Discussion List
Oracle Commerce Cloud API to extract all accounts and members register in each accountHello. Initially, I use the ccadmin/v1/organization endpoint to look for key members and retrieve the member registered as the primary account. For example, I have an ac…
Attach Proposal Document to eSignature attachment field without using a Print ActionThe need is to be able to attach the generated proposal document to a eSIgnature file attachment attribute on a click of a button (Other than Print - A pop up box is not…Neeha24 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ganesan Viswanathan -Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Is there an option to obtain a list of all users with an active cart in CX Commerce?Summary: Is there an option to obtain a list of all users with an active cart who have not yet converted it into an order in CX Commerce? Content (please ensure you mask…
Is there a suggested way to grab external pricing from CPQ to OCC to show on Product Listing Pages?Summary: We currently are working on a CPQ integration and are struggling with a way to manage pricing in 2 different places: CPQ and OCC. We are able to get prices perf…
Orders Bulk UpdateSummary: We are looking into bulk updating orders and order items using the new import added in 23B. Is there any documentation we can use to see what payload to use to …
How to include Organization and Catalog information in the cart idle request payload?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to use oAuth token instead of basic authentication on Order Submit Webhook?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Only retrieve products that are part of the priceListGroupSummary: Would like to obtain the list of items with their prices listed in priceListGroupId. Assume I have an Account with an assigned (ABCpriceListGroup), and I need t…
passwordless login oracle commerceHi Everyone , Did anyone manage to implement a passwordless login for oracle commerce cloud. We would want to provide customers with an option to login into the site usi…
Can we edit the product Types of an existing Product by IdSummary: We have lots of products created in OCC now we have to change the Product Types for some products. Is there any way we can do it instead of deleting the product…
Issues when adding a new property to recordsWe are currently implementing the pre-order functionality in our e-commerce and have encountered some issues and questions that we would like to address. With the implem…
External Pricing Integration with Oracle ERP CloudSummary: I'm working with a customer that uses Oracle ERP Cloud with advanced pricing. I need to leverage the external pricing capabilities in OCC to call out to ERP clo…
How to integrate OCC with Kafka ?Summary: We have a new requirement where we need to integrate Oracle Commerce Cloud with Kafka (Point To Point). Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
occs-agent change historySummary: Changes using occs-agent (client data) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Where can I view customer data change logs using the ...oc…
Access geolocated country for logged-out userIn Oracle Commerce Cloud, is there any API I can call, from a widget or an SSE, to get the geolocated country of a logged-out user? I can see there is PUT /ccstore/v1/au…
How to set 'continueOnMissingProduct' on the Commerce API GET /ccadmin/v1/products (listProducts)Summary: When running the GET /ccadmin/v1/products API, the 'continueOnMissingProduct' does not function. This is Boolean which we are setting to true. API response is a…
We need to get person data, in a way like active/inactive users. Is there any way to get these data?Summary: We need to get person data, in a way like active/inactive users. Is there any way to get these data? Is there any API available or any admin feature to fetch da…
/ccadmin/v1/priceListGroups/listWithPricesDocumentation doesn't specify how you are suppose to provide product or sku id. I have tried placing the value in a few places based on other Oracle API syntax and get a…
Create redirects to homepageSummary: We're using (create/update)Redirect via the REST API to set up redirects for old/removed pages to take us back to the homepage. Currently, we have a "/home" pag…
Can a list of products with stock levels below a certain amount be obtained?Summary: I need a report on the products in OCC that have an inventory of '0,' since I now have over 400 thousand items. Is obtaining it possible? Thank You Rinith Amin
We Need A Report With The Following Occ Account DataHello! We need a report with the following OCC account data: - Customer CPF; - Number of orders placed; - Total Purchase Value; - Type of User; - Date of creation of eac…
How to add same product as separate items in the same purchaseList?Summary: We have use case where we need the same item is added to purchaseList as separate lines. This is so, different configurations of the same item can be stored. Co…
inherit all prices from the parent price group FlagSummary: Is there an API call available to update the "Inherit all prices from the parent price group" flag for an assigned Price List Group for a part. Content (please …
Why can't I query all attributes for an API?When using various API Organization, Product, Profiles, and etc.; I am finding that not all values in the payload can be filtered or queried on. Does Oracle Commerce Clo…
Problems closing orders with PayPal paymentHi, I'm facing a complicated problem with paypal payments. What happens: After completing the entire purchase flow, we arrive at checkout, choose the PayPal payment opti…
How to use out of the box endpoints OSFSummary: I'm fairly new to designing with OSF, and it's becoming a bit challenging to understand how to correctly use out-of-the-box endpoints. I've already read the doc…
Punchout format support in OCCSummary: Customer has requested for the ability to punch out to their catalog using OCI format. Content (required): We have done a previous punchout using Ariba for anot…
How to optionally avoid order re-pricing(webhook calls) while updating the order(updateCart)?In the checkout flow after shipping method is selected, it is required for us to update few dynamic properties of the order to capture and persist user actions. Those ac…
Enabling caching for /ccstore/v1/products/{id}Summary: How can we enable caching for the GET product endpoint (/ccstore/v1/products/{id})? - https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/cx-commerce/cxocc/op-ccstore-v1-prod…
API to find all root level orders statusesSummary: I tried to fetch root level order statuses by following the below documentation, but I couldn't able to fetch the data. Anyone please help me to get all root le…