Coverage Amount Formula to pick up element entry values
The coverage amount for the Life Insurance needs to be Total Cost of Employment so I have written a formula to pick up the values of the Element Entry values based on an example I found in customer connect - this is not working, please could someone post a formula that does work
This is the example formula:
3. How to use element entry values within benefits rates /********************************************************************** FORMULA NAME: RT_VALUE_CALC FORMULA TYPE: Rate Value Calculation ***********************************************************************/ Default_data_value for ORCL_PP_ELEMENT_2_AMOUNT_ENTRY_VALUE is 0 Default for BEN_OPT_NAME is 'NA' /* Initialization section */ i=1 l_val=0 l_ret=0 if (ORCL_PP_ELEMENT_2_AMOUNT_ENTRY_VALUE.exists(i)) then (l_val=ORCL_PP_ELEMENT_2_AMOUNT_ENTRY_VALUE[i]) if (BEN_OPT_NAME='ACT_ZHRX_PLAN_1_EMP') then ( l_ret=750-l_val ) else if (BEN_OPT_NAME='ACT_ZHRX_PLAN_1_FAM' OR BEN_OPT_NAME='ACT_ZHRX_PLAN_1_CHILD') then ( l_ret=1500-l_val ) if (l_ret