Category 453
Discussion List
Error when Evaluating Life Event - Termination (PAY-1635003Summary: Hello, Encountered the error below when trying to Evaluate back dated Termination Life Event. Resignation is 10/1/2024 What might be possible reason for this? T…
Employee was not able to enroll into the Benefits from Employee Self Service PageSummary: Hello, We are using Seeded Employee role, but the employee was not able to "Enroll" into the Benefits from Employee Self Service Page. We can see that Enrollmen…
Historical Benefit Enrollment ConversionSummary: Hi All We intend to use ACA on fusion HCM benefits. What we could learn is that the ACA needs full enrollment data of an year, so we can report ACA for that yea…
Error "Autocompletion failed" when using search in Benefits Service CenterSummary: Navigate to Benefits Administration > Enrollments > Search Person If we type the name/ID in and accurately select the record, we do not have any problems. Howev…
Why do we use "Continuing Benefits Type" at life event levelAt the life event level we have a continuing benefits type field. Could someone please explain why do we use this field and its significance.
Short Term Disability Coverage Amount is showing $0 for High Wage EarnersHey there! We have noticed that our employees making $350,000 or more are showing $0 for the coverage amount under the Short-Term Disability plan in benefits summary. Th…
Redwood Review Employee Resources for benefits not showing your documentsSummary: We are testing Redwood for Benefits in TEST and noticed that the resources we have in Production are not showing in Redwood. When I open it in VBS I do not see …
Getting "One or more valid dependent for the participant could not be found" error in Data loadingSummary: We are trying to load Benefits Dependent Data but facing the error of "An error occurred. To review details of the error run the HCM Data Loader Error Analysis …
How to enable multiple assignments for benefit relationshipSummary: We are rehiring a retiree into a non benefit eligible role. Therefore, we need to change their benefit relationship assignment to their original role they retir…
Kick starting oracle delivered benefits process using SOAPSummary: Need guidance on how to kick start oracle delivered scheduled Process using SOAP. Example: "Assign Corrective Potential Life Event" is a Benefit schedule proces…
Report a life event tile missing under Me --> BenefitsSummary: Report a life event tile missing under Me --> Benefits post enabling benefits redwood in dev environment. How to add Report a life event tile under Me —> Benefi…
Two life events added on the same day is giving error.Summary: The life events are Birth/Adoption and Salary life event both effective on 3/3/2025. How to resolve the error? Error: You can't process this life event because …
After adding a new court order in Redwood, there are no dependents to selectSummary: We have recently enabled and are testing the Redwood Benefit Court Order Page and have followed all the enablement steps and updated our security roles with the…
When does Benefits Admin Page transition to RedwoodSummary: We are testing Redwood and turned on all Profile options but noticed that the Benefits Admin page is not in redwood. Should this be the case? Content (please en…
Rate calculation FF based on the number of Dependents selected isnt working as intended?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): So our client has a requirement where the Family plan rates are calculated based on the number of…
the life event doesnt get wiped off from self serviceredwood benefits 25a, after voiding the life event from the my client groups -> Benefits Summary, the life event doesn't get wiped off from the self-service' Report a li…
Adding subcategory duplicating in printable statement for Total Compensation StatementHi Experts, I have a requirement where we need to show a pie chart for annual salary and benefits. I have added benefits as subcategory in Base pay category but due to s…
Facing a unique issue in 25A where preexisting eligbility is no longer working?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): So we had this requirement like this Grade A,B,C - Plan X Grade D,E,F - Plan Y Grade G,H,I - Plan…
How to automatically remove dependent enrollment plan when child ages 26Dear Experts Can someone let me know steps to be enabled to have a Child removed from an enrollment plan if Child ages 26. Best Regards Rafatullah bS
REDWOOD UI is not showing propertly the Benefits Programs for the employeesSummary: When an employee review her benefits program on Redwood, the program is not showing the latest enrollment, no mather the filter we applied. Could this be becaus…
No records are returned when running the 1094 process for California. Any ideas?Summary: No records are returned when running the 1094 process for California even though there are over 400 employees in California. This has worked in prior years. Not…Karl Neff 25 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Karl Neff Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Can we update coverage end date for mass population?Summary: I need to update the Waive Option coverage end date for mass population via batch or other means. We end dated the plan already. Therefore, when I run a life ev…
document type description is automatically prefixed with <p> and suffixed with </p>Summary: Updated the document type ' Enrollment Document' description to 'HOOPP Enrollment or Waiver Form' but from the self-service document of records page, the name s…
Redwood Time and LaborSummary: Hello, I hope someone can help us here In Classic UI, if a Project needs to have the status changed, the system will notify you what row needs to be updated. In…
original enrollment dateSummary: Hello! I am trying to get at the Original Enrollment Date. Currently in reporting the date shows effective when there is a change in plans or coverage levels in…
Redwood: VBS Personalization in Family & Emergency Contacts not reflected in Before you enroll pageRedwood: Visual Builder Studio Personalization in Family & Emergency Contacts not reflected in Before you enroll page
Benefits Close enrollment and Reevaluate Designee Eligibility process behaviourSummary: Persons are getting processed even though the life events are not closed (Close Enrollment Process) or Loss of Eligibility LE is not assigned to dependents Cont…
COBRA Qualifying event sample ExtractSummary: Hi I am writing a extract for benefits Strategies for COBRA Qualifying event. Does anyone have a sample extract that I can use. If not can someone share what, u…
Is there a way to lookup audit/history details (including deletion) of person contacts?Summary: We are seeing some odd data behaviour, although we can see the history in UI, would like to see if there have been any deleted records as well. Content (please …
How do I get the Add button back under Person Info?Summary: I was updating an employee's tobacco designation under Person Info, and had the wrong start date, so I deleted the designation and was going to start over using…