For task "Manage Distribution Sets" - how do I make sets Inactive via Import (Upload)?
Summary: Using the Import/Export feature, I was able to import my new distribution sets into Payables > Manage Distribution Sets. However, there were older sets already listed in the system that need to be removed. I have tried listing an Inactive Date on the import spreadsheet but they are never reflected in the system. I have 860 that need to be removed/end dated so it's not feasible to go in one by one and list an Inactive Date. Has anyone done this successfully?
Content (required): Using the Import/Export feature, I was able to import my new distribution sets into Payables > Manage Distribution Sets. However, there were older sets already listed in the system that need to be removed. I have tried listing an Inactive Date on the import spreadsheet but they are never reflected in the system. I have 860 that need to be removed/end dated so it's not feasible to go in one by one and list an Inactive Date. Has anyone done this successfully?