you get no results (partial …
Install vendor scriptWe received information from the RD supplier to install a script after the tag. We inserted it into the footer widget template but we did not see this script being exec…
Can we enable email alerts for webhook failures?We know service operations in the admin show any webhook failures. But we wanted to setup and email notification to a common DL with IT and Business users to take some a…
how to re arrange sku in OCC adminSummary: In OCC admin, If the Product has multiple SKUs, then how do we re order or re arrange the SKUS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In…
Is bulk pricing possible with promotions?Summary: We are exploring if price breaks are possible with OCC's promotions. We are looking for a feature similar to volume pricing - bulk pricing, but for promotions. …
Is there an option to obtain a list of all users with an active cart in CX Commerce?Summary: Is there an option to obtain a list of all users with an active cart who have not yet converted it into an order in CX Commerce? Content (please ensure you mask…
update quote expiry in oracle commerce cloudSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
configure no-imageIn the site configuration we can see --> Select an image to be displayed on the storefront when the product image is not available. And after uploading the image is save…
Only retrieve products that are part of the priceListGroupSummary: Would like to obtain the list of items with their prices listed in priceListGroupId. Assume I have an Account with an assigned (ABCpriceListGroup), and I need t…
Can we edit the product Types of an existing Product by IdSummary: We have lots of products created in OCC now we have to change the Product Types for some products. Is there any way we can do it instead of deleting the product…
Promotion UpsellMessaging widget is not working correctly in our store;I followed what was presented in the documentation available at: "…
occs-agent change historySummary: Changes using occs-agent (client data) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Where can I view customer data change logs using the ...oc…
We need to get person data, in a way like active/inactive users. Is there any way to get these data?Summary: We need to get person data, in a way like active/inactive users. Is there any way to get these data? Is there any API available or any admin feature to fetch da…
Busy reception/publication serviceHello We have a process in the backend to update stock and we also have an interface that updates products/prices, however we noticed that cx-commerce only uses one rece…
Products/Items are missing from SiteSummary: Periodically our over night processes fail to update records because the item no longer exits in OCC ADMIN. When we send updates we do not send any default pric…
Create redirects to homepageSummary: We're using (create/update)Redirect via the REST API to set up redirects for old/removed pages to take us back to the homepage. Currently, we have a "/home" pag…
Creating a Custom Property which is a dropdown in Account/OrganizationSummary: how we can create custom property with dropdown holding some default values similar to Account Type and Customer Type at the organization level Content (please …
We Need A Report With The Following Occ Account DataHello! We need a report with the following OCC account data: - Customer CPF; - Number of orders placed; - Total Purchase Value; - Type of User; - Date of creation of eac…
Storefront BasicAuth Credentials Mandatory Update (24A Release)Due to security reasons, with 24A update, the storefront BasicAuth "password" is set to a randomly computed value if it’s still set to out-of-the-box default value of "a…
inherit all prices from the parent price group FlagSummary: Is there an API call available to update the "Inherit all prices from the parent price group" flag for an assigned Price List Group for a part. Content (please …
Filter display customizationHello! We know that we have an option in the OCC (Search/Facet Ordering) that we can filter what we want to be displayed from the filter options in the store within the …
Problems with images in the x_swatchMapping configHello! I'm applying the "color balls" configuration in our store, but I don't quite understand the flow in which the images are rendered on the screen in their respectiv…
Delete specific attributes from productTypeeHello? Does anyone know how I can delete this attribute from my productTypee? I created it as "short text" and created another as "type richText". So I need to delete wh…
Virus scanning on uploaded filesSummary: Does OCC have any virus scanning check on files that are uploaded to the platform? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inclu…