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Oracle DYN Shutdown and Responsys Domain Branding

Announcement: Oracle DYN's shutdown impacts Domain Branding in Responsys

Oracle DYN is shutting down at the end of May 2023. For many years, Oracle Responsys customers have enjoyed Domain Branding in Responsys by delegating their branded domains to Oracle DYN. These same accounts must now re-delegate their branded domains off Oracle DYN to Akamai to avoid any service disruptions regarding Response Handler traffic, Short URL traffic, and email service.

The domain re-delegation process is the SAME as the process used by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Migration customer-preparation process. To facilitate the re-delegation to Akamai, we will enable the OCI Migration in-application guidance panels for the DYN-affected Responsys accounts in i2, i5, i8, and i9.


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