Unable to use the relationship Id in the adaptive search payload.
Content (required):
Unable to use the relationship Id in the adaptive search payload. We’ve a custom object called ‘Charge Header’ and we’ve created a relationship with ‘Service Request’ object with 1:M relationship. Adaptive Search has been configured and enabled for Service Request & Charge Header objects. We’ve also made sure this relationship Id ‘ServiceRequest_Id_DN_NA_SR_ChargeHeader’ is also enabled for search. With below payload of Adaptive API search, we’re getting errors.
{ "entity":"ChargeHeader_c",
"fields": ["DN_NA_ChargeVersion_c","RecordName"],
"sort": [{ "attribute":"RecordName","direction":"ascending"}],
"q": {"op": "$and",
"criteria": [
{"op": "$eq",
"attribute": "ServiceRequest_Id_DN_NA_SR_ChargeHeader",